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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 929

Chapter 929 Have Long To Live

Returning to the banquet after the interview, she found it still lively; most guests had yet to leave.

Huang Zichao was already tipsy. “Where did you go?” he asked as he approached Ning Ran.

She could tell he was drunk just from his tone. As close as they were, some semblance of formality was necessary, especially during an event like that.

However, Ning Ran did not mind. “There was a brief interview which I left to deal with.”

“You're becoming famous, Ran,” Huang Zichao said.

Ning Ran froze. Despite being known professionally as Ding Mi, many knew her real name but called her Ms. Ding anyway.

Even Huang Zichao had always addressed me that way. It is strange being called “Ran.”

“Thank you. You taught me a lot about acting, you know. It is my honor to share a screen with you, especially for my first gig.”

Ning Ran did not merely say that out of politeness. She truly felt it was her honor.

Not every new actress could star alongside a movie star of his caliber; some veteran actors still played supporting roles in smaller productions.

“Treat me to supper, then, if you want to thank me,” Huang Zichao suggested with a laugh.

That sounds like he is already planning to go somewhere after this event.

Ning Ran turned him down with a smile. “I'm on a diet, so I dare not eat too late at night. I'll buy you lunch another day.”

Though the rejection had been explicit, Huang Zichao was not ready to give up. “You can watch me eat and get the bill.”

“It's torture to make me watch you eat while I'm not able to. Another day, then. My daughter is waiting for me at home. I must get going.”

Ning Ran turned him down again.

Huang Zichao must have drank a lot as he remained undeterred. “I won't keep you too late. I'll be leaving the country for a shoot and won't be seeing you for a long—”

Before Huang Zichao could finish his sentence, Ruan Anxi came over with a bottle of alcohol in hand.

“I enjoyed your movie very much, Ms. Ding. Not only did you play your role well, but you also looked good doing it. Cheers,” Ruan Anxi gushed.

There is only red wine and champagne here. Where did the bottle of whiskey in Ruan Anxi's hand come from?

Ning Ran could not drink whiskey as it was too strong a spirit for her.

“My apologies, I can't have it due to my poor tolerance,” Ning Ran refused tactfully.

What is this scoundrel trying to do this time? He knows very well that I can't drink something that strong.

“I'm a fan of you and Mr. Huang, and I think you are a match made in heaven,” Ruan Anxi said earnestly.

Huang Zichao was delighted to hear that. “Thank you.”

“Would you two do me the honor of drinking to my toast? I would be very disappointed if you won't,” Ruan Anxi continued.

A second later, Huang Zichao stepped up to defend her. “Ms. Ding can't drink something that strong, so leave her be. Thank you for your support.”

Ning Ran understood Ruan Anxi's motive at once.

“If Ms. Ding can't drink, would you? You make such a lovely couple. You would drink on her behalf, wouldn't you?”

Ruan Anxi continued to trick Huang Zichao, who fell for it.

“All right. I'll drink on her behalf.”

“Good man. As expected of a star of your eminence.”

Ruan Anxi poured Huang Zichao a glass but picked up a glass of water on the table for himself.

“I'm gravely ill and do not have long to live, so I hope you wouldn't mind if I had water instead, Mr. Huang. I'm just overjoyed to meet my idol today.”

Though taken aback, Huang Zichao agreed, “Take care of yourself, sir. Perhaps abstaining is wise. Cheers.”

Ning Ran stared at him. Oh, Huang Zichao. Given your experience in the entertainment industry, are you that naïve to be unable to tell that this fellow is trying to get you drunk?

Already close to his limits, Huang Zichao was on the brink of blacking out entirely.

Drinking that glass of hard liquor was the equivalent of having Ruan Anxi kick him in the back. He became utterly drunk.

After downing the glass, he grimaced in agony and made a move to dash off in the direction of the nearest restroom.

He's probably about to throw up.

Ruan Anxi grabbed hold of him. “Are you all right, Mr. Huang? Let's have another toast! That one was for Ms. Ding, which you were gracious enough to drink on her behalf, but this one is for you. Surely you're not about to renege?”

The bile already rising to his throat, Huang Zichao did not dare open his mouth. Instead, he was forced to clasp a hand to his mouth clumsily.

Ning Ran could not bear it anymore. She wrenched Ruan Anxi's hand away. “I'll drink with you! Let go of Mr. Huang.”

Only then did Ruan Anxi let go of Huang Zichao, who stumbled off to the restroom without regard to keeping up appearances another moment longer.


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