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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 657

Chapter 657 Dabao Denying

“Dabao…” Since Lu Yunxue’s plea toward Lu Yunbing was ineffective, she turned to Dabao. She knew Dabao was knowledgeable and intelligent. Hence, she believed he would also be understanding. She hoped that Dabao could stand up for her.

“Even if Daddy is lame, you can’t say that too. As the saying goes, you should not bring up a person’s shortcomings in a fight or an argument. You are wrong in doing that now. Besides, Daddy is only suffering from an injury at the moment. Does it mean you are physically impaired just because you had a fall and have difficulties walking? And, just because sand flies into your eyes and you can’t see for a moment, does it mean you are blind?” Dabao asked solemnly.

Initially, Lu Yunxue thought Dabao would take her side and stand up for her. Instead, Dabao’s words were like a heavy blow to her heart. Lu Yunxue could not think of anything to refute Dabao’s words. Aggrieved, she cried.

In fact, Lu Yunxue was an intelligent girl. When she realized she was wrong and no one supported her stance, she knew for sure crying would be the best way to save herself.

At that, Lu Yunbing could not bear to watch it any longer. Although my sister is wrong, how can a guy like him bully her until she cries? What is his problem? “How dare you scold my sister?”

With a cold expression, Lu Yunbing stood up for her sister, Lu Yunxue. “Did I scold her? She’s just crying because she’s guilty of her wrongdoings.” Obviously, Dabao would not admit to Lu Yunbing’s allegation.

“You are the one that scolded her until she cried. Are you trying to deny your wrongdoings? You are a boy. How can you bully a girl? What a jerk!” Lu Yunbing couldn’t stop scolding Dabao.

Upon hearing that, Dabao couldn’t remain calm anymore. He was no longer a three-year-old kid anymore. No one had ever scolded him as a jerk throughout his whole life.

“Who are you calling a jerk?”

“I’m referring to you. You are a boy that bullies a girl. What are you if you’re not a jerk?” Lu Yunbing raised her volume.

“Your sister is already rude enough. As her elder sister, you did not even educate her properly. Now, you are scolding me instead? You can’t even differentiate what’s right and wrong. You are the jerk!” Dabao immediately rebuked.

As both of them exchanged bandy words with each other, Erbao and Lu Yunxue did not have the chance to interrupt.

That was not the situation both of them wanted to see. All of them used to play together happily. If Dabao and Lu Yunbing were enemies, they could no longer play together anymore in the future.

If Dabao were angry, he would never let Erbao play with Lu Yunxue.

It was the same for Lu Yunbing and her sister. If she were angry, she would never let Lu Yunxue play with Erbao anymore.

If that really happened, it would be a disaster for Erbao and Lu Yunxue. Therefore, they went to inform their parents about the incident after exchanging glances.

“Bad news! Dabao and Yunbing are arguing!” Lu Yunxue shouted.

“Arguing? Both of them are always so quiet.” Ning Ran was taken aback.

Dabao is the kind of person that would only say a few words in a day. How would he end up in an argument?

Besides, Lu Yunbing also rarely speaks. How could the most silent and unconcerned children in the world quarrel with each other?

“Why did they argue with each other?” Nan Chen asked.

“Yunbing scolded Dabao and said that he was a jerk!” Erbao answered quickly.

The adults exchanged glances with each other. They realized they should reduce the time their children surf the internet. If they could scold each other a jerk at such an age, it would be unimaginable when they grew up.

“Dabao said Yunbing was a jerk too!” Lu Yunxue also tried to protect her own sister.

Hearing that, Ning Ran and Tang Jing frowned. What happened?

“Dabao, get over here!” Ning Ran shouted.

Knowing that Erbao had complained to the adults, Dabao could only walk over with his head lowered.

“How can you bully a girl? You even dared to scold her? Where are your manners?” Ning Ran lectured.

Dabao did not give any explanations. He just kept his head down without a word.

That showed how mature Dabao was. He did not try to explain himself. He understood that he should not drag others into trouble even if he was scolded.

That was because he knew that if the matter were to be investigated, the person in trouble would be Lu Yunxue.

All of the arguments started because she said Nan Chen was physically impaired. If someone were to pursue the matter, Lu Yunxue would be in trouble.

Since Dabao had been scolded, he did not want to drag others into trouble.

“Yunbing, come here!”

Seeing Ning Ran reprimanding Dabao, Lu Jingyuan knew she should not be protecting her daughter too.

She knew better than everyone that although her daughter was quiet, she was not easy to deal with.

Although she did not speak much, she would not be disadvantaged in an argument.

Besides, Lu Jingyuan could confirm that Lu Yunbing called Dabao a jerk in the first place. Only then did Dabao reprimand her.

Lu Yunbing also walked over without lowering her head. Instead, she stared at the adults with an icy expression.

Nan Chen applauded in his heart. This girl has quite the character!

Looking at her, Nan Chen realized Lu Yunbing was similar to Erbao.

“Lu Yunbing, Ms. Ning is treating us to a meal today. Not only did you not thank her, you even scolded her children. What did I always teach you? Do you know what you did wrong?”

Although Lu Jingyuan’s tone was gentle, one could feel the authoritativeness of her words.

Lu Yunbing did not speak or explain herself.

Her style was really similar to Dabao. Both of them would never complain and push the blame on others.


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