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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 993

Chapter 993 Crazier Than Her

Alas, Ouyang Li had her guard up and refused to listen to Ouyang Qi's words.

“Why did you ask me to come back home? What is your goal? You have already gained control of the entire company. What else do you want?” Ouyang Li demanded.

It was clear she no longer trusted him.

“Li, how could you say that? I just want to talk to you,” Ouyang Qi said in exasperation.

Ouyang Li placed her chopsticks down. “I have nothing to say to you. Are you going to ask about the Nan family's child again?”

Ouyang Qi chuckled as he placed a piece of meat in Ouyang Li's bowl, gesturing for her to continue eating.

However, Ouyang Li had lost her appetite. She wanted to know what Ouyang Qi was getting at.

“Ouyang Qi, you betrayed our family. Instead of avenging our father, you worked together with Nan Chen to go against me.”

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Qi shook his head in disagreement. “I recall you stating that Dad's downfall was a consequence of his own actions, not due to the Nan family's schemes. You even said he resorted to despicable means and played with fire. And now, Li, isn't what you're doing just the same as what Dad and Qing did back then? Aren't you also playing with fire? You're my only remaining relative, and I can't stand idly by as you get into trouble, can I?”

“I'm nothing like Dad and Ouyang Qing! If it weren't for you, I would have partnered with the Rong family to bring down Nanshi Corporation. Nan Chen isn't anything extraordinary; he got everything just because he leads the Nan family. Once we dismantle Nanshi Corporation, he'll be left with nothing! I have every right to insult him in any way I want,” Ouyang Li exclaimed, her teeth gritted as if Nan Chen were her sworn enemy.

Ouyang Qi was baffled as he had no idea why she hated Nan Chen that much.

What did Nan Chen do to make her despise him this much?

“You do know where his child is, right?” he asked.

“So what if I do? I will never tell him!” Ouyang Li burst out angrily.

Ouyang Qi nodded. “I know your goal is to bring Nan Chen and Ning Ran to ruin, but you don't wish for their demise. You want them to suffer and pay for their actions. However, going after their child isn't a good idea, Li. I strongly disagree with your plan. Remember, karma has a way of coming back around!”

Ouyang Li burst into arrogant laughter. “Has Nan Chen run out of ideas? I can't believe he sent you to try and persuade me. Do you honestly think you have the ability to change my mind? Even if I know where the child is, you won't be able to do anything if I refuse to reveal his location. And as for evidence linking the child's disappearance to me, if he had any, the police would have arrested me by now!”

She was right, for they couldn't find any proof.

Even if Ouyang Li were to tell Nan Chen that she knew the child's whereabouts and the police were to arrest her, she could easily change her story and claim it was merely a joke, stating she didn't actually know the child's location.

At most, she might receive a warning for her actions, but she wouldn't face any charges for her statement.

They needed evidence, but there was none.

That would explain why Ouyang Li acted all arrogant.

“Li, release the child. I promise Nan Chen won't pursue the matter if you do that,” Ouyang Qi said.

Ouyang Li continued laughing. “Dream on! Nan Chen and Ning Ran will never get to see the child again!”

Ouyang Qi blanched in surprise. “Did you kill him? He's adorable. How could you do that to him?”

Ouyang Li smirked. “Why are you so worked up? The boy is still alive. That way, I can make Nan Chen suffer.”

Ouyang Qi felt relieved to hear that.

“Li, won't you listen to me and release the boy?” Ouyang Qi asked yet again.

“Absolutely impossible!”

Ouyang Qi nodded and lifted his glass of juice. “All right, then let's not do that for now. Once I've gained more benefits from Nan Chen, we can discuss whether or not we should release his son.”

Ouyang Li was baffled. “What was that?”

“I mean, I want to take Nan Chen down too. I was just concerned about your determination, so I decided to test the waters. If the child is truly in your hands, that's fantastic! With him on our side, Nan Chen will be compelled to give us whatever we want!” Ouyang Qi exclaimed excitedly.

Ouyang Li remained skeptical. “Really?”

“Of course. We're a family, aren't we? Li, let's toast to restoring the Ouyang family's glory!” Ouyang Qi raised his glass.

After a moment of hesitation, Ouyang Li also raised her glass and took a sip of the juice.

She grew drowsy and soon fell fast asleep, sprawling on the table.

As Ouyang Li regained consciousness, the first sensation she felt was a chilling coldness.

The surroundings appeared dimly lit, with the faint sound of machines whirring nearby.


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