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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 991

Chapter 991 That Is Impossible

Instead of addressing Nan Chen as “Mr. Nan” or “Mr. Chen,” she used his full name.

The way she addressed him was clearly laced with condescendence.

Even so, Nan Chen did not mind it. He was fine with whatever form of address she used to address him.

“Hello,” Nan Chen responded plainly.

“Do you like it here?” asked Ouyang Li.

Nan Chen did not give her a direct answer. “I've always liked soccer.”

If he said he liked the place, that would mean he was admitting to liking the place Ouyang Li arranged.

That was why Nan Chen gave her an indirect answer by saying he liked soccer.

After all, he was forced to come here. He never wanted to come in the first place.

Of course, Ouyang Li was no fool. She understood the meaning behind his words.

With a sneer, she said, “What brings you here?”

You clearly know the answer.

Nan Chen actually did not feel like talking, especially when it was Ouyang Li he was dealing with.

However, Ouyang Li had already warned him to come alone if he wanted to meet her. He was not allowed to bring anyone else along.

Despite knowing there were bad intentions behind the plan, Nan Chen could only accept the terms.

Still, Ouyang Li's question put him at a loss.

If only Jiang Zhe were here. He'd use savage words to counter her.

That was something Nan Chen was capable of too, but he just could not be bothered to do so.

All he did was answer sternly, “My wife says you know where my son is.”

The words “my wife” seemed to stoke the hatred that already existed in Ouyang Li's eyes.

“Your wife? Are you talking about Ning Ran? Aren't you guys not married?” questioned Ouyang Li, her tone hateful and unpleasant.

“I've already proposed to her, so she's my wife,” Nan Chen uttered calmly.

The conversation seemed to have gone off course. All of a sudden, they were discussing whether Ning Ran was Nan Chen's wife.

In actuality, Ouyang Li was aware of Nan Chen's grand proposal that was broadcasted live to the world.

She did not watch the live stream; it was the recorded video that she watched.

During that time, she was so livid that she threw her iPad against the wall.

She hated herself for giving in to her curiosity and checked out the video, only to end up not sleeping well the whole night.

Regardless, it was the very video that drove her to make up her mind on some things.

The unmistakable hatred in Ouyang Li's eyes confounded Nan Chen.

He vaguely understood something, but he was still confused.

Could she... No way.

“If you know where my son is, please tell me. I'm willing to pay the price.”

Nan Chen went straight to the point, not wanting to get entangled with her in other matters.

Alas, the woman evaded his question. She simply repeated, “I don't know what you're talking about. You guys are really weird. Why do you keep mentioning your son? Why are you telling me this when I've never seen your kids before?”

Her tone was somewhat laced with smugness.

Nan Chen was at a loss for what to say when he heard Ouyang Li's response.

If you don't know where my son is, then why did you make me come here?

Unfortunately, Nan Chen could not voice the question in his mind since Ouyang Li did not tell him to come directly.

Rather, it was Nan Chen who asked to meet her. He was the one who took the initiative.

“If that's the case, there's nothing for us to talk about,” said Nan Chen, turning around to leave.

Panic surged within Ouyang Li when she saw him about to leave.

What's the meaning of this? How dare you leave when I haven't even made my move?

“The match hasn't begun, and you're already leaving? Aren't you afraid you might regret it?” Ouyang Li stopped Nan Chen.

“Spit it out then. What do I have to do for you to free my child?”

Hearing such words from Nan Chen made Ouyang Li feel great.

He's finally yielding! The arrogant man is finally yielding before me!

“This match will be broadcasted on television and on the internet,” said Ouyang Li.

Nan Chen said nothing as he kept staring at Ouyang Li.

As it was an important match, it would naturally be broadcasted live. That was something Nan Chen was well aware of.

In fact, the private room next door was where the live broadcast team worked, and the broadcast had already begun.

“Go out there and tell everyone that you were forced to propose to Ning Ran that day. You're an influential person. I'm sure the reporters will shift the cameras to you when they see you. I want you to look at the cameras and announce that you don't love Ning Ran and that you were forced to propose. She kept your children from you and forced you to propose to her in public, so you had no choice but to agree to it.”

The more Ouyang Li spoke, the more excited she grew. She could barely conceal the smug smile on her face.

I'm such a genius. I can't believe I came up with such a wonderful idea to teach Nan Chen and Ning Ran a lesson.

Nan Chen was shocked by her behavior.


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