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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 514

Chapter 514 Utterly Helpless

The both of them finished a bottle of red wine.

Thinking that would be the end of it, Nan Xing did not expect Ouyang Qing to bring out another bottle.

To be precise, it was only a half-full bottle of wine. Someone must have drank half and then resealed it.

“Chen, this is the wine I didn’t finish yesterday. It’s not as expensive as the one we just drank, but seeing that you don’t seem like you’ve had enough, why don’t we drink this?” Ouyang Qing smiled as she looked at Nan Xing.

“Sure. But can I sleep here if I really get drunk?” asked Nan Xing.

The question took Ouyang Qing aback for a moment, then her smile widened.

“Of course! This place has three bedrooms, so you can sleep in whichever room you want.”

“Okay,” Nan Xing replied promptly.

Ouyang Qing proceeded to pour a glass of wine for Nan Xing but did not touch her glass.

“Aren’t you going to drink?” Nan Xing enquired.

Ouyang Qing waved her hand dismissively. “I can’t hold my alcohol well, so I should stop.”

“All right. In that case, I’ll take a break too. Have you showered?” he questioned out of the blue.

Hearing that, Ouyang Qing felt her face turn scarlet. “What do you mean?”

With a straight face, Nan Xing responded, “What I mean is if I’m going to sleep here later, I’ll need to use the bathroom. So, wouldn’t it be better if you went to wash up first?”

If he’s asking me to wash up, things must be going the way I wanted! In that case, why wouldn’t I go along with a request like that?

“Okay. I’ll go now.”

With that said, Ouyang Qing got to her feet and headed toward the bathroom.

When she was out of his sight, Nan Xing picked up his glass and took a quick sniff. From its smell, he could tell it was an excellent red vintage.

He held the glass up to the light and noticed that the wine’s color looked a little cloudy.

Giving it a small taste with his tongue, he discovered that the wine tasted fairly normal.

The average person would not have such a discerning palate. However, Nan Xing had had many red wines before, so the faint bitterness in the wine could not escape him.

If it were slightly sour, that would’ve been understandable. But bitter? Now, that doesn’t seem right. Certain white wines have a bitter edge to their astringency, but red wines aren’t bitter no matter how inferior they are. There are only two possible explanations for a red wine that tastes bitter. The first one is that it’s a fake wine. The second is that it’s a genuine bottle of wine but with something added to it, thus altering the taste. In this case, it’s evident there’s something in this wine, but what?

Nan Xing was burning with curiosity.

Could it be poison? That doesn’t seem likely, though. Mom was here, and she left in a hurry. That must mean she made herself scarce because she’s aware of what’ll happen. Not only that, but she’s also an active participant in the plan. She was the one who called Nan Chen first, then Dabao sent me to come in his place. A mother wouldn’t do anything to harm her biological son. Even if she had no motherly affection for Nan Chen, it wouldn’t do her any good to kill him. So, I’m sure it’s not poison. Could it be a drug? That does seem more likely.

Thinking about Ouyang Qing’s coquettish behavior and her exposed cleavage, Nan Xing felt there was another possibility.

Suddenly, Nan Xing felt that things were getting more interesting. It was even more exciting than solving cases.

No one had ever dared to try and drug him, and he would never have fallen for something like that.

Now that it had finally happened, Nan Xing felt intrigued, so much so that he had the urge to give it a try.

It’s not like I’ll die from it, so what’s the harm?

Nonetheless, another voice popped up in his mind. You can’t. What if something goes wrong?

The two conflicting thoughts warred in his mind. On one side, he was tempted to give in. But on the other, he was hesitant.

In the end, the urge to drink the wine won over. After all, it’ll just be a tiny sip of wine with something mixed in it. Why can’t I try it?

Hence, he lifted the wineglass to his lips and took a sip.

After about two minutes, nothing happened.

Thinking that perhaps he had drunk too little and the drug could not take effect, he took another sip.

The bitterness tasted much stronger this time, and Nan Xing did not dare to drink more.

He walked to another bathroom with the glass of wine, tossed the remainder into the toilet bowl, and flushed it down.

A couple of minutes after returning to his seat, he began to feel warm and slightly dizzy.

This feeling isn’t what it feels like to be drunk. Besides, I haven’t had enough to drink to become intoxicated. These must be the effects of the drugs in the wine, and there must be more than one type of drug.

Fortunately, Nan Xing had not drank that much, so the effects of the drugs were not strong enough to render him incapable of controlling himself.

At that moment, he heard the bathroom door open, and he quickly sprawled on the couch.


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