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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 326

Ning Ran only raised her head when she heard Nan Chen’s footsteps.

She immediately stopped laughing and tried her very best to act demure.

“What were you laughing about?” Nan Chen was very curious.

“Nothing.” Ning Ran felt rather embarrassed by her behavior.

I thought the meeting was going to take a long time! Why is he back so soon?

“Nothing? Then why did you laugh so crazily just now?”

“Me? Laughing crazily? You must have heard wrong!” Ning Ran said.

He furrowed his brows. “It was pretty loud. I’m quite sure it was you.”

By now, Ning Ran was rather abashed. “Fine. I laughed a little louder because I thought there was no one around. But more importantly, this video is so funny!”

“Is that so? Can I have a look.”

Ning Ran opened up the clip and passed her phone to Nan Chen.

The video was about a rural couple deciding which chicken to kill for dinner.

Reaching an impasse, they decided that the first person to catch a chicken from the coop would choose the chicken to have for dinner.

Then, both entered the coop simultaneously; and thus, began a wild “goose” chase. Within a short time, the couple was covered in chicken feathers and manure. It was truly a sight!

Nan Chen watched the video twice but still could not figure out what was so funny about it.

“So you were laughing because of this?” Nan Chen looked very doubtful of her words.

“Yes! Look at them! Oh, they look hilarious!”

Nan Chen passed the mobile back to her with a look of disdain.

What is so funny about this, you crazy woman?

“By the way, your mother called.” Ning Ran suddenly recalled.

He looked towards her upon hearing this.

“I looked at your phone earlier because it kept vibrating. Well, it turned out to be a call from your mother. I figured she would worry if you didn’t pick up, so I answered the call on your behalf. Look, I regret it now, so please don’t scold me, alright? Why don’t you return her call first? Otherwise, she would become anxious.” Ning Ran admitted timidly.

“It’s alright,” Nan Chen calmly replied.

He could guess why Bai Hua called him. Furthermore, he did not blame Ning Ran for picking up the call. Since he left his phone here, it went without saying that he was not afraid of her using his phone.

“Why not? She sounded rather worried. I think you should return her call. It wouldn’t be nice to keep her worrying,” Ning Ran advised.

“Did she sound worried?”

Well, yes, but its because she heard that it was me who picked up the call.

“Uhm, yes.”

Nan Chen picked up the phone and dialed Bai Hua.

“Chen, is that you?” Bai Hua asked from the other end of the call.

“Yes. What’s up?” Nan Chen asked her indifferently.

“There was a girl who picked up my call earlier. Who is she? This is your private number, right? I’m sure not a lot of people knew about this number, so why was it in her hands?” Bai Hua asked.

However, Nan Chen did not want to explain the matter because he felt that it was none of her business.

“Is there something you need?” Nan Chen rephrased his question.

“Who was the lady just now?”

“I’ll hang up if you don’t get to the point. I’m busy…”

“Okay, wait! Chen, don’t hang up! I’m sure you know that your dad is arriving at the airport today. Let’s go pick him up, shall we?”

Nan Chen stayed silent.

The truth was, he already considered and decided against it.

This should be about work. Nan Chen picked up the other phone and passed his private cell to Ning Ran.

She was taken aback. Hes giving it to me? Hes asking me to speak to his mother? What the heck?


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