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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18 

Benedict flashed a wicked smile, looking at Violet with eyes that seemed to be dripping with desire. He scooped Violet up and hurried upstairs

Veronica watched Violet being carried upstairs by Benedict and finally revealed a malicious grin. She thought, Hmph, competing with me! She’s too naive!” 

Henry, with a loving look, asked Veronica, Feeling satisfied now?” 

Veronica pouted, Let’s wait until we get the video. Even then, it might not necessarily be a real threat to her.” 

Henry’s eyes flickered as he thought for a moment. If she doesn’t want to tarnish her reputation, she’ll know the right thing to do.” 

Veronica smiled, grabbing Elaine’s arm. Mom’s way is always the most effective.” 

Earlier that morning, when Henry had learned that Violet had turned the tables on Veronica, he had been furious. However, after calming down, he realized that going headtohead with Violet would not work unless she voluntarily dropped the charges and issued a statement. But that idea was nothing short of wishful thinking

Thankfully, Elaine had come up with a plan. He had installed a signal jammer in the house, which he could activate when Violet returned, cutting her off from the outside world

During dinner, Violet’s meal and the cup beside her had been spiked with drugs. As long as Benedict took Violet upstairs and did what needed to be done, their plan would be halfway to success

Benedict was a playboy who would not pass up such a gift that was delivered to his doorstep. Moreover, even if Violet wanted to accuse them, there was no one in that room who could testify on her behalf

The room had long been equipped with cameras. Considering Violet’s penchant for using photos to deal with Veronica, they decided to employ the same tactic against her. The cameras in her room would capture everything she and Benedict did. Once they obtained the video of Violet and Benedict engaging in such activities, they could use it to blackmail Violet. At that point, she would have no choice but to comply with their demands

Henry had originally planned to use Violet in a political marriage, but he had not anticipated that Violet would be so rebellious and even attempt to harm his beloved Veronica. In that case, he had no choice but to take decisive action and make Violet face some consequences

Veronica had been pushed to the brink by Violet this time, otherwise, Henry would not have agreed to Elaine’s malicious plan

However ruthless Henry thought this method was, he could not deny its effectiveness. Once they obtained the video, they would have complete control 

over Violet, leaving her powerless to resist

Henry coldly thought that as long as Violet behaved, he could still arrange her marriage to Benedict

At the same time, a black RollsRoyce Phantom sped through the night and parked directly in front of the Webb’s villa

Patrick instructed Nelson to help Violet with the move. After he had finished two hours of meetings, the move still was not complete

As soon as he left the meeting room, Nelson rushed to inform him that in the afternoon, Violet had mentioned going home to pick up some stuff. He agreed and told her to get her things together and then contact him for a ride

However, an hour later, he could not get in touch with Violet. No matter how many times he called, her phone was unreachable. He hurriedly returned to the office to find Patrick, fearing that something might have gone wrong. If he did not know that Patrick’s earlier meeting was crucial, he would have stormed in earlier. After listening to Nelson’s report, Patrick’s face turned cold as he said, Go to the Webb’s house.” 

Patrick arrived at the Webb family’s residence with an intense aura, stepping out of the car

A BMW was parked in front of the Webb’s villa, and the front door was wide open, giving the impression that nothing major had happened. But Patrick had a gut feeling that Violet was at the Webb family’s house

As he walked in, Veronica was still talking, After it’s all done, make sure to back 

the video multiple times. Each of us should have a copy, just in case…” 


He strode into the mansion, and the three people at the dining table froze

Veronica’s words got stuck in her throat


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