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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 715

Chapter 715 Dabao Transformed Into A Detective

Jiang Zhe went silent and tried to recall his conversation with Yu Xiang.

“They also mentioned things like ‘will they get caught’ and ‘they have already sneaked inside. ‘”

“Sneaked inside? Get caught?”

“Yes. I’m sure those are the few words they mentioned. I also thought this was no simple matter when I heard those words.”

“Attend the meeting on my behalf tomorrow morning. I’m going over.” Nan Chen grabbed his coat and headed for the door.

“Where are you going?”

“I need you to arrange a plane for me now. I’m going to Livingsfill,” Nan Chen instructed.

“We have to apply permission to fly in advance and identify if there are any air traffic controls in that area. I’m afraid that using a private plane is not the fastest way, Mr. Chen,” Jiang Zhe replied quick-wittedly.

Having a sharp mind was his best strength. He could promptly execute and follow up on his superior’s idea. While the other assistants were still in a state of befuddlement, he had already given his boss the most sensible advice.

“Arrange for it right away, then. I want to be in Livingsfill before noon tomorrow,” Nan Chen said.

“It’s definitely too late for us to apply for permission to fly now. I’ll contact the airline company to check if we can charter a plane. Their flight procedures are much simpler and faster.” With that, Jiang Zhe began to take action.

“I’m heading to the airport after this while you stay here to get everything done. Either way, I want you to come up with the fastest way for me to reach Livingsfill,” Nan Chen ordered.

“Actually, Mr. Chen, since both Mr. Xing and Qiao Zhan are now in Livingsfill, calling them to give a warning will be the fastest way.”

“I know. Please give them a call after this. No matter what, I still have to rush over. I can’t feel at ease with my woman and children there,” Nan Chen said coldly.

“Understood. In that case, you may get the driver to rush to the airport now. We shall stay in contact. In the meantime, I’ll plan the fastest route to Livingsfill for you,” Jiang Zhe assured.

Nan Chen then left the room and trotted toward the lift.

Meanwhile, Jiang Zhe first called the driver and asked him to prepare the car. Then, he started to check various information on the computer at a fast speed.

A few minutes later, Nan Chen received Jiang Zhe’s call before his car left the city.

“Mr. Chen, it’s not feasible to use a private plane or chartered flight. Due to some area restrictions, the earliest takeoff time will be eleven o’clock tomorrow morning, so you can only go by high-speed train. However, there’s no direct train service from Flower City to Livingsfill. Thus, you can only take a train to Mapleton for the time being. There’ll be a high-speed train to Mapleton two hours later. I’ve already booked the tickets for you and your bodyguard,” said Jiang Zhe.

“How long does it take from Mapleton to Livingsfill?” Nan Chen asked.

“There are two options. You can drive on your own or take another train. Either one of them will take you about four hours. But there’s a possibility of traffic jams if you choose to drive, so I think it’s better to take the train, which is faster and more reliable.”

“Is it possible to charter a plane from Mapleton to Livingsfill?” Nan Chen asked again.

“Um, I’ve not considered this option before. I’ll arrange for it immediately.”

A few minutes later, Jiang Zhe updated Nan Chen that it was possible to charter a plane, but it would take about an hour from boarding until the flight took off since flight procedures were more complicated.

“Good. It’s settled, then. Please remind Qiao Zhan and Nan Xing not to let Ning Ran and the kids leave the inn before I arrive at Livingsfill. At the same time, don’t let anyone in,” Nan Chen instructed.

“Yes, Mr. Chen.”

“One more thing. Don’t let Ning Ran know about this. It’ll scare her and the kids,” Nan Chen added.

“All right. Is there anything else you need me to do for you?”

“Not for now. Remember not to tell anyone that I’ve left Flower City. If someone happens to ask about my absence at the meeting, just say I have things to take care of.”

“Okay. Don’t worry, Mr. Chen. No one dares to question your matters. Please take care of your own safety.”

“All right. That’s all.” With that, Nan Chen hung up the phone.

Meanwhile, in Livingsfill, Ning Ran had just gotten out of bed when she heard someone talking outside.

She walked out while brushing her teeth and saw two identical-looking men talking in the inn’s courtyard.

Thinking that her eyes were playing tricks on her, she rubbed them and took another look at the men.

She was utterly shocked when she found that she was right and that the two men indeed resembled each other. It’s Poker Face! What’s he doing here so early in the morning?

Hurrying over to Nan Chen, she stared at him for a few seconds. “It’s really you! When did you arrive?”

It was then she saw the man’s bloodshot eyes and the black bags under them. It was obviously a sign of the man staying up late.

“You didn’t rush over in the middle of the night, did you? What are you doing here?” Ning Ran asked in a high-pitched voice.

“It’s nothing. I missed the kids, so I came over to see you guys.” Nan Chen made it sound casual.

“The kids aren’t up yet. Why don’t you freshen up yourself and get some rest first? The kids will keep bugging you when they’re up. You won’t have any time to sleep then.”


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