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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 390

The moment Nan Chen reached the company the next morning, Jiang Zhe barged into his office without knocking.

Jiang Zhe had always been known as a calm and collected man. Usually, he wouldn’t behave as anxious as such.

Therefore, Nan Chen was certain something bad must have had happened.

“What’s wrong?” Nan Chen asked immediately.

“Something’s wrong with one of our projects! I have gotten words from the team in East Asia this morning! The entire project had been brought to a halt since a fortnight ago!” Jiang Zhe explained.

“Can you be specific? We have a lot of projects in East Asia. Which project are you referring to?” Nan Chen reprimanded his subordinate.

“It’s the construction of South City that’s based in Vietnam!”

Nan Chen frowned because South City was a major modular real estate project that had been launched in East Asia by Nanshi Corporation.

The goal of the project was to establish a brand new city on the outskirts through improvements of infrastructure.

The said project was the focus of Nanshi Corporation in the upcoming five years. Tens of billions of capital were involved to launch the project in order to replicate the success of South City throughout East Asia in the future.

The successful completion of this project would bring in a huge profit and also help to exert the influence of Nanshi Corporation in East Asia.

Most importantly, Nan Chen was the one who had initiated the project. Throughout the past three years, he had been carrying out exhaustive research and investigation before employing the required manpower and resources to launch the project. It wasn’t an easy task as he had to pull all sorts of connections to get the approval required.

Therefore, South City was the most important project Nan Chen had been tasked with ever since he took over Nanshi Corporation. He would have to prove himself accountable and worthy through this project.

“What’s wrong?” Nan Chen took over the report Jiang Zhe handed over to him, but he wasn’t in the mood to go through the report. He instructed Jiang Zhe to summarize it instead.

“The project had been progressing smoothly until some environmental organizations in Vietnam showed up out of nowhere. They doubted the authenticity of the environmental assessment report. The local environmentalist, along with the aboriginals, protested and got in our way. One of the protestors passed on during the protest. Hence, it had drawn the attention of local authorities. With that, the entire project was brought to a halt.”

“Several departments, including those in charge of the utilities, had made themselves clear. They won’t allow us to continue with the project anymore. The infrastructure development had been brought to an abrupt halt as well. In other words, even if we manage to complete the construction of South City, it will turn into a deserted city due to the lack of proper infrastructure,” Jiang Zhe orated.

Nan Chen’s face darkened once Jiang Zhe finished summarizing the entire incident.

“Who’s in charge of the project? Why wasn’t I informed earlier?”

He slapped his desk with all his might, giving Jiang Zhe the shock of his life.

“T-The person in charge is…”

“Who the hell is the person in charge? Send him to me at once!”

“I-It’s Mr. Xing.”

“Nan Xing? Since when did he become the person in charge of this particular project? Why don’t I recall delivering such an instruction?” Nan Chen was shocked.

“You used to be the one in charge of the real estate project in East Asia, but since Mr. Xing fell into the vicious cycle of despair some time ago, you instructed us to get him back and put him in charge of the most important project. Ever since then, Mr. Xing became the person in charge of the project in Vietnam.”

Nan Chen finally recalled the entire timeline of the incident after Jiang Zhe reminded him.

Since they were a large corporation, there were a few listed subsidiaries as well. In short, it would be impossible for Nan Chen to inspect every project available.

In addition, the project in Vietnam had been going well all along. Thus, it had been quite some time since Nan Chen got an update on the latest progress of that particular project.

Never had he expected they would encounter such a huge problem out of the blue.

“I want you to get Nan Xing over immediately,” Nan Chen instructed.

“Mr. Xing is right next door, b-but he told me to get you to calm yourself down before getting him over…”

“Get him over at once!” Nan Chen was on the verge of losing his cool.

Jiang Zhe scurried away and brought Nan Xing into Nan Chen’s office immediately.

“I’m so sorry, Chen…”

“I don’t want to hear that from you! I’m sure you have no idea the reason the project has been brought to a halt either, right? After all, you have been spending most of your time fooling around! I can’t believe I’m only informed of the incident after it had occurred a fortnight ago!”

The infuriated Nan Chen cast the file on his desk with all his might, glaring at Nan Chen.


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