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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 381

Nan Chen kept quiet.

He could feel Nan Zhengde’s rage in his voice and had to calm himself down before he spoke.

“Do you trust me, Grandpa?”

“What do you think? Would I have entrusted you with the Nan family otherwise?” Nan Zhengde asked as he looked straight into Nan Chen’s eyes.

“Thank you for trusting me, Grandpa. In that case, I’ll do my explanation.”

“Very well. Go ahead, I’m listening.”

“As you know, Ning Ran is the mother of those children.”

“Of course I know that, but you shouldn’t give up on something this important just because she’s their mother!” Nan Zhengde said coldly.

“I wasn’t giving up on it. I heard that something had happened to her, so I had to find out about her condition. I believe nothing is more important than human life. We may not be married, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is the mother of my children. Her safety will affect their lives at present and in the future. They mean the world to me, and I am willing to exchange anything for them,” Nan Chen spoke slowly and cautiously while observing Nan Zhengde’s responses.

He only continued when he saw Nan Zhengde motion at him to go on.

“So I didn’t do it for Ning Ran or even myself. I did it for the children as well as the future of the Nan family. I know my reason may not sound very convincing, but that is my honest answer. I’m sure you will be able to make a judgment, Grandpa,” Nan Chen said calmly.

Nan Zhengde remained silent and seemed to be in deep thought.

“Well, I suppose your reasoning is acceptable,” he said after a long pause.

That meant it wasn’t completely convincing.

“So why did you change your mind in the end?” Nan Zhengde asked.

“Because I found out that she wasn’t really in a life-threatening situation,” Nan Chen replied.

That was one of the very few moments Nan Chen had told a lie.

He had actually planned on seeing the official at night, but Ning Ran urged him to leave by throwing him out.

“What exactly did she say to you throughout the entire process?” Nan Zhengde asked.

Nan Chen recalled the things Ning Ran said that day and couldn’t bring himself to say it.

“She didn’t say anything.”

“Did she threaten you into seeing her at the hospital?” Nan Zhengde glared at him.

“What do you mean, Grandpa?” Nan Chen noticed something was amiss.

“Did she ask you to go see her, or did you go there of your own accord?”

“The latter, of course! She has no right to demand anything of me, nor will I do as she asks. You know me, Grandpa.”

“Is that so?”

Nan Chen realized that someone must have been badmouthing Ning Ran in front of him.

“Did you hear some nasty rumor or something, Grandpa?”

“I did.” Nan Zhengde didn’t bother to deny it.

The two most powerful men of the Nan family were answering each other’s sensitive questions directly.

“What sort of rumor was it?”

“Someone told me that the woman forced you to go see her, and that you nearly messed everything up as a result. If she really is that selfish and inconsiderate, then you shouldn’t keep her around.” Nan Zhengde got straight to the point.

“Who told you that?” Nan Chen asked.

“Bai Hua did, but she was in this mountain the entire time. She too, had heard all of that from someone else.”

Nan Chen was shocked to hear that.

Bai Hua is here? Does that mean Grandpa has forgiven them? Why else would he let them stay with him otherwise?

Nan Zhengde nodded. As expected of the person I have entrusted everything with. He saw through it right away!


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