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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 297

“Cheng Xiangyun, you traitor!” Ning Ran bellowed.

“Whom have I betrayed?” Cheng Xiangyun asked, feigning innocence.

“Of course it’s me! Who else can you betray?”

“What have I done? Isn’t this house good? Have you paid a single cent for rental? Aren’t you and the kids staying here more comfortably than when you had to squeeze in my house? I’m making your life better! In what way have I betrayed you?”

Ning Ran was dumbfounded for a moment before she struggled to reply, “But you lied to me! This is a fact!”

“What have I done? Have I swindled you out of your money or love? You have not paid a single cent and still got to stay in such a nice house. What are you complaining about? It’s a gift from heaven! Do you think a mere three thousand is enough to rent this villa? Are you dreaming?”

A sudden recollection struck Ning Ran.

“Cheng Xiangyun, I remember that, on the second day after moving in, you asked me for five thousand, claiming that three thousand was to pay for the house rent and the other two thousand was to pay for the property management fees. How dare you claim that I did not pay a single cent for the house? Since you did not use it for the house, it means that you must have cheated me of that five thousand! Return the money to me!”

Cheng Xiangyun smacked her own head, “Did I?”

“Of course you did! I transferred the money to you back then! I still have the receipt of that transfer transaction! You swindler!”

Cheng Xiangyun pondered for a second. Seems like its true.

“It is all for your own good, to convince you about the house. Anyway, you have gotten yourself a rich man. Will you still mind a mere few thousand?”

“I mind!”

“Stop your nonsense. You still have to film tomorrow. Quickly go to bed,” reminded Cheng Xiangyun, preparing to retreat.

Most importantly, she has to sleep now. I really cant discuss with her in details over monetary matters.

“Oh yes, will you still be staying here in the future?”

Pulling a long face, Cheng Xiangyun replied, “Aren’t you humiliating me? The real owner is here already. I will move my things out of this place tomorrow morning.”

“I don’t mean that. Didn’t you rent out your house? Where will you be moving to?”

“Anywhere other than this place, is fine.”

“I don’t think you need to move. Nan Chen is not staying here permanently. He is staying here temporarily to spend more time with the children. Furthermore, you know his house is not even in this city, so you need not move out for his sake.”

“Of course, I don’t wish to move out and to spend money to rent another place. But Sir Chen is here. I can’t insist to stay here while he is around.”

“Of course you can. He has a lot of property and can stay in somewhere else. Also, my relationship with him has not progressed to the stage where we can cohabit yet.”

“Okay then let’s agree on this arrangement. If he stays here, I will move out. But if not, I will stay here for a while more. After all, I have rented out my house and can’t jolly well chase the tenant out before the contract period is up. I will have to wait till the rental period’s up before I ask the tenant to move out.”

“You really need not move out. Don’t worry about it.”

The next afternoon.

Nan Chen just finished lunch with his business partners and was prepared to rest for twenty minutes in his office.

Jiang Zhe stood guard outside his office personally, to ensure that his boss would have a peaceful rest.

At this moment, Qiao Zhan came over to look for Nan Chen and was thrilled to see Jiang Zhe standing outside the office.

“Has Assistant Jiang changed jobs to become a security guard instead? Welcome to my security team. Oh, on second thought, forget it. Given your small build, I’m afraid that you can’t even protect yourself, much fewer others.”

Jiang Zhe scoffed at Qiao Zhan’s jeers.

Qiao Zhan refused to back down and joked in return, “Even your scoff is so feminine. It suits your demeanor though.”


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