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My Wife Is a Superstar novel Chapter 995

Chapter 995 Feeling Pleased

When Rong Yi found Rong Jilin, he was drinking with a large group of beautiful ladies at a nightclub.

Although Rong Yi no longer held an important position in the company, his influence over Rong Jilin had not diminished much because Rong Jilin was well aware that he was overshadowed by his elder brother in every aspect.

Hence, despite feeling dissatisfied with Rong Yi, he didn't dare to confront him head-on.

Besides, he still couldn't figure out how Rong Yi managed to find where he was.

After turning off the deafening music at the scene, Rong Yi gestured for the group of ladies to leave first.

Rong Jilin gave Rong Yi a cold glance as he complained, “Yi, you're getting more and more controlling. Can't I relax for a bit? I'm not a primary school student anymore. I don't have any homework to do!”

“Where is Nan Chen's child?” Rong Yi asked directly.

Rong Jilin's eyes flickered. “What do you mean? I don't understand.”

“Stop acting ignorant in front of me. Ouyang Li told me that you hid Nan Chen's child. Where are your principles, Rong Jilin? You started an attack on Nan Chen, and after they spare you, your way of repaying them is to go after their child? Are you still human?”

As Rong Yi spoke, he kicked a chair in anger.

It was exceedingly uncommon to witness Rong Yi so furious that day because he was typically known for his gentle demeanor. He rarely displayed it even if he was angry.

Rong Jilin pretended to be angry as well. “Yi, Ouyang Li is crazy. Why will you believe what she says? I've never seen Nan Chen's son! I have nothing to do with his disappearance.”

Grabbing Rong Jilin by the collar, Rong Yi asked, “Nan Chen has two children. How do you know that the one who disappeared is the son and not the daughter?”

Rong Jilin became even more flustered. “I... I simply guessed.”

“Ouyang Li has already confessed, and you're still denying it? Do you think you can destroy the Nan family with such despicable means?” Rong Yi yelled angrily.

“Yi, this really has nothing to do with me. Why do you believe others instead of me? I'm your younger brother. Why do you always side with others? Besides, the Nan family is our enemy. Why are you so anxious about Nan Chen's child's disappearance?”

Rong Jilin gradually calmed down after his initial panic because he knew that the Nan family still had no evidence. Otherwise, the police would have already arrested him directly.

“Rong Jilin, take me to where you're hiding the kid and release him. He is just a young kid! Keeping him locked up could traumatize him for life! How can you do something so cruel and heartless?” Rong Yi scolded.

Rong Jilin lifted his glass of wine and took a sip. “Yi, don't you understand what I'm saying? I haven't seen that child. You've got the wrong person.”

“Fine, since you're so obstinate, then I have no other choice. If you don't hand over the child, I'll have you imprisoned!” Rong Yi's voice finally turned cold.

Rong Jilin laughed. “You're joking, right? If the Nan family had evidence, the police would have arrested me already instead of sending you to mediate. Stop scaring me. That won't work with me.”

Rong Yi pointed at Rong Jilin as he said, “I have no evidence of you kidnapping the child, but I do have evidence of you embezzling company funds for gambling. Even though you are a shareholder in the company, it doesn't give you the right to do that, not to mention that you took a significant amount of money! If I hand over the evidence to the police, you'll end up in jail as well.”

Rong Jilin finally panicked because he had indeed used the money to gamble abroad and lost a substantial amount of it.

At that time, he had no choice but to seek his mother's help, who used her private funds to replace the stolen funds.

They believed that no one else was aware of this matter until Rong Yi surprised him with the knowledge.

“Even if you've already paid back that money, you can still be convicted! And once this matter is exposed, you will never have a chance to return to the company again! Rong Jilin, will you listen to me?” Rong Yi shouted.

Rong Jilin gaped, speechless.


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