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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 471

The driver retracted his hand as the host continued with his sharp and defamatory criticisms of Ning Ran.

“A movie starring someone with such lowly moral standards won’t be anything decent. I highly encourage the boycott of the movie, Sound of Thunder 2. With that, it’s time for our next segment, the call-in. You can call the hotline and we can have a discussion on air!”

It seemed to be very popular, as a lot of the calls went in, most of them agreeing with the host, chiming in on the hate for Ning Ran.

“Call him,” Nan Chen ordered.

“Huh?” The driver was confused.

“Call in, right now.”

“Okay.” The driver quickly parked the car by the side of the road as he dialed the hotline number.

It took some time, as the line was continuously busy, but in the end, the call finally went through.

“Hi there, Caller. This is your friend Bingbing.”

The driver did not know how to respond, as he soon threw a glance at Nan Chen.

Nan Chen took the phone and asked, “Are you acquainted with Ding Mi?”

“Oh? No, I’m not. May you explain further? What you are trying to say?” Bingbing asked.

“What gives you the right to badmouth her like this when you don’t even know her?” Nan Chen asked in an icy tone.

“I think that there’s a misunderstanding here, Mr. Caller. We’re merely commenting on the facts. By no means are we attacking anyone here! May I know your thoughts on this? Do you think that she is innocent?”

“Listen carefully to what I think of this.” Nan Chen responded.

“I’m all ears.”

“You’ve just lost your job.”

“Huh?” Bingbing asked playfully. “What are you talking about? Is this a joke?”

“You’ll be fired soon,” proclaimed Nan Chen as he ended the call.

Soon after, Nan Chen phoned a different number, calling Jiang Zhe.

“Mr. Chen, your orders?” Jiang Zhe immediately answered the call.

“There’s a host called Bingbing from the traffic radio. I want him out of this city. Cancel his show and get the director fired.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Jiang Zhe had no reason to argue with him. He’s just a DJ. If Nan Chen wants him gone from the city, there’s no way he’s staying.

Jiang Zhe turned around and gave out the order to the other assistants. “Time to work. There’s a DJ on the traffic radio, called Bingbing. I want him out of Flower City. His show is done too. Get the director fired!”

“Why?” The others were not as bright as Jiang Zhe. “What has he done?”

Jiang Zhe straightened his gold-rimmed glasses. “Mr. Chen will be arriving soon. You can ask him then.”

“Oh, never mind!” The assistants immediately started their work.

This was the first time Nan Chen ever called in, to a radio station. Conveniently, Ning Ran was one of the listeners.

She had gotten into a taxi just before Nan Chen was on.

Ning Ran had a mask on, with a pair of sunglasses and a hat; the whole shebang. She couldn’t even recognize herself, observing her own get-up.


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