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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 762

Chapter 762

Despite her predicament, Lu Jingyuan forced herself to get several hours of sleep.

To hold her own against the kidnappers and protect her children, she needed to maintain sufficient energy.

The kidnappers brought back three portions of lamb noodles, which tasted awful and greasy. Lu Jingyuan's palette was not used to it.

However, if she refused to eat, the children would be even more reluctant to. So, she led by example and forced herself to eat half a portion to replenish her energy.

At her request, the kidnappers agreed not to tie them up on the condition that they did not take a step out of the room in the guesthouse.

“I want to go home, Mommy. Will we ever be able to?”

Lu Yunxue was listless and dejected after experiencing such a traumatizing event. As if that wasn't bad enough, the little girl was also hungry and deprived of sleep.

Distressed to see her daughter in such a state, Lu Jingyuan held Lu Yunxue tenderly. “We will make it back home, but we must be patient. We need to eat and sleep well to maintain our strength, then we'll return to Livingsfill and play with Erbao. All right?”

Lu Yunxue was skeptical. “You're not lying to me, are you, Mommy? Will these bad men let us go home?”

“Your uncle will come to rescue us!” Lu Jingyuan whispered in her daughter's ear.

Lu Yunxue's eyes lit up. She once heard her mother mention that she had a formidable uncle though she had not officially met him yet.

The girl lowered her voice as well. “Is Uncle here, then?”

“He should be, but he needs to await an opportunity to act, so we must keep our chin up. We need to trust that he will come to our rescue,” Lu Jingyuan said mysteriously.

“All right, I'll be brave.” Lu Yunxue's spirits were lifted in an instant.

The leader of the kidnappers entered the room at that moment. Holding a phone, he once again pointed the camera at Lu Jingyuan and the children, recording them.

“Does Nan Chen wish to verify that we're alive again?” Lu Jingyuan asked.

“That Nan fellow is such a handful. He's so rich, yet he's so reluctant to pay the ten million we ask for. I've already taken several photographs for him, yet he still won't pay up!” the leader grumbled.

“Let me speak to him on the phone. He'll pay up at once,” Lu Jingyuan said.

The leader stared suspiciously at Lu Jingyuan.

“I told you, Nan Chen has nothing to do with me. You'd kidnapped the wrong person. So, although Nan Chen said he'd pay the ransom, you have no idea when he'd pay or whether he's going to pay at all, do you? However, things would be different if I spoke to him personally. He would give you the money on my account. Take it as he loaned me ten million, which I will pay back in the future. Put yourself in his shoes. If you were Nan Chen, would you feel more secure if I told you that? Though Nan Chen is rich, his money did not fall from the sky. If I don't speak to him, why would he pay ten million for the sake of someone who isn't even related to him?”

Lu Jingyuan studied the leader after her speech.

The leader hesitated. Though he thought Lu Jingyuan had a point, he was worried that the woman was pull tricks on him.

“Let me talk to him through a video call, so he can ascertain that I'm still alive. With some persuasion on my part, he will pay you the money. If you won't consent to this, he'll continue stalling by promising to pay you but never getting to it. What are you going to do about that, then?” Lu Jingyuan asked.

The leader began to waver, for he found Lu Jingyuan's words irrefutable.

“Mommy is right. If we speak to Uncle Nan Chen, he would pay you because I am a good friend of Erbao's.”

Though Lu Yunxue did not know what her mother was up to, she thought she should help her mother by chiming in.

Her assistance worked like a charm. The leader was finally convinced.

“I'll be listening in. Don't run your mouth, or I'll kill you immediately!”

Lu Jingyuan sneered. “What could I say? I don't even know where we are or who you are. What do you think I can reveal? The only thing I can do is to have him pay you as soon as possible so you'll release me.”

The leader agreed upon further consideration, so he dialed Nan Chen's number and told him that Lu Jingyuan wished to speak with him.

Nan Chen appeared on the screen when the video call was connected. He was seated on the couch with his back facing a wall where a framed embroidery was hanging.

Lu Jingyuan was pleased. She recognized the embroidery, which was a gift from one of the friends she had made during her travels.

It was hung in her living room, which meant that Nan Chen was currently at her home in Livingsfill.

There's only one explanation for Nan Chen's speedy arrival at Livingsfill—he flew there on a private plane.

However, the use of private planes required formal applications in advance. The procedure was complicated, so he could not have taken off immediately.

If that was a plane from a special department, however, exceptions could have been made which allowed for immediate takeoff.

Lu Jingyuan was reminded of her own family, who had the authority to mobilize the resources of special departments.

“What are you waiting for? Speak!” The leader grew anxious at Lu Jingyuan's prolonged silence.

“Hello, Mr. Nan. I'm sorry to call you under such circumstances.” Lu Jingyuan forced a smile.

“Are you and the children well?” Nan Chen asked calmly.

“We're fine. The children are just a little frightened.”

“Get to the point. Stop making small talk!” the leader barked from the side.

“All right, short story long, then. Wait, I apologize for the mistake. I meant to say ‘long story short,’” Nan Chen said apologetically.

Lu Jingyuan's heart skipped a beat. Nan Chen is a meticulous person, and he never panics. He would never misspeak because he is always cool and collected. How could he have mixed the words up? He did that on purpose! He's planning to prolong the phone call! In other words, I am to talk about anything I can think of to buy as much time as possible.

Understanding at once, Lu Jingyuan nodded. “Don't worry, Mr. Nan. I will explain things in the briefest possible manner.”

“Stop talking nonsense. Tell him to pay up!” The leader was impatient.

“We need your help, Mr. Nan. We can't do anything now that we are held captive.”

“Are you referring to the ransom?” Nan Chen asked.

“Yes. I am aware that they asked for ten million, and I hope you can send them the money as soon as possible.”

Nan Chen did not respond immediately. He appeared hesitant.

The leader panicked. “I knew it! You have no intention of paying up and you're just trying to fool me! I'm telling you, Nan, I'll kill them all if you won't pay up!”

“Please, Mr. Nan, my children are young. You must help us!” Lu Jingyuan pleaded.

“Actually, I'm not saying I won't give you the money. I'm just worried that you will bring them out of the country once I do, and I would have paid you for nothing,” Nan Chen said coldly.

The leader took over the conversation. “Godd*mn it, didn't I already tell you that I would release them after you pay up? I've been telling you that all the time, and you're still dawdling. I'm going to take action if you won't speed things up!”


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