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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 329

Truth be told, Ning Ran did not want to add Ouyang Qing.

There was no particular reason, she simply did not want to.

But Ouyang Qing was very insistent and had even taken out her phone, just waiting for Ning Ran to add her. It would make her look bad if Ning Ran were to reject her.

If Ouyang Qing were a man, Ning Ran wouldn’t mind being blunt.

However, since the person standing across her was a pretty and stunning young girl that was speaking to her in such an adorable way, Ning Ran couldn’t bring herself to be harsh with her.

So in the end, she added Ouyang Qing on WeChat.

“Thank you, Ran. This way,” with a sweet tone, Ouyang Qing led Ning Ran to her car.

Ouyang Qing’s car was a very eye-catching red sports car.

Just like its owner, her car was the epitome of beauty and class.

Ouyang Qing opened the car door for Ning Ran personally, which made the latter felt a little overwhelmed.

Even though the two of them were acquaintances at best, Ouyang Qing had succeeded in making Ning Ran let her guard down.

It was said that some people were blessed with an inborn innocent look that could quickly win over others’ trust, and Ouyang Qing was one of them.

“Ran, could you please share our location with Chen so that he can follow us? I’m not sure if he knows the way to the restaurant,” Ouyang Qing said.


Ning Ran shared their location with Nan Chen, but he did not reply.

“Ran, what kind of a person is Chen?”

Ouyang Qing continued chatting with Ning Ran as she drove.

It was a rare chance for her to interact directly with Ning Ran, so Ouyang Qing had to seize the opportunity to dig as much information from her as she could.

As the saying goes, one should always keep one’s friends close and one’s enemies closer. It was a principle that Ouyang Qing lived by.

It never occurred to Ning Ran that Ouyang Qing would bring up such a question and in an instant, she became wary again.

Why is she asking about this?

After all, shes so close with the Nan family. How could she not know what kind of a person Nan Chen is?

If she knows everything but still asks me, does that mean that shes trying to fish some information from me?

Maybe she has even placed a voice recorder in the car to record down how Id complain about Poker Face so that she could accuse me of it…

At the thought of that, Ning Ran became even more vigilant.

But upon further pondering, she felt that she might have complicated things herself. Im probably overthinking stuff, this isnt a TV series, after all. I dont think actual humans could be so treacherous in reality, right?

“Ran, what are you thinking about?” Ouyang Qing’s voice pulled Ning Ran back to reality.

“Oh, nothing.”

“You haven’t answered my question yet,” Ouyang Qing continued.

“What question?” Ning Ran feigned ignorance.

“I was asking, what do you think about Chen?” Ouyang Qing repeated her question.

“Mr. Chen? I don’t know much about him.”

Ning Ran tried her best to deflect her question. Trying to snoop about and get information from me? I wont be fooled!

“Come on now, no way that’s true! You’re so close with Chen. How can you not know much about him?”

“No, we’re not close. we’re just colleagues,” replied Ning Ran.

“I’m sure that’s not true. Chen doesn’t really use WeChat and I’m not even his friend on WeChat, but you are! That proves how close the two of you are.”

Realization dawned on Ning Ran that the reason Ouyang Qing’s request for her to share their location with Nan Chen earlier was to find out if she and Nan Chen were friends on WeChat.

Ning Ran was totally oblivious of that fact until then.

This girl is really something, shes definitely not as simple as she seems to be.

“As I said for the umpteenth time, we’re not close. Being friends on WeChat is only for working purposes, you’re really overthinking things,” Ning Ran muttered.

Ouyang Qing was a little disappointed because she knew she had failed to obtain the information she needed.

“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever met. There’re so many girls after Chen but none of them could beat you. You’re the only person that gives me the impression of being worthy of Chen.” Ouyang Qing decided to change her strategy.

Her words caused Ning Ran to be even more wary.

“Nonsense. Mr. Chen and I are strictly colleagues, and that’s it. It’s nothing like what you just said.”

Im straightforward but Im not an idiot!

Do you think youre the only one who knows how to act? Mind you, Im the actual actress here.


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