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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 176

One hour later, Ning Ran was at the headquarters of the Nanshi Corporation.

Jiang Zhe had called her and told her that Nan Chen wanted to talk to her.

She didn’t want to see that Poker Face, but he was the biggest investor of the show.

The production had been halted once more because of her, and the negative impact was indescribable so she was responsible for explaining the situation.

However, the truth was that the Poker Face already knew what had happened so the only reason why he had called her over was to make things even more difficult for her.

She was, in fact, partly responsible for that nightmare so even if the Poker Face was mean to her, she had no choice but to take it because the Poker Face was the only one strong enough to handle a situation like this.

Lowering one’s head was a routine activity when living under someone else’s care.

“Ms. Ning, this way please,” said Jiang Zhe who had personally come to welcome her and was smiling as usual.

That was an intelligent man. When others were present, he would refer to her as ‘Ms. Ding’, but when no one else was around, he would use Ning Ran’s birth name.

That made them seem closer and made Ning Ran feel like she was in the presence of a friend.

An old fox like Jiang Zhe knew that even though it would take a lot of twists and turns, there was a good chance that the ridiculously beautiful actress in front of him would be a bride of the Nan Family in the future.

Ning Ran was a ‘hidden financial portfolio’ and being nice to her may be a good investment for his future.

After Ning Ran entered the private elevator, she frowned and thought What do I say when I see that Poker Face later?

Jiang Zhe observed the future Young Mistress’s troubled expression and said, “Ms. Ning, don’t worry. Sir Chen had invited you over to talk about the disturbance on the production set, but someone malicious must’ve done something to make it happen so it’s not your fault.”

Something about Jiang Zhe’s words felt off so Ning Ran thought about them and concluded that Nan Chen was still investigating the matter but had asked her over anyway to make things difficult for her.

“What does Sir Chen plan to do?”

The elevator was moving fast, and they would reach Nan Chen’s office soon. Time was running out so Ning Ran decided to be direct instead of wasting time being polite.

I better find out everything I can before I deal with that Poker Face.

“I’m not sure,” answered Jiang Zhe, “However, I do know that Sir Chen cares deeply about the kids and is worried that they might be hurt by the incident.”

Ning Ran got the message immediately.

The Poker Face is taking advantage of the situation to take my children away! His excuse for doing so would be to question how I intend to keep the children safe when I can’t even protect myself.

At that moment, Ning Ran’s phone rang. Cheng Xiangyun had called.

“The security at our place called. People had gathered around my house to try to get to you. Ran, don’t come home tonight. It’s not safe anymore.”

They went all the way to Cheng Xiangyun’s house?

Who could’ve leaked that information? Who knew that Ning Ran was staying there?

Ning Ran had a better idea of who the main culprit behind these incidents might be.

“I got it,” replied Ning Ran whose heart was getting heavier.

“Don’t worry, it’ll pass soon enough. You can stay in a hotel for the time being or go live in the Nan Family’s place. Oh wait, didn’t Nan Xing say he wanted to give you a villa? You could…”

“Shut up, woman,” said the exasperated Ning Ran.

“You shut up. You must be the world’s dumbest person to turn down a villa like that,” replied Cheng Xiangyun, “Why am I a friend to an idiot like you?”

“Yeah, yeah, you’re smart, but you can’t even find a husband.”

“Oh, and you can?”

Ning Ran wasn’t in the mood to keep arguing with Cheng Xiangyun so she hung up.

Nan Chen was having a conference so he had Ning Ran wait for him in the office.

She waited for two long hours.

The anxious Ning Ran kept drinking the coffee that the secretary had prepared for her and ended up finishing 5 whole cups.

With so much liquid in her system, Ning Ran’s visit to the toilet became more frequent.

Her breathtaking beauty caught all the employee’s attention. They got their phone out to confirm that the woman in their office was the one who got on the front page with Zheng Lunlun and the fourth young master of the Nan Family.

One of the employees deliberated for a long while before she decided to approach Ning Ran and ask to take a photo together.

“You want to take a photo with me?” said Ning Ran who wasn’t sure if she had heard right.

“Yes, we love you,” said the female employee, “and we admire your bravery.”

Ning Ran was stunned and wondered, what’s going on?

Oh, so they did see a ghost.


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