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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 518

Chapter 518 Lost Your Mind

The timing was perfect. As soon as the reporters arrived, they noticed Ouyang Qing’s sports car and an eye-catching woman dressed in pajamas sitting in the car.

Of course, the reporters had their own transport. Hence, they started chasing after the car.

The pursuers were not only reporters but there were also ordinary netizens who were live streaming.

Recently, there was not much difference between professional and non-professional “reporters.” In fact, anyone could be a reporter as long as they had a phone that came with internet access, which would allow them to post breaking news at any time.

Meanwhile, Tang Jing controlled the speed of the car well. It was not too slow, yet not too fast that could cause the pursuers to lose her.

Just like that, they continued pursuing her while filming her throughout the journey.

It was not until Tang Jing reached the suburbs that she stopped the car.

Immediately, the reporters and netizens who came in their own transportations surrounded her.

The scene looked like a mini press conference with Tang Jing as the main character of the news.

“Why are you people chasing after me?” Tang Jing asked, looking into the camera.

“Ms. Ouyang, why are you running away? Your live stream was really interesting. Why didn’t you continue with it? Is it because the Nan family has fallen out with Nan Xing?”

Even though it was a sharp question, it did not matter to Tang Jing since she was not the person involved.

“Ms. Ouyang? You guys are looking for Ms. Ouyang? Then why are you pursuing me?” Tang Jing did not take off her mask, deliberately holding them in suspense.

She wanted to rouse their curiosity before telling them the truth in order to create a shocking effect.

“Aren’t you Ms. Ouyang? Anyway, may I know if you like Nan Chen or Nan Xing?” a reporter asked.

“You’ve mistaken me for someone else. I’m not Ms. Ouyang. All of you should’ve clarified this before pursuing me,” said Tang Jing.

“That’s impossible. This is Ms. Ouyang’s car, and you’re Ms. Ouyang. We didn’t make a mistake.” As the reporter was saying this, the other pursuers had also arrived.

Seeing that, Tang Jing alighted the car and leaned on it, striking a pose she believed to be attractive and letting the crowd take as many photos as they wanted.

After that, she slowly removed her cap, mask, and sunglasses.

“She’s not Ouyang Qing!” someone exclaimed.

“But why is she wearing Ouyang Qing’s pajamas from the live stream?”

“This must be a switcheroo! Ouyang Qing has escaped!” One of the reporters suddenly realized what was going on.

“This person looks like the supporting actress from the new drama.”

“That’s right! She’s the one who acted with Ding Mi.”

A wave of annoyance washed over Tang Jing when she noticed how Ding Mi was the first person who came to their mind when they saw her.

Who cares about Ding Mi? She’s just someone who hooked up with Nan Chen. What makes her so impressive that they only remember her in the drama?

“Hello everyone, I’m Tang Jing,” she greeted.

Since they could not recall her name, she had no choice but to announce it herself.

“Oh, that’s right! She’s Tang Jing, the highly educated celebrity.”

“Ah, I remember now. That’s her, all right. But why is she wearing Ouyang Qing’s pajamas?”

“Isn’t it obvious? This is all a distraction. She and Ouyang Qing are friends. So, she’s in charge of driving us away while Ouyang Qing leaves.”

“Is that true, Ms. Tang? Why were you at the hotel? Do you have anything to do with that incident?” a reporter questioned.

“What incident? I don’t get what you’re talking about,” Tang Jing answered, feigning ignorance.

“When Ms. Ouyang appeared in the live stream earlier, she was wearing this set of pajamas. Why is it on you now? Besides, we followed you because you were driving her car. Are you purposely doing this to distract us so Ouyang Qing could leave?”

Tang Jing smiled. “Is Ms. Ouyang a fugitive? Why would she run away?”

“So, you admit you’re involved in the matter?”

“I’m not admitting anything. Then again, Ms. Ouyang is my friend. I hope no one defames her. If not, we’ll take necessary legal measures,” Tang Jing warned.

The fact that she was using the word “we” was the same as admitting she was working with Ouyang Qing.

“Ms. Tang, since you know about this matter, could you tell us more about it?”

To their dismay, Tang Jing continued beating around the bush. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she stated. “These pajamas are mine. As for the car, Ms. Ouyang lent it to me, but this doesn’t mean anything. You guys talked about something about distraction earlier. I have no idea what it’s about, so, if there’s nothing else, I shall take my leave.”


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