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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 431

On the way back, Ning Ran kept trying to bring something up, but Nan Chen would always gesture for her to stay quiet.

As she was sitting in Nan Chen’s car and was in no position to argue with him, she had no choice but to suppress her urge to speak.

Nan Chen kept glancing at his phone as if he were waiting for a call.

Is he expecting a call from a beautiful lady, so he’s prohibiting me from disturbing him?

Who could it be? Could it be Ouyang Qing?

Hmm… Upon second thought, it’s not very possible. After all, they’ve just parted ways on a very unhappy note. It’s not possible for him to miss her already, right?

Even if they’re in their honeymoon phase, they still won’t act so clingy, right?

Just then, Nan Chen’s phone buzzed.

He picked up the call. Strangely enough, he even put the call on loudspeaker.

“Hello, Mr. Ouyang.”

“Chen, there’s no need to speak so formally with me, Aren’t you calling me uncle anymore? Do you no longer acknowledge me as your uncle?”

It was a call from Ouyang Duo, but Ning Ran had no idea who he was.

She spotted him once during Nan Zhengde’s birthday banquet, but she was not acquainted with him.

“Of course, I do. Please speak.”

“I’ve already asked for the board of directors’ approval regarding the Vietnam project. Since Vietnam is not the main country we’re investing in, and we believe that the Nan Corporation will do a better job than us, we’re willing to cooperate with you,” said Ouyang Duo.

“What’s your condition?”

“We’ll just follow your arrangements. Besides, I didn’t spend a lot on that piece of land, so I’ll just give it to you as a gift,” offered Ouyang Duo.

“Thank you, uncle. My gratitude to Sunshine Corporation’s board of directors as well for approving this.”

Nan Chen finally called him uncle.

“That’s settled, then. I’ll ask my subordinates to contact your men about the specifics of the contract. Those are insignificant details, so let’s not meddle with it. Let the rest deal with it.”

“Okay, I’ll follow your plan,” replied Nan Chen.

“Well, that’s all I wanted to talk about. I’m flying to Europe tomorrow, so I’ll go and sleep now.”

“Sure. Good night.”

After the call, Nan Chen leaned backward and heaved a deep sigh.

“I thought that you’re waiting for a woman’s call. I didn’t expect it to be from a man. He sounds quite old too, judging from his voice,” remarked Ning Ran casually.

Nan Chen eyed Ning Ran disdainfully. “What are you thinking about half the time…”

“Nothing much. Who is he?”

“He’s Ouyang Duo.”

“Another person from the Ouyang family?”

“Yeah. He’s Ouyang Qing and Ouyang Qi’s father, the chairman of Sunshine Corporation.”

“I know him!” exclaimed Ning Ran.


“I saw him on the television and also during Grandpa’s birthday banquet.”

Nan Chen rolled his eyes in greater disdain. Here I am wondering how much she knows about him. Turns out that she’s claiming to know him just after seeing him on television.

“Hmm, there’s something off!” Ning Ran whirled around and stared at Nan Chen.

“Why are you looking at me?”

“There’s something strange about you.”


“Your actions tonight must have something to do with this call!” declared Ning Ran as she pointed at Nan Chen as if she had a sudden revelation.

“Put your finger down,” commanded Nan Chen coldly.


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