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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 502

Chapter 502 Rude

In order to avoid any element of bias, Qiao Zhan arranged for a professional journalist to conduct the interview.

The journalist in question was the same lady who questioned Ning Ran’s integrity openly. She was known for her directness and harsh methods of journalism. Besides, she was well-received in the eyes of the public.

That was why Qiao Zhan contacted her for Zhang Xiaoman’s interview. Unsurprisingly, she accepted the gig unhesitatingly.

There was no way she would let such an opportunity slide.

However, Qiao Zhan had a special request. He was adamant about being present at the interview. Furthermore, he’d vet the script prior to being published. The journalist accepted all his terms and conditions.

As soon as they were done setting up the camera equipment, Zhang Xiaoman showed up nervously.

The journalist adjusted her glasses and started the interview. “Ms. Zhang, thank you for meeting us for this exclusive interview. Are you feeling better now?”

“Yes. I didn’t have a skin allergy in the first place,” Zhang Xiaoman replied.

“Okay. We shall cut to the chase. Are you retracting your comments regarding the problems you had with Beauty Cosmetics’ products?”

“Yes. I’ve lied about it. I’d like to apologize for my actions.” Zhang Xiaoman lowered her head in guilt.

“Why are you doing so? Are you under any pressure from Beauty Cosmetics? Are they forcing you to do so?”


“Did you finally come to your senses? Have you only found your conscience?” Indeed, the journalist didn’t hold back on her methods of questioning.

Zhang Xiaoman fell silent, and she hung her head lower.

The journalist adjusted her glasses and paused for a few seconds. She then changed her tone.

“Since you’ve admitted to lying, what do you have to say to Beauty Cosmetics?” the journalist queried.

“I’d like to apologize to them.”

“Is that all?”

Zhang Xiaoman fell silent once again upon hearing that.

“How about Ding Mi? Do you have anything to say to her?” the journalist asked.

“I’d like to tell her I’m sorry. I shouldn’t defame her. To be honest, I’m a huge fan of her shows. I hope she’d be big-hearted enough to forgive me. I’ll never repeat my mistakes.”

“Do you think she’ll forgive you?”

“I have no idea. Although I don’t think she’s obliged to do so, I sincerely hope that she could forgive me.”

The interview went on.

Ning Ran was in Nan Chen’s office when she watched the interview.

Since she didn’t know Zhang Xiaoman personally, she didn’t hold grudges against her. It’s all in the past. My forgiveness is irrelevant because life has to go on.

Ning Ran still had other matters to attend to in her life.

That afternoon, she had to fetch her kids from school earlier than usual before attending a parent-teacher conference. That was the last parent-teacher conference of the semester before winter break.

Although she felt uneasy showing up in public amid the controversies, Nan Chen felt otherwise. He insisted on her attending the conference and listening to what the school had to say.

What annoyed Ning Ran the most was the fact that Nan Chen himself wasn’t going to be there to accompany her. Coincidentally, he had important matters to attend to that day.

Jiang Zhe entered at that moment and said, “Mr. Chen, the videoconference is starting soon.”

Nan Chen stood up and gazed at Ning Ran. “Remember to attend the parent-teacher conference, okay? Please take it seriously. Note down everything the teacher has to say and tell me all about it tonight.”

Ning Ran rolled her eyes at him and grumbled, “Why aren’t you going instead? I hate parent-teacher conferences the most!”

“As the mother to the kids, you’ve never attended once. You’re shirking your responsibilities! Hence, I’m giving you the opportunity to redeem yourself. Please do it right,” Nan Chen advised.

Ning Ran ignored him in response.


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