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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 443

Despite calling Nan Chen’s phone soon after that, he didn’t pick up.

With that, Ning Ran knew that Sir Chen was still furious at her, so she didn’t dare to call repeatedly.

After that, she called Wang Xiaoou to check if there was any work for the day.

Wang Xiaoou told her that there wasn’t anything in the morning, but the script for the new movie would be sent over in the afternoon.

Realizing that she was going to be shooting a movie, Ning Ran felt extremely excited as it was a dream come true for her.

Wang Xiaoou followed up by warning her that she had become the talk of the town and should stay at home instead. Just so the paparazzi wouldn’t be able to take pictures of her.

After ending her call with Wang Xiaoou, her phone rang again. This time, it was Ouyang Qing on the line.

But Ning Ran didn’t pick up.

Previously, Ning Ran had a good impression of Ouyang Qing. But now, she gradually noticed that Ouyang Qing was like a wolf in sheep’s clothing despite her innocent demeanor.

However, Ouyang Qing called again, so Ning Ran had no choice but to answer.

“Ding, where are you now? The first draft of the movie script is out. I want to show it to you so that you can prepare yourself.”

Ning Ran had almost forgotten that Ouyang Qing was one of the new movie’s investors. Therefore, she would also have received the script.

“Thanks Ms. Ouyang. Where are you now? Shall I pick it up from you?” Ning Ran asked.

“I heard from the guys at Star Entertainment that there’s a lot of news about you recently. So, you shouldn’t be out and about. Let me send it to you. You’re currently at home, aren’t you? It’s Red Maple City right?” Ouyang Qing asked.

Ning Ran felt bad as Ouyang Qing was an investor, and therefore, a boss. As an actress, it was rude of her to have Ouyang Qing deliver it herself.

“Why don’t I pick it up myself. After all, I wouldn’t want to trouble you.”

“It’s no trouble at all, Ding. We are friends, after all. Is your place at Red Maple City? I’ll have it delivered at once. The script is considered top secret right now and can’t be leaked at all costs. Therefore, you must ensure that you keep it a secret.”

“I understand. Don’t worry, I won’t leak it. However, I feel bad that you have to send it to me personally. Let me pick it up instead. Where are you? Just send me your location, and I’ll come right away.”

“You really don’t have to as it’s better you stay at home. I’ll deliver it to you right away.”

Given how persistent Ouyang Qing was, Ning Ran had no choice but to agree.

After half an hour, Ouyang Qing hadn’t arrive.

Just when Ning Ran was about to call and check, she decided against it as it would be rude to hurry her.

After waiting for a while longer, Ouyang Qing called again to say that something had come up, and she couldn’t leave. Hence, she would send someone she trusted to deliver the script.

Appearing to be really busy, Ouyang Qing ended the call quickly.

After twenty minutes, someone rang the doorbell.

Ning Ran headed downstairs and opened the villa’s door.

The man standing outside turned out to be Ouyang Qi.

“Haha, Mimi, here we are again. Come, give me a hug,” Ouyang Qi laughed.

Just as he spoke, he quickly changed his mind. “Ah… Forget it. I’m worried Nan Chen will accuse me of harassing you again.”

“Why are you here?” Ning Ran asked with a frown.

“My sister asked me to deliver the new script to you,” Ouyang Qi replied.

“Thank you. Where’s the script?”

“It’s in the USB drive as it’s in electronic form. It hasn’t been printed out yet.”

“Where’s the USB drive then?”

“I will pass it to you in a while. However, my stomach isn’t feeling too good, so can I use your washroom?” Ouyang Qi cringed while holding his stomach.

“No, you can’t. There’s no one here, so you can’t enter,” Ning Ran replied.

“Please let me in. It’s not like I’m the bad guy, so it doesn’t matter if there’s no one else inside. I’ll leave once I finish using the washroom,” Ouyang Qi insisted.

“No, rumors still start because of this.”

“How is that possible? It’s broad daylight now. I just need to use the toilet. I can’t hold it any longer… it’s going to come out anytime, I…”

Ouyang Qi crouched at once with his face writhing in pain.

“Fine, you go ahead, but I’ll wait for you outside. Be done with it quickly,” Ning Ran relented.

Meanwhile, Qiao Zhan entered Nan Chen’s office.

“This is the security footage of the waitress that tricked Young Mistress. She was an impostor who was planted by someone…”


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