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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 438

Nan Chen then left the scene with Ning Ran in front of everyone, shocking the crowd. So it’s true! A rich man really did take a liking to Ning Ran!

After getting in the car, Ning Ran immediately asked about Nan Chen’s wound. “Does it still hurt?”

“I’ve just been cut. Why don’t you try it and see for yourself if it hurts?” Nan Chen suggested sarcastically.

Ning Ran was taken aback. What happened to the man that has supported me earlier? But he’s right. The wound’s bleeding, so how can it not hurt? That was a stupid question.

“Should we go to the hospital then?”

“I told you we’re not going.” Nan Chen sounded impatient but Ning Ran knew that was just how the man always talked.

“Fine. Then where are we going now?”

“Home. Where else?” Nan Chen continued with his sarcasm.

“Which one?”

“The villa in Red Maple City, of course. Do you have a lot of villas that we can choose from?”

Ning Ran was starting to get tired of all the sarcasm. “That’s not what I meant. I’m asking if you want to go to the Commoner Residence.”

“Do you want the children to know that I’m hurt so that they can worry about me? Are you trying to traumatize them?”

Ning Ran was getting nervous. “Of course not! You know what I meant. Why are you twisting my words?”

Leaning back, Nan Chen closed his eyes to rest and stopped talking.

“Are you hurting? Do you need me to blow on it?”

“What do you think you are? An angel that can perform miracles through her breath? Do you think I’m a child that needs his boo-boo blown?”

Ning Ran suddenly realized how foolish she sounded. It’s probably because I got used to dealing with the kids from all the time I spent with them.

Erbao would occasionally bump her head or something and would ask Ning Ran to blow on where it hurt. She would also assure her daughter that it did not hurt anymore.

The method had become second nature to Ning Ran, who unwittingly applied it to Nan Chen.

While the two were still talking, they arrived at the Red Maple City villa. Ning Ran quickly got out of the car to help Nan Chen. In response, he rolled his eyes at her. “I can walk myself.”

“Okay.” Unsure of what else to do or say, Ning Ran followed the man upstairs.

“What did the reporter say to make you throw wine at him?” asked Nan Chen suddenly. His abrupt question made Ning Ran wondered if she was in trouble.

“He said vile things about my mother. He can say whatever he wants about me, but not my mother.” Ning Ran looked at Nan Chen with obstinance.

“So you’re saying that you’ll put up with it if he besmirches you?”

“That’s right. I’m sorry. I know I got into trouble again, but I really can’t help it.”

“Even if that reporter is not insulting your mother, you don’t have to be silent. Who is he to bully you?” asked Nan Chen coldly.

Ning Ran stared at the man, unsure if he was still being sarcastic. It doesn’t sound like it. Besides, he’s a straightforward man.

“So I’m not in trouble?”

“It doesn’t matter if he’s besmirching you or your family. Even if he’s not besmirching anyone, as long as he has malicious intentions, you should stand up for yourself. You even dared to stand up to me, so why not him?

“You’re right. I don’t have to stay silent. Who the hell does he think he is anyway?” Ning Ran could not agree more.

“Wait a minute, are you only telling me this to make me feel better when in fact deep down you’re blaming me?” Something felt off to Ning Ran.

“Wang Xiaoou told you to play nice with the reporters, didn’t she?” asked Nan Chen.

“She did, and I listened. What happened today was an exception.” Ning Ran still assumed that she was in trouble. I knew it! He made it sound like I’m scot-free, but I’m definitely not off the hook yet.

“Wang Xiaoou is a great talent manager, and she’s very experienced in helping artistes to build constructive relationships with all parties, so she’d be right most of the time,” continued Nan Chen.

“I know.” Ning Ran lowered her head and dared not to retort.


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