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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 153

“Quick, look! She’s so pretty. Where did she come from?”

“Is she a ghost? Works have not yet started in that direction she came from. It is still deserted. Why would she come from there?”

“If there was such a pretty ghost, I wouldn’t mind trying! Heh.” One man let out a sleazy laughter.

“There are no ghosts in the world. I think she is just a lonely woman who came out to find men, and she got lost. So she ended up here.”

The effects of alcohol gave the men the audacity to say such things out loud. They did not care whether Ning Ran heard them.

Ning Ran did not hear all of it clearly, but she had heard enough to feel anxious.

The owner of the BBQ stall was a middle-aged woman. She turned away from the men and waved discreetly at Ning Ran. It was to warn her not to come over and provoke them.

Ning Ran was already on the brink of exhaustion. She hastened her steps and did not look at the BBQ stall as she walked past.

However, after a while, she heard footsteps behind her.

When she turned around, she saw several dark figures under the dim light. The men had followed her all the way there!

Ning Ran got really worried.

She tried to run, but her heels prevented her from doing that.

She removed her heels and threw them aside. Then, she started to run with all the remaining energy she had.

The men started chasing after her.

She had already walked a long way, and had depleted a lot of energy from throwing up just now. No matter how hard she tried, she was not able to run fast.

The men were getting nearer and nearer.

Just when Ning Ran was feeling hopeless, she saw headlights in front of her again.

“Help!” Ning Ran waved frantically.

The car swerved towards the workers.

The headlights from the car were blinding. Seeing that the car had no intent to slow down, the workers were terrified and scooted off.

That car maneuvered a perfect drift, and did a U-turn. It stopped next to Ning Ran.

This time, Ning Ran hurled herself at the car. “I was wrong! I shouldn’t have attended the class gathering. I shouldn’t have got onto Feng Minsheng’s car!”

Ning Ran was not stupid. She could guess the reason for Nan Xing’s anger, even though she was not aware that it was actually Nan Chen.

As such, when she saw the car, she immediately admitted her mistake, disregarding her image.

At that moment, staying alive was the most important thing to her. Dignity was worthless compared to her life.

The car slowed down, but did not stop.

Ning Ran ran alongside the car. “Help me! I was wrong!”

The car finally stopped.

The man alighted from the car, but ignored Ning Ran. He was walking in the opposite direction.

Ning Ran did not understand what he was doing, but she did not care. She rushed into the car and held on tightly to the handle after putting on her seat belt.

She was determined to stay inside the car no matter what!

The man finally came back, holding a pair of heels. He threw the heels towards her.

It was her shoes! She accepted it gratefully. “Thank you so much for getting my shoes back.”

The man was stunned. He was the cause of her misfortunes and yet, she was thanking him?

Hypocritical indeed!

No, I cannot pity her. I cannot pity this woman with loose morals.

Nan Chen’s fury sprang to life once again, when his mind traveled back to the scene of the vibrating BMW.

Ning Ran suddenly realized that the man’s expression was turning chilly. She kept quiet immediately.

But she was still holding tightly onto the handle. She was worried that the man would throw her out of the car.

“The person you saw tonight was Feng Minsheng. We were classmates in high school. We were also desk mates.”


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