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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 756

Chapter 756

Ning Ran stood up. “If you have nothing to say, I'll be leaving now.”

Ouyang Li quickly stopped her. “I have something to say to you, but I really hope Mr. Qiao can leave the room for a few minutes. He can come back when we're done talking about this. I think it's better if there isn't a man around when two women talk.”

Ning Ran mulled over her words and realized that it would not be a big issue if Qiao Zhan were to stay outside for a while.

It was true that Qiao Zhan's presence would be striking if Ouyang Li was genuinely going to discuss some womanly secret.

“Please wait for me outside,” Ning Ran said to Qiao Zhan.

“Ms. Ning...”

“It's fine. Just wait for me outside.” Ning Ran nodded reassuringly at Qiao Zhan.

“Please call me if anything happens. I'll come in right away.”

“Okay.” Ning Ran inclined her head.

Qiao Zhan then went out and closed the door behind him quietly.

“We can talk now. You'd better get to the point because I don't actually have much time,” Ning Ran said, glancing at her watch.

“Okay, I'll cut straight to the chase. My sister, Ouyang Qing, betrayed me in prison. She said that everything she did to you in the past was under my orders. I'm sure you know that we didn't even know each other before this, and I bear no grudge against you and your children. She's simply accusing me! However, I know well that I will be suspended from work if I'm involved in a criminal case. Mr. Qiao had said this earlier—that you have a way to deal with this once and for all. Can I know if this is true?”

After Ouyang Li was done saying her piece, she stared at Ning Ran.

Ouyang Li would have believed it better if someone were to tell her that Nan Chen had the capability to resolve the matter.

However, she was skeptical about the capability of the woman before her to resolve the matter.

However, Ning Ran confidently said to her, “Yes, I can do it.”

“How are you going to resolve this?” Ouyang Li asked.

“I can't tell you how I'm going to do it, but I have one condition if you want me to deal with it for you.”

“Can you really solve this problem?”

“If you don't believe me, then why did you come to me?” Ning Ran questioned.

“This is Sunshine Corporation's issue. I simply can't think of any solution you'll have to deal with this.”

“I said, you can forget about it if you don't believe me.”

“Fine, I do. What condition is it?”

Despite her feelings of disbelief, Ouyang Li had no choice but to try her luck. What if Ning Ran really has a way to solve this?

“You have to tell me what kind of relationship you have with Ding Fei. Who is she, and what is her history?” Ning Ran asked.

For a while, Ouyang Li was quiet.

She never expected that to be Ning Ran's condition.

Frankly, Ouyang Li was not too clear about Ding Fei's history.

The woman had popped out of nowhere and given her great support that allowed her to hold her ground amidst the company's chaos.

Ding Fei had never talked about her history, and Ouyang Li never dared to ask her about it.

Once in a while, she would tentatively mention the topic, but Ding Fei would display such revulsion toward it that Ouyang Li would drop the topic quickly in fear of crossing her.

Ding Fei's identity mattered little to Ouyang Li. All Ouyang Li cared about was how Ding Fei could provide her with financial support.

Moreover, what was most important was that Ding Fei despised Ning Ran, so the two of them shared the same enemy.

That was why Ouyang Li used the simplest way to describe her relationship with Ding Fei—the enemy of an enemy. In other words, Ding Fei was her friend.

Both shared the same goal of destroying Nanshi Corporation and Ning Ran.

However, at present, Ouyang Li had to ask for Ning Ran's help, and the only way she could get Ning Ran's assistance was to cooperate with Ning Ran in investigating Ding Fei. Ouyang Li was stumped.

Ning Ran was a smart woman. Without a doubt, she had seen the hesitation in Ouyang Li's eyes.

“I won't force you to cooperate with me, and I'm fine if you continue to ally with Ding Fei. Nevertheless, let me warn you: Do not try to hurt my family, or else I'll show you no mercy,” Ning Ran uttered.

“You're mistaken. That isn't what I mean. I just don't know Ding Fei's history, or I'll definitely tell you about her,” Ouyang Li hastily said with a forced smile.

“Tell me what you know, and I'll look into the details myself.”

“What would you like to know?”

“How did she contact you?”

To avoid missing out on details when she conveyed them to Nan Chen, Ning Ran began recording their conversation.

“I forgot about it. She asked me to invest in a film and have her play the first female lead while choosing popular celebrities as the side characters. She also asked to have you play the second female lead, but you rejected the role. You know about this.”

Ning Ran nodded. “Tell me something I don't know.”

“I don't know what you know and what you don't know.”

“It's simple. I certainly don't know how the two of you were planning to kill me,” Ning Ran icily pointed out.

Hearing that, Ouyang Li panicked. “I wasn't part of that! I had no idea about that at all!”

“About what?” Ning Ran questioned.

Ouyang Li choked on her words.

It was at that moment she realized she had underestimated Ning Ran. Even though Ning Ran looked soft and beautiful, deep down she was a tough soul.

Furthermore, Ouyang Li had rarely come across people who were as sensitive and keen as Ning Ran.

You really can't judge a book by its cover. I should approach her more carefully from now on.

“I admit that I knew about her wanting to kill you,” Ouyang Li confessed. Then, without missing a beat, she continued, “But I didn't have a hand in it. I really didn't! She said you'll be burned to death, but I had no idea as to how she was going to execute that.”

Ning Ran was livid every time she thought about that matter.

“It's fine even if you admit that you were involved. You want me dead anyway.”

“No, I don't bear a grudge against you. At the very least, not before this.”

“That means you bear a grudge against me after this. Did I cross you?” Ning Ran remarked.

Again, Ouyang Li was at a loss for words.

“No, no, I bear no grudge against you. I can work with you as long as you resolve my crisis and ensure the Ouyang family's place in society.”

Ning Ran was sharp, so Ouyang Li had to be careful with the words she chose.

“Sure. Has Ding Fei ever said what grudge she bears against me?”


That was the truth—Ding Fei did not tell her about it.

“Okay. Then why did Ding Fei want to produce the film?” Ning Ran went on.

“I'm not too sure about that too, but I know for sure what she's going to do next.”

“What is she going to do?”

“She's going to produce a film with a similar plot to yours. Then, she'll screen her film before yours. If you schedule your film to be screened in July, they'll be screening theirs in June. If you schedule it in June, they'll do it in May. In other words, they're planning to be faster than you by a month.”

Ning Ran believed that, and she knew why Ding Fei was doing that.

Between the two similar films, the one that screened later would certainly flop. In fact, people might even say that the later film was plagiarizing the first.

Even if Ning Ran's film was good, it would still suffer a huge backlash.

Therefore, not only was Ding Fei targeting Ning Ran, but she was also targeting Star Entertainment and Nan Chen.

“Anything else?”

“Nothing for now. I'll inform you right away if I find out about anything else.”



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