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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 959

Chapter 959 Glad That It Was Nothing

As far as Ning Ran could remember, this was the second time she was surrounded by hordes of fans.

Even though it was supposedly a common experience for celebrities, there was a big difference if one wasn't prepared for it.

Under normal circumstances, she would have her staff to help maintain order. Therefore, the more fans in attendance, the better.

Unfortunately, the current scenario was anything but that. She had been caught off guard and wasn't in control of the situation.

Amidst the sea of people, she was left all alone without her assistant or bodyguards.

By the time Qiao Zhan managed to squeeze his way toward her, he, too, had no way of extracting Ning Ran from the crowd.

After all, they were faced with university students, not their enemies. There was no way he could make a path by beating them up.

Behind Ning Ran's cordial smile was a sense of growing anxiety.

Instead of finding the mistress, I ended up getting myself trapped here. What should I do now?

Qiao Zhan, too, was equally worried and had no idea what to do.

“Everyone, please make way. She's a friend of mine. Please make way!”

At that moment, the appearance of a figure caused the students to open up a path obediently.

When Ning Ran looked up, she was greeted by the sight of a man with exquisite features, piercing eyes, and a gentlemanly aura.

No wonder the students obeyed him. It's none other than Rong Yi.

Despite being older than his students, Rong Yi's good looks still put all of them to shame.

It had never occurred to Ning Ran that she would run into him there.

What surprised her even more was that all the students knew him and were greeting him one by one.

Upon walking up to Ning Ran, Rong Yi gave her a gentle look. He then broke into a wide grin and said, “Don't worry. They're just crazy about you.”

Ning Ran responded with a smile of her own. “What are you doing here, Yi?”

“I teach here,” Rong Yi replied with a smile.

Even though Ning Ran was a little shocked, she could only manage a nod, unable to probe further due to the chaotic situation.

“Everyone, please disperse. Ms. Ding is my friend who has come here to see me. Now that you have gotten your pictures and autographs, you can all be on your way now.” Rong Yi waved at the students.

“Mr. Rong, is Ms. Ding your girlfriend?” a cheeky female student asked loudly, drawing laughter from the crowd.

“You know, Mr. Rong and Ms. Ding seem like a good match. Both of them are so good-looking,” another student added.

A stern look descended upon Rong Yi's face. “Stop talking nonsense and go back to class!”

Only then did the smiling students gradually disperse.

“What are you doing here? Is there anything I can do for you?” Rong Yi asked Ning Ran.

However, the question stumped her.

That's right. What am I doing here? To expose a mistress? But I don't even know who she is. How am I going to even do that?

On top of that, it would be too embarrassing for Ning Ran to admit her true goal.

Ning Ran's hesitation told Rong Yi that it was something difficult for her to share. Hence, he didn't press on and changed the subject instead.

“I'm staying upstairs. Would you like to come up and have a cup of water?”

Ning Ran replied with a smile, “Sure.”

“This way please.” Rong Yi ushered her ahead with a chivalric bow.

Just as Qiao Zhan wanted to inform Ning Ran that he would wait in the car, he quickly realized that it was a bad idea.


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