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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 288

Even though Ning Ran had tried to salvage the situation, it was already too late.

In Nan Chen’s eyes, the woman had gotten angry with him over that doctor!

To Nan Chen, it was ridiculous for Ning Ran to get mad at him over another man. How dare she?

Nan Chen slammed his chopsticks even harder on the table.

This action of his shocked Dabao and Erbao.

“Daddy and Mommy are fighting!” Erbao got scared and cried out.

That served as a timely reminder for Nan Chen that he should not be behaving in such a fierce manner in front of the kids.

“We’re not fighting. Daddy and Mommy are just having a discussion,” Nan Chen explained.

“Really?” Erbao was unconvinced.

“Yup, we are not fighting.”

Nan Chen and Ning Ran were on the same page when it came to the behavior that they should be displaying when they were in the presence of the kids.

After Erbao’s intervention, the adults stopped their conversation. The two of them had reached a silent consensus that it was not necessary to discuss the matter in front of the children.

“I’m thinking of going back to the film set today. I’ve already fully recovered and don’t feel like staying at home anymore.”

Ning Ran changed the subject to ease the awkwardness.

“Maybe you should rest for another day,” Nan Chen suggested.

“I don’t think I want to. I’m feeling so cooped up at home all day. I’m really feeling fine now.”

“Even if you return, Wang Yan wouldn’t have the guts to let you resume working,” Nan Chen said.

Ning Ran was infuriated.

Why do I have to listen to everything he says? Why does he always have the last say?

Ning Ran was really annoyed that Nan Chen was always deciding matters for her on her behalf.

Although the man could tell that Ning Ran was upset, he did not really care.

“Since you claim you have fully recovered, you shall be in charge of preparing dinner tonight. I will inform the kitchen to not deliver food to us,” Nan Chen said.

“Yay! Mommy is cooking for us!” Erbao cheered.

“Do you like mommy’s cooking?” Ning Ran asked her daughter.

“Yes!” Erbao nodded continuously.

“Then, does it mean that mommy’s cooking is better than the chefs from the Nan family’s kitchen?” Ning Ran asked a follow-up question.

Erbao paused to think, before answering with a sincere expression, “Mommy’s cooking just tastes different. It is what we prefer.”

Dabao nodded in agreement with his sister.

Ning Ran was so touched that tears welled up in her eyes.

“OK, then mommy shall whip up some yummy dishes for you guys tonight. But I need you to help mommy out in the kitchen yeah?”

“No problem!” Dabao and Erbao agreed chirpily.

After the kids finished their breakfast, Nan Chen asked his chauffeur to send them to school first. He was intending to drive to work himself later.

Ning Ran knew the man wanted to continue with their unfinished conversation.

Nan Chen had actually already forgotten this matter. However, he was dismayed to know that it weighed so heavily on Ning Ran’s mind.

Did she care so much about that doctor just because he had delivered lunch to her?

Was she that easily stirred up? I have to get to the bottom of the matter.

“I was the one who requested for that doctor to be fired by the hospital,” Nan Chen said while putting on his tie.

“Do you always tie your own tie?” Ning Ran gave an irrelevant reply.

She knew talking about that doctor would put the man in a bad mood. As such, asking an irrelevant question was a tactic which she was using to create a more harmonious atmosphere, such that it would make it more conducive for their discussion on the main topic.

Ning Ran believed it would be easier for the problem to be solved when Nan Chen was in a better mood.

Nan Chen was caught off-guard by her sudden switch of direction. What is this woman trying to allude to by asking this question?

“Are you going to do it for me?” Nan Chen pointed to his tie.

Why was she so proficient at doing this? As far as he understood, women rarely wore ties.

Could it be because she had practiced it frequently on a man and thats why she has gotten so good at it?


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