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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 386

In the dessert shop, the two kids were engaged in a conversation with Ouyang.

Actually, Erbao was already restraining herself. Although she loved desserts, she only took little bites.

In the past, she would have already gobbled that dessert down and sneaking a few bites on Dabao’s dessert.

“You visited your Great-Grandpa today, right?”

Ouyang Qing was sitting beside them. There are two kids now. If I marry Nan Chen in the future, Ill have another kid, making it three in total. Thats going to give me a headache.

Wait a moment. It doesnt matter anyway.

Since the Nan family is so rich, I dont even need to take care of these children myself.

Even if there are ten kids in the house, it wont matter. Anyway, the servants can specially take care of them. I wont have to tire myself out.

As Ouyang Qing fantasized about the future, she was a little absent-minded.

Subsequently, she completely forgot her earlier conversation with the kids.

“What are you thinking about?” Even Erbao noticed her daydreaming.

Ouyang Qing chuckled in embarrassment. “I’m thinking about how both of you are such smart and sensible children.”

She knew that children liked to be praised. Compliments would make them very happy.

Hence, she kept praising the two children since the effects seemed quite well to her too.

“Of course, we are! Dabao is a genius, so am I.” Erbao admitted proudly.

“Then, do you like me?”

Dabao scoffed silently. We called you a pretty lady out of courtesy. Do you really think that you are actually deserving of it?

However, he did not show it openly. “Of course I like you. We never eat with anyone we dislike.”

“Really? Then what do you like about me?” Ouyang Qing looked very happy.

“I like you because you are pretty,” said Erbao sweetly.

This made Ouyang Qing even happier. “Really? Am I really pretty?”

“Yeah, like a goddess.” Erbao was highly skilled at flattering others too.

“Haha! Am I prettier or is your Mommy prettier?”

Ouyang Qing was so flattered that she forgot her place. She was actually comparing herself to Ning Ran in front of the children.

If she had a sliver of rationality left, she would not have asked such a foolish question.

Dabao and Erbao’s expressions changed.

Has she no shame? How dare she compares herself to Mommy! Are you getting so full of yourself just because we called you a pretty lady?

When Ouyang Qing noticed that the kids’ expression did not look right, she realized her mistake.

She almost forgot that she was not dealing with ordinary children.

“Hahaha! I’m just joking with you. Of course, your Mommy is prettier! Do you know that your Mommy is my favorite actress? Not only is she beautiful, but her acting skills are simply amazing. She’ll definitely become a top star in the future!”

Ouyang Qing hurriedly tried to salvage her mistake.

“Mommy’s already a top star!” corrected Erbao.

Ouyang Qing was slightly unhappy with that remark. Ning Ran is so shameless. She only filmed a show that has not even been screen yet, but shes already claiming to be a top star?

However, as she did not dare to make the children despise her, so she quickly agreed, “Yeah! Your Mommy is already a top star. I like her a lot!”

Dabao and Erbao could not discern whether she was speaking the truth.

As Ouyang Qing had a naturally innocent face, she always spoke with utmost sincerity, as if she were telling the truth.

Even adults would find it hard to tell if Ouyang Qing’s expression was genuine, let alone children.

Her heart even skipped a beat. Did the children discover my intentions?

That cant be the case. I can deal with other adults so easily. How is it possible for me to make a mistake in front of these kids?


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