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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 574

Chapter 574 The Ignorant Are Not To Blame

“Nan Chen?” Even the guy felt something was amiss. “Look, bro! He really does look like Nan Chen!” the girl said while handing the phone over to the guy.

After taking a closer look at the picture and at Nan Xing, the guy nodded his head in agreement. A gleeful smile formed on Nan Xing’s face when he saw that.

Ha! I guess looking like Nan Chen does have its perks, after all! I bet these two are going to apologize on their knees now that they realize who they tied up, huh? Well, I’m not a mean person, so I’ll allow them to forgo the kneeling. All they have to do is get me a fresh change of clothes and get me a ride to the hospital!

With that in mind, Nan Xing said in a magnanimous tone, “It’s all right! After all, the ignorant are not to blame for their mistakes. I have forgiven you both.”

To his surprise, the young man simply shouted back at him, “Shut up! Do you think you can go around conning others just because you look like Nan Chen? First, you rob, then you steal, and now you’re trying to commit fraud too?”

“I’m not lying! I really am Nan Xing! Nan Chen is my older brother!”

“There’s no way someone from the Nan family would resort to stealing! Do you take me for a fool?” the young man asked with a look of disdain on his face.

“I told you, didn’t I? I wasn’t trying to steal anything! I just needed to use the telephone for a bit! Why would I need to steal when I’m not even short of cash?” Nan Xing explained.

The girl pointed a mop at him as she asked, “Why are you dressed like this, then?”

“I… It’s a long story… Look, I need you to untie me right now! I’m injured, and I need to get the wound treated before it becomes inflamed!” Nan Xing shouted anxiously.

“I’ve checked your wound. It’s just a scrape, so you’ll be fine. What, a thief like you can’t stand a few cuts and bruises?” the man snapped back at him.

“What do I have to do for you two to believe me, huh? You won’t hand me over to the police, and you refuse to believe me either. As a matter of fact, I’m starting to question your motives for tying me up!” Nan Xing exclaimed.

“I’ll smack you up if you don’t stop running that mouth of yours, a*shole!” the young man shouted while raising his hand.

“Forget it, bro! Why bother getting so worked up over a petty thief? Let’s just hand him over to the police and be done with it! You may be studying in a police academy, but you aren’t a police officer yet!” the young girl advised him.

Oh? So I was right! This guy really does want to be a policeman!

With that in mind, Nan Xing said, “If you’re studying to become a police officer, then you should know that it is illegal for you to tie me up like this. This is unlawful imprisonment!”

The young man jabbed a finger at Nan Xing as he yelled, “Going there now, are we? You are trespassing on private property, committing theft, and impersonating someone else! You’ve got some guts to bring up the law when you’ve broken so many of it! Do you even know anything about the legal justice system?”

All right, I’m out of ideas here… This punk has me beat…

Nan Xing let out a huge sigh and asked, “Fine, you know the law best, okay? Tell me, then. How am I supposed to prove that I’m not a thief?”

“Your identity card.”

Unfortunately, Nan Xing didn’t have it on him at the time.

Everyone in Flower City knew who he was, so he could wine and dine anywhere he wanted without even bringing his wallet.

As he never thought he would someday need to prove his identity to anyone, he never developed the habit of carrying any documents for identification.

“What about your driver’s license or social security card? Do you have anything that can prove your identity?” the man pressed on.

Just like with his identity card, Nan Xing didn’t bring any of those with him either. He kept his driver’s license in the glove box of his car so that he could present it to the traffic police when necessary, so he didn’t have it on him either.

“I don’t have those either,” Nan Xing said helplessly.

“You don’t have any form of identification on you, and you dare claim to be a member of the Nan family? Do you really think you can do as you please just because you look like Nan Chen?” the young man shouted angrily.

“I really am Nan Xing! Okay, here’s what happened. I was eating at the Xiang Jiang Restaurant across the street, and then some thugs barged in and threw me into this river. After swimming all the way here, I came in looking for a phone I could use. Since you two weren’t around at the time, I decided to just help myself to the telephone. The next thing I know, I got knocked unconscious and got tied up like this. Now, you can either hand me over to the police, or contact the Nan family directly. You can’t just keep me tied up like this! I’m f*cking freezing over here!”

With the way things were going, Nan Xing had no choice but to come clean with them or they would never believe him.

After all, he did look rather suspicious making a phone call by the cash register with his body completely drenched.

Eventually, the young man was convinced by his story. “All right, I’ll call the police now.”

Nan Chen was keeping Erbao company in the ward at around nine in the evening when Qiao Zhan came in through the door.

“You should get some rest. Just make sure to have two of our men stationed here,” Nan Chen told him.

“Something has happened to Master Xing. He’s being treated in this hospital at the moment. Would you like to go pay him a visit?” Qiao Zhan asked.

Nan Chen tensed up upon hearing that. “How is he now?”

“I’m not too sure about the details. It was the police who brought him over. I only found out because I happened to run into him earlier,” Qiao Zhan replied.

What? Why didn’t Nan Xing inform Qiao Zhan if he got into trouble? Heck, he could’ve contacted me directly too!

“Which ward is he in?” Nan Chen asked.

“Follow me,” Qiao Zhan said.

“What happened to Nan Xing?” Ning Ran had overheard a bit of their conversation upon waking up.

“I’m going to check on him. You stay here and watch over Erbao,” Nan Chen replied.

“I want to go see Uncle Xing too!” Erbao said.


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