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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 516

Chapter 516 Chicken

The room below the presidential suite of Nanting No.1 Hotel was a nondescript standard room.

There, Tang Jing sat at the table, staring at her laptop screen.

Images from the wireless surveillance camera that had been installed in Ouyang Qing’s room were transmitted to Tang Jing’s laptop through the hotel’s wireless network, and Tang Jing recorded all the footage using a video application.

As Ouyang Qing had to maintain her reputation as a demure young lady, she could not expose her unclothed body to outsiders, and certainly not men.

Hence, Tang Jing had offered to help Ouyang Qing record the video.

The original plan was to record the video, edit it, and upload it to the internet. They hoped that the public attention would pressure Nan Chen into admitting his relationship with Ouyang Qing.

They were both women, so Ouyang Qing trusted her “lackey” completely and readily agreed when Tang Jing had proposed the idea.

Ouyang Qing naively thought that because she had presented Tang Jing with the opportunity, she could manipulate the latter as she wished.

However, Ouyang Qing was severely mistaken, as Tang Jing was never one to be walked over.

Tang Jing was a calculating woman, and she always had a few sly tricks up her sleeve.

Ouyang Qing treated Tang Jing as a lackey, but in reality, Tang Jing was using Ouyang Qing as a stepping stone.

Ouyang Qing also thought that Tang Jing was her marionette, while Tang Jing believed that the reverse was true.

Hence, while Tang Jing recorded the footage, she spread the video through an online live stream.

Every saccharine word Ouyang Qing uttered and each seductive touch she gave Nan Xing was broadcast for all to see.

In the presidential suite, Ouyang Qing continued to pester Nan Xing, blissfully unaware of the chaos raging on the internet.

Nan Xing finally released Ouyang Qing. Tousling his hair, he approached the surveillance camera and quipped, “That was close. I nearly got taken advantage of today.”

Not only did she try to take advantage of me, but she also plans to deny it! What utter nonsense! Being good-looking is so troublesome. Girls are throwing themselves at me left and right, and they all want to sleep with me without taking up responsibility! In their dreams!

Captivated by Nan Xing’s gorgeous face on the screen, Tang Jing thought of something.

It would be amazing if this man was mine. Although he’s not Nan Chen and has no power nor influence in the Nan family, he’s just as handsome as Nan Chen. He’s just like a counterfeit Nan Chen! If I can reel him in, I’m sure that with his status and my ability, we’ll be able to have some say in the Nan family!

A sly grin spread across Tang Jing’s face at the thought of this.

Who cares about Ouyang Qing? She’s just a foolish rich brat. She orders me around as if I’m an idiot when she’s the idiotic one!

In the meantime, Nan Xing was bored of Ouyang Qing’s antics.

He pulled on his suit and said, “Ouyang Qing, you come from a prominent family, and you’re their beloved princess. I’m astounded by your audacity to spike my drink. You’re lucky that you met me because I was gracious enough to play along. Had it been my brother, he wouldn’t even spare you a glance.”

Pausing for a while, he continued, “My brother is far more intelligent than I am, so if your plan is to take advantage of him and threaten him into marrying you, you’re better off wishing pigs could fly. He would never fall for such a stupid ploy. My advice to you is to stop using such underhanded tricks, or my brother would only hate you more. Also, my brother already has two children with Ding Mi, so don’t you dare be a home-wrecker. Why are you so hung up on Nan Chen, anyway? Flower City is overflowing with handsome men; just pick a random guy off the streets and let go of your fantasy.”

Ouyang Qing felt her blood boil upon hearing Nan Xing’s harsh words.

“Leave! I don’t want to hear you spouting nonsense. Had I known that you’re not Nan Chen, I wouldn’t even waste the drug on you!” she screeched furiously.

“Would you be so kind to show me the way out?”

Amused by Ouyang Qing’s exasperation, Nan Xing continued to taunt her in hopes of getting a bigger reaction.

“Get the hell out of here! I’ll call the cops if you don’t leave immediately,” Ouyang Qing spluttered in anger.

“Are you even listening to yourself? You brought me here by deception, spiked my drink, and then tried to take advantage of me. Now that your plan fell through, you’re trying to call the authorities on me? Go ahead, then! Call the cops! Or are you too chicken?” Nan Xing goaded.

Ouyang Qing jabbed her finger in Nan Xing’s face, but she could not find the words to rebut him.

“Well, if you’re not going to make the call, I will! I’ll tell the police that you drugged my drink and tried to have non-consensual sex with me! You won’t get away with this just because you’re a woman. It’s a crime all the same!” Nan Xing continued.

“Leave!” Ouyang Qing’s shriek pierced the air.

Deciding that he had had enough fun, Nan Xing smirked and uttered, “You’re not calling the police? Oh well, I guess I’ll just leave.”

However, just as he reached the door, Nan Xing pivoted on his heel and left a parting comment, “You know, you’ve got a hot body. You don’t have to drug me if you want to hook up with me next time; just tell me! As long as I don’t have to be responsible for anything after the fact, I’ll gladly oblige. I won’t even charge you for it—”


Ouyang Qing hurled a pillow in Nan Xing’s direction. The man nimbly dodged the attack and scurried off.

After Nan Xing left, Ouyang Qing picked up the surveillance camera and slammed it into the ground, shattering it to pieces.

The live stream ended abruptly.

The netizens whined, disappointed that they were deprived of a raunchy sex scene.


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