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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 596

Chapter 596 Satisfying The Ego

One week later, the production team headed to Livingsfill for filming. As for Nan Chen and Ning Ran, they made their way separately to Lightspring to see the doctor who specialized in traditional medicine.

Meanwhile, Qiao Zhan, the driver, and Nan Xing, stayed with the children in Livingsfill.

The reason they went with a small entourage was to keep a low profile and demonstrate their sincerity by visiting the doctor in person.

Even though Ning Ran and Nan Chen were constantly by each other’s side in Flower City, the children were always present.

Therefore, this trip gave them the opportunity to interact with each other with more privacy.

At seven in the evening, both arrived at the hotel where they had made reservations. At that moment, Ning Ran realized that Nan Chen had only booked one room.

As Lightspring was a small city, the hotel didn’t have a presidential suite. Instead, the best they could offer was a luxury suite.

Open entering the room, Ning Ran headed straight to the shower without saying a word.

Given the exhausting journey, all she wanted was a hot bath to relieve herself.

By the time she stepped out of the shower, she saw that Nan Chen had changed into casual sportswear and was surfing his phone on the sofa.

His hair wasn’t fully dry nor properly tidied up. Nonetheless, he exuded a vibrant air of dashing nonchalance with that look.

Without his suit on, Nan Chen gave up a vibe that was gentler than usual.

“What are you looking at?”

Despite swiping on his phone, he was well aware of her staring at him.

“Admiring a hunk,” Ning Ran admitted.

“Haven’t you seen enough throughout the long journey?”

“The vibe is different.”

“How do you know it’s different when you haven’t tasted it?”

Ning Ran was stumped at the fact that she was being discreetly seduced.

“What I meant was, you give off a different vibe in casual wear compared to being in a suit. There’s no need to think dirty,” Ning Ran clarified.

“Which one looks better on me?”

She gave it some serious thought. “Hmm, they are different in their own right. Nevertheless, you look more authoritative in a suit, which befits your status more. As for casual wear, you look more energetic, just like a university lecturer.”

“More like a high school teacher,” Nan Chen corrected her.

“What’s the difference? They’re both teachers.” Ning Ran was confused.

“Usually, high school teachers are younger,” Nan Chen replied in earnest.

I see. Is Sir Chen worried of being called old?

“Don’t worry, you’re not old at all,” Ning Ran reassured him.

“I well aware of that,” Nan Chen quipped.

“In that case, you shouldn’t mind whether you’re a university lecturer or a school teacher.”

Subsequently, Nan Chen got to his feet. “Let’s go.”

“Where to?”

“Let’s go shopping and find something to eat,” Nan Chen answered.

Did I mishear? Someone like Nan Chen is suggesting that we go shopping?

“What are you spacing out for? Let’s go,” Nan Chen urged.

“No, wait. Do you even know how to shop?” Ning Ran widened her eyes.

“Why wouldn’t I? Since when does one need special skills to do it?” Nan Chen was baffled.

“That’s true. It’s just that I can’t imagine you doing it.” Ning Ran still couldn’t believe what was going on.

“What’s wrong with me going shopping? Is it exclusive only to ladies?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be busy with tons of emails waiting for your attention?”

“The Lunar New Year has just ended, and I’m still on leave. Can’t I take the opportunity to relax? Anyway, are you going or not?” The frustration in Nan Chen began to grow.

“Yes, yes!” Ning Ran smiled. “But, do you know where to go?”

“I don’t,” Nan Chen replied candidly.

“Neither do I. In that case, how are we going shopping when we don’t even know our way around?”

“Even though this city is small, it has a long history. All we need to do is to walk around and do some sightseeing. Are you going or not?”

“Let’s go then.”

After putting on her sneakers, Ning Ran followed Nan Chen out of the hotel.

However, she felt something was amiss the moment she stepped out.

Given how tall, dark, and handsome Nan Chen was, he stood out easily in the crowd.

As for Nan Chen, he was equally perturbed over Ning Ran’s beauty, for she had naturally become the center of attraction within the small city.

When both of them were put together, they would attract stares from everyone. The men would look at Ning Ran, while the women would ogle at Nan Chen.

On top of that, it would be more than just an innocent glance. They would actually turn their heads and stare.

“There’s a shop in front. Let’s buy ourselves some hats,” Nan Chen suggested.

“Mmm-hmm, I agree.” Ning Ran felt that it was necessary too.


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