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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 367

Tang Jing let out a faint smile.

She enjoyed watching Ouyang Qing being agitated. The more she lost her composure, the more it showed how much she hated Ning Ran.

The immense hatred she had for Ning Ran demonstrated the significant amount of pressure Ouyang Qing must be feeling.

The more pressure Ouyang Qing felt, the more desperate she was for Tang Jing’s help.

“I think Ding Mi is pretty alright. Her acting skills are great, and she’s also gorgeous. Actually, I was rooting for her. However, it is shocking to hear that she had borne Nan Chen’s children for him,” Tang Jing spoke slowly as she bided her time.

“She’s just putting on a facade. In truth, she’s a devious b*tch! You mustn’t be tricked by her!” Ouyang Qing countered impatiently.

Tang Jing nodded at once.

“Jing, I’m sure you remember how much I took care of you?”

When Ouyang Qing brought up the past, it caused Tang Jing to shudder.

Just a while ago, Ouyang Qing had swept the past under the blanket with a smile.

Tang Jing had also pretended to have forgotten about it. Why is she bringing it up again? Isnt it an insult to my face?

At that moment, Tang Jing was caught off guard. Ouyang Qing had just claimed to have forgotten the past, and now she is dredging it up. Isnt she contradicting herself?

Tang Jing had no choice but to smile awkwardly.

Ouyang Qing continued, “I can still look after you and even turn you into a megastar. It will be beyond what you can imagine now because you will be an internationally recognized actress, just like Scarlett Johansson!”

Forcing a laugh, Tang Jing thought that Ouyang Qing was really good at boasting.

Scarlett Johanssons achievements are a combination of her talent, beauty, and acting skills. Furthermore, she also has the luck and temperament for success. Who in the world can have so many factors going in their favor at the same time?

However, Tang Jing wasn’t going to stop Ouyang Qing from boasting.

“Thank you.” All she could do was nod with a smile.

“You don’t believe me? We are going to start shooting a movie. The initial investment is about one billion, and Nan Chen is the lead investor. But, it’s still in the negotiation stage. However, one thing is for sure. That despicable lady is still the female lead because Nan Chen wants it so,” Ouyang Qing explained.

Tang Jing was shocked when she realized the news was true.

During the promotion for Sound of Thunder 2, she heard some rumors that Ning Ran’s new show was a movie, and it was going to have a huge budget. However, she wasn’t sure if it was true.

Now that Ouyang Qing had mentioned it, she believed the rumor to be true.

Suddenly, she could feel a sense of dissatisfaction brewing within her. Ding Mi, what makes you deserve it?

Once the series, Sound of Thunder 2, was completed, the lead actress would be catapulted towards the big screen. As for Tang Jing, the supporting actress, there was still no news if she would even get a part in the next series.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So, do you want to be a part of the movie?” Ouyang Qing looked towards Tang Jing.

Collecting herself, Tang Jing tried her best to appear calm.

She then broke into a smile. “Doesn’t the casting decision usually lie with the investor and director? Usually, it’s the director’s choice, but given that the investor finances the movie, they have a larger say in it. As for the actors, they don’t get to choose. Hence, I’m afraid I do not stand a chance because I have not even received any form of notification.”

“Your assumptions are correct. Coincidentally, I’m one of the movie’s investors too,” Ouyang Qing declared proudly.

“Is that so? That’s wonderful.”

Tang Jing smiled faintly as she could now see a glimmer of hope.

“I can ensure that you are cast as the female lead in this movie,” Ouyang Qing declared.

Tang Jing laughed again as she didn’t believe Ouyang Qing’s words.

She would still believe it if Ouyang Qing told Tang Jing that she could get her a part.

But to get cast as the female lead, Tang Jing didn’t think it to be possible.

Ouyang Qing herself had said that Nan Chen specifically wanted Ding Mi to be the female lead.

This is not going to work because the risk is too great. If Nan Chen finds out that I did it, my career will instantly be over.

It related to the most popular reality show in the country recently called Speedy Journey.


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