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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 651

Chapter 651 Sense Of Kinship

Ning Ran’s intention was to support and protect that woman. However, if her actions ended up troubling her instead, it would be for naught.

She was going to stop and leave, yet it was too late. A police car had stopped outside the bar, and a few auxiliary police officers came down from the car.

The officers came in and ran toward the man. “Mr. Xiaolong, are you okay?”

“I can’t believe these foreigners had the guts to hit me! Cuff them and lock them up for good!” the man cried out. “How dare the few of you commit crimes in broad daylight? Men, take them away!” said the leading auxiliary police officer.

Instantly, the two bodyguards darted over to shield Ning Ran, wanting to defend her.

“No. We’ll go with them,” Ning Ran said. I can’t let this matter blow up any further, or else it’ll be troublesome to resolve it later.

“But, Ms. Ning, he’s the one in the wrong!” the bodyguard exclaimed. “It’s fine. Let’s go.”

“Officer, this has nothing to do with me. I wasn’t involved in the fight,” Huang Zichao said. “He’s right. He wasn’t involved in this, so let him go,” Ning Ran chimed in.

Dozens of minutes later, Ning Ran and the others were brought to the police station.

Strangely, instead of going through the usual procedures of taking a statement from them, the officers brought them directly to the cell and left after locking the door.

“Are you not going to investigate this, officer?” Ning Ran asked.

“We’ll talk about this tomorrow. Stay there for now.”

With that, the officer went out, leaving Ning Ran and the singer in the cell.

It was clear that they were going to be in the cell for at least a night, and it was unsure if they could leave the cell the next day.

“Sorry, Miss. I ended up troubling you,” the singer said with a sigh.

Ning Ran gave her a smile. “It’s fine. You sing well, and I love it. What’s your name?”

“My name is Rong Rong. The first Rong is the Rong of glory, and the second Rong is the Rong of a hibiscus. You can just call me Rong. Thank you for standing up for me, and I’m sorry to have troubled you instead.”

“I’m Ning Ran, and it’s a pleasure to meet you. This isn’t your fault. The scumbag’s a bully. But don’t worry. We’ll be fine,” Ning Ran gently reassured.

“To be honest, I’m not scared. I’m just worried about getting you in trouble,” Rong Rong said before grinning at Ning Ran, baring her cute canine teeth.

Ning Ran adored the young woman. Somehow, she felt an inexplicable sense of kinship with her.

“I’m not scared too. It’s just one night. What’s the big deal about it? Someone will bail us out soon,” Ning Ran said.

“Mm, since we’re both not scared, we’ll just ignore him. Oh, are you here for a holiday, by the way?” Rong Rong asked.

If it were someone else, Ning Ran might not answer truthfully.

However, it was Rong Rong. Ning Ran did not wish to hide anything from her.

“I’m here to film. I’m an actress,” she confessed.

“Oh, no wonder you had professional bodyguards with you. So, you’re a star? I don’t pay much attention to celebrities, so I don’t know who you are. Sorry,” Rong Rong replied.

“I know. You seem like a unique and independent person. It’s not unusual that you don’t pay much attention to celebrities. Besides, I’m not a celebrity. I’m just an actress, and acting is my job. You didn’t know me before, but now you do,” Ning Ran said, chuckling.

“You’re right. I like you a lot too. It feels like we have a lot in common.”

Rong Rong was someone who liked smiling too. She would always show her cute canine teeth.

“Right, you’re not a regular singer at the bar, are you?” Ning Ran asked.

“How do you know?”

“You’re dressed casually, and you’re not skilled in going with the patrons’ flow, which makes you stand out. You don’t seem like one of the singers who often perform in bars. Of course, I’m not saying that those singers are bad. I’m just saying that you seem very different compared to them. That’s why I guessed you haven’t been doing this for long,” Ning Ran remarked.

“You’re so smart! You’re right; I’m not. It hasn’t been long since I came here—about a week, I think. I’m not a music student; I’m a law student. I came to Livingsfill to sing just for my hobby, and I never thought I’d encounter something like this.”

“I see. But you sing well, and you’re on par with professionals. You’re amazing,” Ning Ran praised.

“Thank you! I’ll sing to you more often, then.”


“By the way, is the guy who was with you your boyfriend? He looks quite handsome,” Rong Rong asked.

Rong Rong doesn’t even know a top actor like Huang Zichao. It looks like she really doesn’t bother with celebrities.

“He’s an actor too, and he’s here with us for the filming.”

“Oh, I see. I’m glad that he wasn’t brought to the station as well. I can see that he’s scared of getting embroiled in trouble, which is good because I don’t want to get too many people involved in this.”

“Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. My friends here should be thinking of a way to get us out now.”

Rong Rong giggled. “I really am not scared. It’s fate that brought us here together. I might as well have a chat with you.”


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