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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 560

Chapter 560 Only Option

Ouyang Qing noticed that Tang Jing was still hesitating, and that was something she had to change.

Tang Jing had a great chance of getting close to Ning Ran, so she had to make sure to use this weapon named Tang Jing well.

“I’ve known about everything you said so far, but I can’t possibly risk everything I have for this. Moreover, I can’t risk you as well, so we need to come up with a more meticulous plan,” Tang Jing mumbled with a frown.

“I’ve already gotten that b*tch’s d*mn kid in the film crew. What else do you want me to do?” Ouyang Qing snarled. “Tang Jing, this is your last chance. If you’re still not going to do anything, I’m really going to get someone else to take your place!”

“I never said I wasn’t going to do it. I’m only saying that we should lower the risks first.”

By then, even Tang Jing herself was getting irked. She had been tolerating Tang Jing the entire time, but the latter just kept pressuring and pressuring her.

Furthermore, she even paid no attention to her safety at all. That was what tipped her over the edge.

“Then what should we do?” Ouyang Qing questioned.

“We’ll find another way to get those desserts into the film site instead of having me bring them there. As long as it’s there, I’ll find a way to get that girl to eat it. What’s most important here is that I must not be the one to bring the desserts in, or else I’m going to be dead meat.”

“Fine. We’ll go with your plan then,” Ouyang Qing finally said.

The next day, as per Erbao’s insistence, Nan Xing brought the two children to Commoner Residence.

Erbao’s reason for visiting Commoner Residence was a moving one—she missed her great grandparents too much, so she just had to visit them both.

However, Nan Chen was too busy, and so was Ning Ran. Nan Xing was the only one who was not that busy.

Thus, Erbao kept calling Nan Xing until Nan Xing had no choice but to give in and promise to bring them to Commoner Residence for a day.

When Erbao’s eyes flitted toward her uncle, who was driving with a frown on his face, she could not help but say, “Uncle Xing, we’re too young to ride a cab over. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have troubled you. Don’t be so unhappy. My heart is breaking at the sight of your frown!”

Nan Xing barked out a laugh. “Save it. Every time I encounter the two of you, I’ll encounter bad luck. You’re basically my personal bringers of bad luck.”

“How could you say that? We’re clearly your lucky stars!” Dabao huffed.

“Lucky stars? You were the one who made me go to the hotel the last time, and I ended up encountering Ouyang Qing. I still haven’t gotten rid of her until now,” Nan Xing angrily hissed.

“You’ve got a good deal, but you’re complaining? If I didn’t ask you to go there, would you have found a girlfriend as pretty as Ouyang Qing?” Dabao returned.

“What are you talking about? She’s a trap! I don’t want her at all,” Nan Xing shouted.

“What’s the matter? Ouyang Qing is pretty. She’s suitable to become our aunt-in-law,” Dabao queried.

“Yes, yes, Dabao’s right.”

Erbao did not know what to say other than to back her brother up.

“There are a lot of pretty people in the world. The girls who are courting me are all pretty. Girls who aren’t pretty won’t have the courage to court me.”

At that, the twins shared a look. They were both speechless at how shameless Nan Xing’s statement was.

“I’m warning you: Don’t you dare set me up again next time. Do you really think that I’m an easy target to bully? Why do you make me do all these random things?” Nan Xing was angry.

“Uncle Xing, when are you going to marry Ouyang Qing? We’re looking forward to it!” came another sentence from Erbao that infuriated him even more.

“What do you mean by you’re looking forward to it? Marriage is my personal affair, so why are you looking forward to it? Do you know what you’re saying?”

“Once you and Ouyang Qing marry, my mommy and daddy will marry,” Erbao explained.

“Your daddy and Ouyang Qing barely interact anymore. She won’t affect your daddy and mommy. Why are you still forcing me to marry her?”

The more Nan Xing said, the angrier he became. He felt like the children were guilt-tripping him, and it felt terrible.

“You’re the uncle. Once you’re married, Great-Grandpa will surely say to Daddy, ‘Look, Xing’s married. You’re his older brother, but why aren’t you married yet?’“

Erbao mimicked her great-grandfather’s tone for the last part of her speech.

Naturally, it was not a perfect imitation, but it sounded funny.

Thus, Nan Xing chuckled.

“So you want me to get married to pressure your daddy into marrying your mommy quicker?”

“Yes!” the two children sang in unison.

“In that case, you’re sacrificing my happiness. Don’t you feel bad about that?” Nan Xing huffed.

“Not at all!” the two said simultaneously.

“Argh! I don’t want to talk to you anymore!” Nan Xing cried out in frustration.

The two children in the backseat burst out laughing.

“I’m curious. Why do you have to visit your great-grandparents today? Don’t you dislike being with them the most?” he curiously asked.

“Didn’t I tell you why? We miss our great grandparents,” Erbao solemnly replied.

“I won’t believe that. You always have ulterior motives for everything you do. I can’t trust you.”

“There’s nothing we can do if you don’t trust us, Uncle Xing,” Erbao muttered.

“Cheeky children, but here’s a warning: You can fool and manipulate me, but you can’t do the same to your great grandparents.”


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