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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 452

Dabao and Erbao exchanged disappointed glances.

They had tried several different methods previously to force Ning Ran and Nan Chen together, including deliberately provoking their parents to be jealous of each other.

To Ning Ran, they said they wanted Ouyang Qing to be their stepmother. At the same time, they told Nan Chen they wanted Ouyang Qi to be their stepfather.

While that did seem to push the adults into action, the most important problem still remained.

Nan Chen and Ning Ran were unable to marry while Ouyang Qing and Ouyang Qi were still entangled with them.

If either one of the Ouyang siblings succeeded, their parents would be separated!

Dabao and Erbao could not take that risk. That was why after a serious discussion, they decided they had to come up with another plan to ensure their parents’ relationship was not sabotaged.

Thus, they thought of Nan Xing.

They had thought this was the perfect arrangement until Nan Xing refused the offer. In an instant, their plan fell through.

What are we going to do now?

Out of ideas, Erbao glanced at her brother hopefully. He was always the one who solved their difficult problems.

“Uncle Xing, we really need to talk about this,” Dabao said.

Nan Xing lifted his chin proudly and announced, “No way! You two little brats actually want me to marry Ouyang Qing? Heck no! I don’t like her!”

“That’s where you’re wrong. She might not even want to marry you.”

“Hmm? What’s that supposed to mean?” Nan Xing frowned, a little unhappy at what the boy was hinting at.

He was the perfect gentleman! It was not a matter of whether Ouyang Qing wanted to marry him; it should be the other way around!

“Ouyang Qing has her eyes set on Daddy so she might not agree to marry you,” Dabao continued.

“Dabao, you’re wrong! It’s not that she might not agree; she most definitely won’t agree!” Erbao added.

Nan Xing suddenly burst into laughter. “Hahaha! I get it! You two are trying to provoke me into doing what you want! I won’t fall for your sneaky scheme!”

“Uncle, do you love us?” Dabao abruptly questioned in a serious tone.

“Of course I do! I was supposed to meet my friends tonight but I came back immediately when I heard your summons. I love both of you so much!”

“If Daddy and Mommy both marry someone else, we’ll end up with a stepfather and a stepmother. We won’t be happy then. We’ll be so upset and sad. Aren’t you going to take pity on us?” Dabao had a woeful expression on his young face.

Realizing what her brother was up to, Erbao instantly went along with it by acting like she was about to cry.

Nan Xing hastily comforted, “Of course I will! Even if they marry someone else other than each other, you two will still have Great-Grandpa and me! Nothing will affect you so don’t you worry!”

“But we are still worried! We still hope that Daddy and Mommy will end up together! Uncle, can’t you at least try to woo Ouyang Qing for our sake? Maybe she’ll have a sudden change of heart and take pity on you? What if she really does agree to be with you?” Dabao pleaded.

“Excuse me? I’ll only be with her if I take pity on her, not the other way around. What you’re saying is so unrealistic!”

“So does that mean you agree to court her?” the twins cried out in joy.

“I’ll have to think about it. No matter how I look at it, this is just so weird! If she really is blind enough to reject me, my reputation will be at stake? That would be so humiliating! I can’t afford to let that happen!”

“Don’t worry about that, Uncle. We’ll help you so you’ll definitely succeed!” Dabao promised.

“You two are going to help me? How?”

“We have our ways. Just relax!”

“But I honestly don’t like her! What if she really agrees to marry me? That would be so troublesome!” Nan Xing yelped.

Dabao smirked slyly. “Uncle, please take one for the team. You’re doing this so we can be happy! Besides, just because you’ve wooed her doesn’t mean you actually have to marry her. There’s also a chance you won’t succeed anyway!”

“What are you planning?”


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