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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 377

Ning Ran felt tempted to laugh, but didn’t dare to for fear that it would encourage Erbao to tease and insult people.

As for Ouyang Qi, he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry in response to that.

The door to the ward was suddenly opened, and Nan Chen came walking in.

“Daddy!” Erbao shouted happily.

Dabao shot her a stare, and she went quiet immediately.

“Hello, Daddy.” Dabao’s tone was a lot calmer.

However, Nan Chen ignored them as he was staring daggers at Ouyang Qi.

He then motioned at Jiang Zhe who came with him and said, “Take the children outside.”

Ouyang Qi panicked the moment he saw that. “What, are you going to start another fight? What the hell is wrong with you?”

Nan Chen didn’t quite understand what he meant. Another fight? Why would he say that when Ive never even fought him before?

Nan Chen began walking towards Ouyang Qi after Jiang Zhe brought the kids outside.

“Can we not fight again? Look, my face is still swollen after you hit me earlier! I’m a civilized person, okay? I don’t like getting into fights!” Ouyang Qi said while pointing at his face.

That was when Nan Chen understood what had happened. Nan Xing mustve hit him, and he thought it was me! That guy is always reckless in whatever he does, but he did a great job this time!

“Get out,” Nan Chen said.


“Leave now,” Nan Chen repeated himself.

“Why should I? I came here to visit Ning Ran! You don’t own this hospital! Who are you to ask me to leave?” Ouyang Qi challenged him.

“Our family owns this hospital,” Nan Chen said coldly.

“Huh?” Ouyang Qi was stunned.

Oh wait, hes right. This hospital has a joint venture business model, so its normal for the Nan family to hold a part of its shares.

“Even so, you can’t just tell me to leave!”

“I can and that’s exactly what I’m doing,” Nan Chen said arrogantly.

“What if I refuse?”

“I’ll kick you out then,” Nan Chen replied.

Ouyang Qi was dumbfounded by how unreasonable he was.

“On what grounds?”

“Because I feel like it.”

“Oh, my god! You’re unbelievable! Fine, I don’t want to get into another fight with you. Those kids called you Daddy. Are they your children?”

“That’s none of your business,” Nan Chen replied coldly.

“But I heard you aren’t married, so why do you have kids? You even have two!”

“I just told you that that’s none of your business,” Nan Chen repeated.

“You made my diva give birth to two kids, and you won’t even marry her?”

He then turned towards Ning Ran and asked, “Mimi, why are you still with this man?”

Ning Ran kept quiet.

With Nan Chen here, its best to not say a word. You cant say anything wrong if you keep quiet.

Nan Chen was satisfied with Ning Ran’s decision to remain silent as that meant she wasn’t on Ouyang Qi’s side.

“That’s our business, not yours. Are you going to leave or not?”

“What are you gonna do about it, huh?”

“I have told you earlier. I’ll have someone kick you out.”

Nan Chen whipped out his phone and it seemed like he was calling security.

“Fine, I’ll go! You win, okay?”

Hes right. It isnt healthy for the kids to stay in the hospital all day.


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