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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 531

Chapter 531 Losing Everything

“Uh, this…” Nan Xing wished not to reply to that question, so he changed the topic. “The weather’s quite nice today. Why don’t we take a stroll?”

“It’s cold and raining, but you’re telling me that the weather is nice? Are you blind? You’re just trying to avoid answering me, aren’t you?”

“No, it’s just that…”

“I get it. You don’t like me. You’re just toying with me, you b*stard,” Ouyang Qing suddenly cursed out.

Ouyang Qing placed much importance on her image, but now, she could not care less.

Upon hearing her curse at him, Nan Xing became annoyed. I can’t believe you’re cursing at me! If not for my brother asking me to tolerate you, I’d have slapped you by now!

Left without a choice, Nan Xing muttered, “Of course I like you. You’re so pretty. Who wouldn’t like you?”

He was absolutely reluctant, for he really did not like her.

“Good. You have to put up the notice in the top three media companies in Flower City for this. The words you use should be as exaggerated as possible. Apologize to me and say that you love me. You can’t hide away after putting up the announcement. You have to show yourself in public, so the reporters would have the chance to interview you, and that way, you’ll be able to say that you love me on camera. Only then will the others believe you were the one to pay for the notice. In other words, make this as high profile as possible,” Ouyang Qing summarized.

“But I don’t like being high profile…” Nan Xing mumbled weakly.

“You’re always keeping a high profile, but now you’re telling me you don’t like having a high profile? So you’re just reluctant to do this, aren’t you? You’re not the only one, though, because I’m reluctant to.” Ouyang Qing laughed.

Nan Xing then sneered. “If you’re reluctant to do this, then why have you called me here? You’ve even made us meet up in such a remote place as if you’re going to throw yourself at me at any time. I’d say you’re eager to do this. How can you say that you’re reluctant?”

“Scram out of the car right now!” she snarled.

“Do you think I want to spend another second in here?”

Nan Xing then got out and stormed toward his car.

Why should I bear the brunt of your horrible temper? You’re the one doing all these things, but you’re asking me to announce to the world that I’m courting you? Dream on!

However, after getting into his car, he thought about what Nan Chen had said again.

If I’ve crossed Ouyang Qing, and she’s determined to make things troublesome, what then? I’ve told Chen that I’m going to settle this thing. At the very least, temporarily settle it.

Thus, without a choice, he tamped down his anger and walked back to her car.

Truthfully, Ouyang Qing was regretting her words when she saw Nan Xing storm off.

Nan Xing was her only hope for turning the tables, and yet, her arrogant attitude had driven him away. What am I going to do now?

Right as she was panicking and wondering if she should go after him to get him back, Nan Xing returned.

Instantly, joy danced in her heart, and she quickly wound down the window. “Let’s have another talk.”

Hearing that, Nan Xing realized she was the kind he had to be firm with.

If he were any nicer to her, she would just become more and more haughty.

“There’s nothing we can talk about. I won’t do the things you said earlier,” Nan Xing insisted.

“How would you know you can’t do it unless you have a talk with me? I swear I won’t make you do such a high-profile act anymore. Come into the car first. Someone might sneak a photo of us if you stay out there,” Ouyang Qing softly said.

Her tone was a stark contrast to her earlier tone.

It was only then Nan Xing went back into the car. The moment he did, Ouyang Qing leaned closer to him and stated, “All you do is be mean to me. What kind of man are you to bully a girl?”

“When did I bully you? You’re clearly the one bullying me. You drugged me, and you tried to forcibly bed me. Then the next second, you tried to kick me out. Now, you’re asking me to make a public announcement. Do you know my grandfather has always been one to keep a low profile? He won’t let me do this. How am I going to explain this to him if I were to do what you’re requesting? If he’s angry, there will be dire consequences. Moreover, Chen won’t agree with me doing this. Therefore, even if I have to make a public confession, I have to discuss the matter with my family members first.”

Finally, Nan Xing had thought of a better excuse to reject Ouyang Qing.

“All right, I understand where you’re coming from. We can make things less theatrically, but at the very least, you have to let the public know that we’re dating.”


“That’s right. Didn’t you say you like me? Since those things have happened, of course we have to be dating. You can’t possibly be thinking of marrying me right away, right? That’s not something to be rushed. We’ve got to spend some time with each other first,” Ouyang Qing uttered.

Keep dreaming, you woman!

Contrasting his thoughts, Nan Xing replied, “Yes, yes. It’s not something to be rushed. We have to take this slow.”

“So, now…”

“Now? The car isn’t a good place, so let’s not?” Nan Xing gasped.

“What are you thinking about? I was asking where we should go now. Let’s have a meal. Then, we’ll get a few reporters we’re familiar with and have them take a few photos of us to post on the internet. The public will then find out that we’re dating, and that way, I will be getting less pressure.”

Nan Xing did not want to agree to that, but he could not possibly reject everything she said, so he nodded.


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