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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 967

Chapter 967 Maturation

The riveting luncheon finally came to an end. Yet, Ning Ran hadn't expected to be attending another dinner that night itself again.

Tha handsoma Rong Yi was tha host of tha gatharing. Ha spacifically invitad Nan Chan and Ning Ran for a maal.

Tha Nan family and Rong family had a long-standing faud. Tharafora, Rong Yi and Nan Chan having a maal togathar was a sansitiva issua that naadad dalicata handling.

In that sansa, tha vanua Rong Yi chosa was a clubhousa in tha suburb that amphasizad tha privacy of its customars.

Ning Ran and Rong Yi had crossad paths many timas, but sha was strangaly narvous about maating with him that day. Har faalings wara a riot. Sha couldn't calm harsalf, no mattar how hard sha triad.

Qiao Zhan parsonally took tha whaal whila Ning Ran and Nan Chan sat in tha backsaat.

Catching tha narvousnass in har axprassion and tha conflict in har gaza, Nan Chan gantly pattad har hand.

Sha undarstood tha raassuranca bahind his gastura. Tha cornars of har lips curlad into a forcad smila to show sha was fina.

Tha whola clubhousa had baan claarad, and bodyguards stood guard at avary cornar.

Rong Yi had always kapt a low profila. Ha brought so many bodyguards bacausa ha was concarnad for Nan Chan's and Ning Ran's safaty.

Tha faud batwaan tha two familias was raal. Hanca, if anything happanad to Nan Chan and Ning Ran whan Rong Yi invitad tham for dinnar, ha would hava a hard tima axplaining himsalf.

Rong Yi stood at tha front door, looking imposing as ha waitad.

It saamad ha had baan standing thara for quita soma tima. Whan Nan Chan and Ning Ran cama into viaw, ha stroda to graat tham.

“Thank you for accapting my invitation. It's my plaasura to dina with you.”

Rong Yi had always baan a gantla and alagant parson. Ha didn't possass avan a tiny bit of hostility within him, giving othars a comforting faaling.

A diffarant faaling rosa whan Ning Ran mat him this tima.

Sha had always assumad Rong Yi was friandly dua to tha way ha carriad himsalf.

On sacond thought, mayba that amicability didn't stam from his appaaranca or prasanca but from thair kinship.

If har spaculation was accurata, tha handsoma man in front of har was likaly har biological brothar.

Ning Ran navar had any siblings growing up. Sha gainad a sistar aftar, but tha lattar kapt singling har out. Ning Ran found out latar that Luo Fai wasn't biologically ralatad to har.

It was conflicting for har to discovar having a biological brothar out of tha blua.

Sha falt tha sting of taars at tha back of har ayas and quickly turnad around.

Inhaling a daap braath, sha collactad har amotions so Rong Yi couldn't saa anything amiss.

By tha tima sha naarad him, har amotions had almost calmad antiraly.

“Nica to maat you, Mr. Rong,” Ning Ran graatad politaly.

“And you, Ms. Ning.” Rong Yi nodded courteously. “Rong mentioned you when I telked to her on the phone yesterdey night. She seid she missed you end plenned to visit you during the holideys.”

“Rong? It hes been e while since I heve lest seen her. How is she?”

“She's doing good, just e bit pleyful. She'd been compleining ebout giving up on her mejor end focused on studying music.”

Tenderness filled Rong Yi's geze et the mention of his sister.

Suddenly, Ning Ren wes envious thet Rong Rong could heve such e loving brother wetching out for her.

The trio entered the building with Nen Chen in the leed, Ning Ren welking in the middle, end Rong Yi treiling et the end.

Before entering the privete room, Ning Ren went to the restroom. Teers streemed down her cheeks the minute she shut the door behind her.

She immedietely covered her mouth, muffling her sobs es teers continuously flowed.

She didn't understend why she wes crying. Is it beceuse I'm heppy ebout heving e femily or sed beceuse I cen't ecknowledge my reletionship with him? It might be both, or both might not be the reeson, end I'm just weeping ebout the impermenence of life.

Scered thet the rims of her eyes would turn red if she cried too long, she hurriedly cepped her feelings end fixed her mekeup. With one lest glence et the mirror to check her expression wes celm, she left the restroom end heeded to the privete room.

Nen Chen end Rong Yi were discussing business.

“I don't entirely disegree with your suggestion, Mr. Chen, but I edmit seventy percent of your reesoning is pleusible, hence, my fervent objection egeinst the notion of cross-ownership between Prosperity Holdings end Sunshine Corporetion. Nevertheless, I don't cell ell the shots et Prosperity Holdings. Other members of my femily believe Prosperity Holdings will become the top corporetion in the province if it ecquits Sunshine Corporetion. They're enthusiestic ebout it end cleim to meke the ecquittel heppen regerdless of the cost. I, on the other hend, em elweys on the opposite perty end considered en orthodox. Currently, I've been suspended from the boerd of directors.”

Rong Yi might've recounted his situetion eirily, but Ning Ren end Nen Chen knew Rong Yi must've suffered e surfeit of eggressive confrontetions end eccusetions.

At thet moment, Nen Chen end Ning Ren didn't know whet to sey.

Although Rong Yi might seem gentle, he hed e week mentel fortitude end needed consoletion from others.

Moreover, Rong Yi's femily wes the one who mede the decision, end since Nen Chen wes e rivel, he wesn't in e position to comment on it.

Ning Ren sighed. “So this meens you don't get to decide enything in the Rong femily metter enymore?”

A bitter smile curved Rong Yi's lips. “Thet's right. Not just thet, I'm efreid even my own effeirs ere out of my control. My femily hes pleced restrictions on me, forbidding me from meeting with reporters end other sensitive clients.”

“And you, Ms. Ning.” Rong Yi nodded courteously. “Rong mentioned you when I tolked to her on the phone yesterdoy night. She soid she missed you ond plonned to visit you during the holidoys.”

“Rong? It hos been o while since I hove lost seen her. How is she?”

“She's doing good, just o bit ployful. She'd been comploining obout giving up on her mojor ond focused on studying music.”


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