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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 299

The Sound of Thunder 2 was in the last stage of filming now. The director had made arrangements to complete the filming within one week and to enter the post-production stage immediately, to make it in time to screen on television during the upcoming festive period.

It was a calculated risk to screen the series during the festive period. It would be competing against big-budget films, and the various exciting variety shows on television. A drama series must be of superb quality to attract the viewers during the festive period, so most producers avoid screening new drama series during this period. However, Nan Chen had full confidence in it and insisted on it to be screened during this period.

Furthermore, he was convinced that the viewers must have grown sick of the numerous hosts standing on stage hosting those disorganized New Year parties, and those silly big-budget commercial films.

Certainly, they prefer a new drama series with a handsome cast and superb acting skills.

Although everyone was apprehensive, they believed in Nan Chen’s decision. He was seldom wrong, and even in the rare occurrences where he was wrong, he had always found innovative solutions to remedy the situation.

Thus, everyone was rushing the filming schedule frenziedly, to make it in time to screen on the New Year day.

Today was the latest Ning Ran had worked till in recent days. It was already 9.30 pm when she left the film set. She was dead beat.

Qiao Zhan had arranged for a bodyguard to wait for her.

After she boarded the car and apologized to the bodyguard for letting him wait, she leaned against the back of the seat and closed her eyes to rest.

The car drove on for a while before it screeched to a sudden halt.

Ning Ran banged her head against the headrest of the seat in front of her due to the impact. Luckily, it was well-cushioned and did not cause her much harm.

“Sorry, I’m sorry.” The bodyguard apologized to her frantically.

“What happened?”

“A man suddenly dashed across the road. I almost knocked into him; it was so dangerous. I’m so sorry, Ms. Ding.”

“It’s fine. Luckily you did not knock into him.”

Ning Ran looked up at the road before her. Indeed, a man was running on the streets, and two men were chasing him on his heels.

It seemed like he could not run much longer as he was slowing down despite his best efforts.

The two men chasing after him had caught up to him. One gave him a kick and knocked him down to the ground.

A harsh beating ensued.

But that man miraculously broke free and resumed his run.

“Let’s call the police.” Ning Ran took out her phone.

“Let’s check out what has happened first.” In their line of work, bodyguards would avoid contact with the police whenever possible. It would be detrimental to their job if the police recognized them in the future.

Ning Ran caught the man’s face just as the bodyguard was replying her.

Hes Ning Ziqiang!

Regardless of his character, he was, after all, Ning Ran’s father. Thus, she recognized him in an instant.

“I want to help him,” said Ning Ran to the bodyguard, her voice trembling.

“Okay, I will settle the men.” The bodyguard agreed immediately.

He alighted from the car and went at them, bare-fisted.

At this moment, Ning Ziqiang was captured by the two men again who were pounding at him with their fists.

By now, Ning Ziqiang was drained out of energy and failed to shake off their grasp no matter how hard he struggled.

“Let him go,” hollered the bodyguard.

“Who in the hell are you? How dare you poke your nose in others’ businesses?”

“I said, let him go!” The bodyguard repeated.

“Darned, why is he so nosy? Finish him off!”

The two men dashed towards the bodyguard.

All the men under Qiao Zhan were professionals, and all of them could single-handedly beat three men at one go.

Soon, the two men were defeated. They scrambled to their feet and ran away, cursing and swearing.

The bodyguard was perplexed. Is Ms. Ding intending to do good while staying anonymous?

Ignore him! Ignore him! He and Luo Yi were the cause of Moms death!

The bodyguard looked at them in astonishment. Thank god I did not push the old man just now. I might have unintentionally offended my boss!


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