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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 745

Chapter 745

At nine o'clock the following night, Nan Chen finally finished his work and could clock out.

He had been away from the company for some time, so he had a lot of accumulated work to settle.

Although Nan Xing did some work during the few days he took Nan Chen's place, he only completed part of it.

More accurately speaking, he picked the simple ones and settled them.

At the same time, he placed aside those that were challenging and difficult to decide, ignoring them altogether.

In any case, he was merely replacing Nan Chen temporarily. Knowing that the latter would clean up after him, he didn't want to do such strenuous work, nor was he willing to bear such colossal risks.

Ever since returning to the city, Nan Chen had been swamped with work. He worked from sunup to sundown before he finished most of it at long last.

He had worked for more than ten hours, so it was indeed time for him to take a break.

Stepping into the office, Jiang Zhe reported, “Mr. Chen, that person has already been waiting for an hour and called several times.”

Nan Chen cast a glance at him, giving him an inquiring look as to the identity of “that person.”

“Ding Fei,” Jiang Zhe added.

In a flash, Nan Chen remembered that he had Jiang Zhe set up an appointment with Ding Fei. Well, this is fast.

“When did you ask her about it?” Nan Chen queried.

“At noon today.”

“And when did she agree?” Nan Chen inquired further.

“She agreed right away. I reckon she must be in Flower City,” Jiang Zhe replied.

Nan Chen wasn't surprised at all, for Ding Fei had first appeared in Flower City before she went to Livingsfill to film later on. From the look of things, she followed Ning Ran's production team's movements and went over.

Strangely enough, she seemed to imitate everything Ning Ran did.

The theme of the movie was the same, and the first male lead was Huang Zichao as well.

Getting to his feet, Nan Chen motioned for Jiang Zhe to leave with him.

“I'm to go as well?” Jiang Zhe asked.

“You asked her out, so you're naturally going as well. This is business,” Nan Chen asserted.

“But I promised to have supper with Yu Xiang...”

“This is business,” Nan Chen repeated.

Immediately, Jiang Zhe capitulated. “Yes, this is business. I'll tell Yu Xiang I can't make it and ask her out again another time.”

After they had entered the elevator, Nan Chen glanced at Jiang Zhe. “You like her?”

“Yes. I don't know whether it's my imagination, but I like the feeling when I'm with her,” Jiang Zhe admitted.

Nan Chen didn't say anything further.

Yu Xiang once used Jiang Zhe. Not only was she considered a corporate spy, but she was even working at Sunshine Corporation presently. In other words, she was their competitor.

Besides, the grievances between the Ouyang family and the Nan family were complicated. Instead of mere competitors, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say they were enemies.

Under such circumstances, it was truly commendable that Jiang Zhe didn't hide the fact that he was still dating Yu Xiang.

In truth, it was also Nan Chen's magnanimity that he allowed them to date. In the end, Yu Xiang repaid him by telling Jiang Zhe that someone wanted to hurt Ning Ran. In turn, Jiang Zhe reported it to Nan Chen, and that saved Ning Ran's life.

“Will you marry her?” Nan Chen suddenly queried.

That question flattered Jiang Zhe, for the man wasn't someone prone to gossip. Hence, he felt honored beyond words that Nan Chen voluntarily spoke to him about matters of the heart. This is worth me working overtime today!

“That's uncertain as I haven't decided yet. Time is required to see whether we're really suited for each other,” Jiang Zhe answered honestly.

“If she asks you to choose between her and Nanshi Corporation, what would be your choice?” Nan Chen questioned.

“I'll choose Nanshi Corporation.” There was no hesitation on Jiang Zhe's part.


“I owe you a debt of gratitude for your nurturing, and Nanshi Corporation gave me my glory today. It's also because I'm your assistant that Yu Xiang approached me. If I were to abandon Nanshi Corporation because of her, I'd definitely regret it in the future,” Jiang Zhe elaborated.

Hearing that, Nan Chen shook his head.

“You disagree?” Jiang Zhe was intrigued.

Nan Chen said nothing, seemingly disinclined to continue talking about the matter.

However, Jiang Zhe's curiosity had already been piqued. He pressed, “Why do you disagree?”

Just then, the elevator arrived at the parking lot. Nan Chen stepped out and headed toward his car.

After getting in the car and fastening the seatbelt, Jiang Zhe turned to his employer in the back seat and insisted, “I really want to know why you disagree.”

“Being my assistant is not an identity. It's merely a job. Your identity is Jiang Zhe. You can switch many jobs, but there's only one person you like. People are the most important, taking precedence above everything else,” Nan Chen finally explained.

Jiang Zhe was touched to the core, for he had never expected his employer to utter such words. Did I mishear him? Sir Chen, who's usually as cold as ice, actually said that people are the most important, taking precedence above everything else!

“Thank you, Mr. Chen. I've learned something today. But I don't think she'll force me to make such a choice. If she does, then she's not the person I'm looking for,” Jiang Zhe replied.

Nan Chen didn't respond to that, but he felt that his assistant made much sense.

“Mr. Chen, who do you think is the boss between Ding Fei and Ouyang Li? And what's the relationship between them?”

That question of Jiang Zhe's was truly business in nature.

“Neither,” Nan Chen answered succinctly.

“Why?” Jiang Zhe inquired sincerely.

“What do you think, then?” Nan Chen asked in return.

“I think Ding Fei is Ouyang Li's boss. According to Yu Xiang, Ding Fei provided Ouyang Li with an astronomical sum for her to buy back a large number of shares. Only then did the latter manage to gain a foothold in the company,” Jiang Zhe postulated.

“The person who gives someone else money isn't necessarily the boss. Sometimes, she could be only a creditor,” Nan Chen argued.

At that, Jiang Zhe nodded. “You're right. In terms of identity and status, Ouyang Li is the acting CEO of Sunshine Corporation, while Ding Fei is merely an unpopular actress who appeared out of nowhere. By all rights, the former should be the latter's boss. But then, it was Ding Fei who came up with the money. This is really perplexing. Why would someone who can provide Ouyang Li with an astronomical sum enter the entertainment industry? Could it be just for fun?”

“Therefore, neither of them is the real boss. Instead, it's the person behind them,” Nan Chen concluded.

“But who could it be?”

“Why don't you go and ask either Ouyang Li or Ding Fei that?” Nan Chen retorted.

“Never mind, then. I think I can figure it out.”

As they were conversing, they arrived at the clubhouse. Right then, the clubhouse's owner was already waiting at the entrance. The instant he spotted Nan Chen's car, he trotted over and opened the car door for the man. “Sir Chen, I'm honored by your patronage—”

Nan Chen waved a hand, signaling the man not to bother flattering him.

“Is the person I'm meeting here?” Jiang Zhe questioned.

“Yes, Assistant Jiang. But she's rather hot-tempered and has smashed three sets of glazed glasses. Because she's someone you're meeting, we're hesitant to do anything,” the clubhouse owner faltered.

“Since she smashed the glasses, it's only natural that she has to compensate for them in full. Place it on her tab, and don't give her any discounts,” Nan Chen interjected coldly.

“Uh...” Not quite grasping the current situation, the clubhouse owner shifted his gaze to Jiang Zhe.

“She isn't Sir Chen's friend, so you can demand compensation from her,” Jiang Zhe elaborated.

“Oh, I see. That's great, for those glasses really weren't cheap. This way please, Sir Chen. It's my treat today,” the clubhouse owner offered courteously.

“No, it's okay. I only want a glass of plain water. Please lead the way ahead.” Nan Chen waved a hand.


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