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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 779

Chapter 779

Before Ruan Anxi could say anything else, Qiao Zhan got off the car.

After he got off, Ruan Anxi gestured to Ning Ran to start driving. Soon, the black jeep drove away.

Ruan Anxi removed his scalpel from Ning Ran's neck.

Seeing that Ruan Anxi had no intention of hurting her, Ning Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

It was the best-case scenario since she and Qiao Zhan were still alive.

Nevertheless, Ning Ran felt that Ruan Anxi had some tricks up his sleeve for letting Qiao Zhan go. He did not seem like someone who would be thankful to her because she let him go once.

“There's a temple west of Livingsfill. Drive there,” Ruan Anxi ordered.

“Okay,” Ning Ran replied.

Ruan Anxi climbed over the seat and sat in the passenger seat. He looked at Ning Ran curiously. “Are you not scared?”

“If I'm scared, will you let me go?” Ning Ran countered.

“No,” Ruan Anxi replied honestly.

“So, why ask this question?”

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't scared. How could she not be terrified with a devil sitting beside her?

She wouldn't be able to solve any problems if she was afraid, so she forced herself to stay calm.

No matter the situation, the probability of getting bullied was high if one appeared weak.

Moreover, Qiao Zhan was fine. He would tell Nan Chen that she was abducted by Ruan Anxi. Nan Chen would definitely come to save her.

Some matters were destined to happen. There was no getting around them.

She should have been the one who got kidnapped at Mountview Inn, but Lu Jingyuan took her place. This time, she landed in Ruan Anxi's hands.

It was destined to happen. There was no avoiding ill fate.

“What are you thinking about?” Ruan Anxi asked.

“I'm thinking about why you kidnapped me,” Ning Ran responded.

“Take a guess.” Ruan Anxi chuckled before covering his mouth as he coughed softly.

“I can't guess it, but I can guess that your coughing fits must be an old illness. You must not have been able to cure it for many years. Actually, I know a person who is extremely skilled in traditional medicine. I have a friend who was sick, and he was able to treat her. If there's a chance, I can recommend him to you,” Ning Ran answered.

Ruan Anxi accepted it gladly. “Sure, although I don't have any high hopes. By the way, I'm a doctor myself.”

“You must be a doctor who practiced modern medicine. There are a lot of illnesses modern medicine can't treat. You still have to rely on traditional medicine specialists. I feel that he will be able to treat you.”

Ning Ran wasn't really going to recommend the traditional medicine specialist to him. She only wanted to lessen Ruan Anxi's murderous intent.

“It doesn't matter to me. The doctors have always told me since young that I wouldn't be able to live past forty years old. I'm already thirty-one years old this year, so that means I have less than ten years left. I'm satisfied with what I have left,” Ruan Anxi responded.

Ning Ran felt that he had less than a year to live, looking at his condition, much less nine years.

However, she did not dare to say it to him, for fear of agitating him.

“Are you thinking that I won't even be able to live until forty years old?” Ruan Anxi asked.

“No. Ten years should be fine. Since you're still young, you just need to take care of your health.”

Ruan Anxi smiled sinisterly. Ning Ran did not understand the reason behind his smile.

Is it something funny to only have a few more years to live?

Soon, they reached the temple. Ruan Anxi suddenly queried, “Do you know the history behind this temple?”

Ning Ran shook her head. “I'm not a local, so I'm not sure.”

“A philanthropist donated money to build it. I came here twice. The first time was the groundbreaking ceremony, and the second time was when it was officially opened. This is my third time here,” Ruan Anxi explained.

“You participated in all these events?” Ning Ran was confused. Why would a devil like him participate in the building of a temple?

“Yes, I'm the philanthropist who donated.” Ruan Anxi grinned.

Ning Ran also grinned. This man is really strange. He's a bad man who built a temple?

“Do you intend for this to bring you good karma? Are you performing kind deeds to make up for the evil deeds you have committed hoping to have a better next life?”

Ruan Anxi shook his head. “No, I don't believe in that.”

“Then, what's your motive? To leave a good name after you die?”

“It's not that. I came to Livingsfill with my mother when I was little. She said everything was good in Livingsfill except that there was no decent temple. I remembered it, so I built a temple here.”

Ning Ran was surprised by his answer. It turns out he is an obedient child who listens to his mother's words.

“Get off the car. We're changing to another one. We have to do it quickly, or the police are going to catch up to us.”

Two subordinates walked over to speak with Ruan Anxi. However, Ning Ran did not understand anything as they seemed to be talking in the native tongue of M Nation.

“Give me your phone,” Ruan Anxi said to Ning Ran.

Ning Ran gave her phone to Ruan Anxi unwillingly. He then passed it to one of his subordinates, who took it and drove away on the jeep.

Oh no! They are going to lead the police in the wrong direction.

If the police were tracing Ning Ran's phone or following the jeep, they would never be able to find her.

“Aren't I clever?” Ruan Anxi asked Ning Ran seriously.

Ning Ran nodded. “Indeed.”

“I was once the target of a coordinated international manhunt, but I managed to get away. Despite my bad reputation, no nation has proof of my transgressions. I am an upstanding citizen.”

Ning Ran believed his words, as she knew that Ruan Anxi must be a highly intelligent person to be able to achieve his current position and status.

“Let's go.” Ruan Anxi pointed to a RV next to them.

Ning Ran had to get in that car under Ruan Anxi's coercion.

The RV was luxuriously decorated and well-equipped.

It didn't seem like a car. It was more like a lavish space that was a little smaller than typical private rooms instead.

Ruan Anxi washed his face and then used medicine to treat the swelling from Qiao Zhan's punches. He let down his hair and combed it. Then, he started undressing.

Ning Ran was suddenly nervous. “What are you doing?”

“I came to change my clothes as they are dirty. Do you want to change too? There are female clothes in the car, but they might not fit you,” he replied.

Ning Ran waved her hands. “There's no need. I'm not changing.”

Then, she turned around as she did not want to see Ruan Anxi changing into his suit.

After changing his clothes, Ruan Anxi poured a glass of red wine and passed it to Ning Ran.

Ning Ran accepted it. She swirled the wine in the glass but did not drink it.

“Don't worry. I didn't drug it. If I want to kill you, I won't do it by poisoning you. That's too tedious,” Ruan Anxi commented casually.

“I'm not worried if it was drugged. I'm in no mood to drink. Where are you taking me?”

“I haven't thought about it. I was looking for Lu Jingyuan, but I ended up bumping into you instead. I have to think about what to do with you. Of course, leaving the area now is the top priority because the police may show up at any moment.”

Ruan Anxi drank a sip of the red wine before coughing softly.


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