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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 446

Ning Ran was dumbfounded by Nan Chen’s response.

Some people were just born narcissistic, and the man in front of her was one of them.

He was surrounded by luxury and was revered by everyone around him. Therefore, his words had to be taken as gospel – whatever he said goes.

He was the one who made the rules. Within his interactions with Ning Ran, he was both a participant and a judge at the same time. Where is the fun in that?

“Sir Chen.”

“What is it?” Nan Chen was focused on eating his noodles and didn’t even look up.

“Have you always been so conceited?”

Ning Ran was also having noodles of her own. From her perspective, the noodles deserved at least a nine.

“I’m not conceited. I’m just a capable person.” Nan Chen corrected her.

Ning Ran couldn’t bear to continue the conversation. What the flippin hell?

“Fine, you’re capable. You’re the best.”

“That is a mere fact. You don’t have to repeat it,” Nan Chen replied.

Ning Ran rolled her eyes at him before stuffing herself with another mouthful of noodles.

“Tonight, Sound of Thunder 2 will resume its broadcast and is expected to break new viewership records,” Nan Chen remarked.

“That soon?”

“It wasn’t supposed to be a problem until someone tried to derail it on purpose.”

“Who were they? Have you found out yet?”

“It must be a competitor, but it’s not important.”

“Not important?” Ning Ran was puzzled.

“Your strength determines your future. Others may affect you for a short while, but they can never stop you from moving forward,” Nan Chen elaborated.

After pondering on it, Ning Ran saw the truth in his words.

“How do you know that it would break new records?”

“That goes without saying as the script itself was excellent. Furthermore, the stoppage has helped bolstered the publicity for the show. People who were previously not interested have also taken notice. That’s why the show will have a significant increase in viewership.”

Feeling confident, Nan Chen was sure of it.

His confidence was so infectious that even Ning Ran was convinced of the same.

At that moment, Ning Ran’s phone rang, and it was Wang Xiaoou that called.

She told Ning Ran that there would be a meeting in the afternoon at the office. Though the agenda was still unknown, her attendance was required.

Having finished his noodles, Nan Chen returned to his study and continued working.

Ning Ran decided to take a nap so that she would be feeling refreshed for work later.

After a while, she was woken up by Wang Xiaoou’s call again, instructing her to head to the company at once.

After washing her face and changing her clothes, Ning Ran came to the study and informed Nan Chen that she was heading out.

“I’ll come with you,” Nan Chen told her.

“Don’t you need to return to your office?”

Nan Chen stood up without a word. All Ning Ran could do was to follow him obediently into the car.

Once they arrived at the entrance of Star Entertainment, Nan Chen motioned Ning Ran to get down. “You should head up first as I still need to reply to a couple of emails.”

“Can’t you do it inside?” Ning Ran asked.

“Why can’t you stop talking for a second?” Nan Chen was suddenly annoyed.

“Fine, I’ll stop nagging you.”


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