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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 237

Chapter 237 

Rebecca did not expect that she would be caught talking bad about others behind their backs

When she saw Violet, she immediately cowered. However, she straightened her neck and glared at Violet, saying, Rose and Helen’s orders have been canceled. They even demanded compensation and said that you beat up a client in public. Do you dare to say that this didn’t happen?” 

It turned out that yesterday, Helen and Rose had a filming assignment, and Foreverie Jewelry had already finished work for the day when they arrived

At that time, they had caught hold of Rebecca. When Rebecca found out what had happened, she cornered Skyler early in the morning and requested that Violet be punished

Skyler frowned and looked at Violet. Violet, tell me what’s going on.” 

Skyler was aware that Rose and Helen wanted to cancel their orders. However, when they came over yesterday, he had already left work and had no idea what had happened

Now that the jewelry was almost finished, they not only decided not to proceed with the order but also shifted all the responsibility onto the company. The company had to bear a dual loss in terms of reputation and finances, something Skyler was determined to prevent

Violet glanced at Skyler and said expressionlessly, I did hit someone, and I’m willing to accept any punishment.” 

She could not admit in front of so many people that she had hit Helen because Helen had become involved in the relationship between Majorie and Bob, causing a love triangle

Even if Helen was shameless, Majorie still cared about her reputation

Skyler furrowed his brow deeply. So, you’re saying that what Helen said is true? You hit her, and that’s why she wants to cancel the customization?” 

Violet’s eyes flickered. I don’t know what she’s thinking, but it’s a fact that I hit her.” 

The members of the design department exchanged puzzled looks

Unexpectedly, Violet admitted to it so confidently

Skyler started to have a headache


14:48 Mon, 26 Feb 

Chapter 237 

However, before he could say anything, Rebecca and Ellic could not hold back any longer

Rebecca said, I didn’t realize, Ms. Webb, that after you had physically assaulted a client. and still be so unapologetic about it. Will anyone dare to hire you for design work in the future?” 

Ellie said, Mr. Brown, she took away two clients in a day and caused a serious reputation and financial loss to the company. You can’t let her off easily. In such a situation, you have to punish her severely to appease the clientsanger and make the others in the design department accept it wholeheartedly!” 

Skyler frowned and responded, I’ll ask Mr. Hersey first before making a decision!” 

He genuinely wanted to help Violet, but with Violet openly admitting to hitting someone, he could not outrightly show bias. He would have to consider Mr. Hersey’s opinion in this matter

When Ellie heard this, she was immediately unhappy. You can’t handle this matter? Why do you have to ask Mr. Hersey!” 

She could not help but assert her position as Skyler’s girlfriend

Rebecca also chimed in, In a case like this, there’s no need to consult Mr. Hersey. I’m afraid the consequence has to be dismissal, Mr. Brown. There are so many witnesses, and you must ensure fairness!” 

Skyler’s expression was grim. So you mean I should just fire Violet directly?” 

Rebecca shrugged, acting as if it was the obvious choice. What else can you do?” 

Just then, someone walked into the design department and sneered, saying, What’s going on? You have to fire Violet?” 

It was Majorie who walked in

She came to look for Violet today to sign an order to cancel the contract. However, she did not expect that the design department would be so noisy that no one would the client

As soon 

as she entered, she heard someone clamoring to fire Violet


Majorie immediately refused to accept this. Violet was her friend, and anyone who wanted to go after Violet would have to deal with her first

Violet felt her head pounding when she saw Majoric. Why did 

you come?” 

Majorie pursed her lips. I’m a client of your company, right? Why can’t I come?” 


14:48 Mon, 26 Feb & D. 

Chapter 237 

Violet looked at her speechlessly, not wanting to say anything

Rebecca immediately stepped forward with a flattering tone. Miss Queen, Violet hit a client, and now both the client and her friend want to cancel their jewelry customization orders. The company is currently discussing how to handle her. It seems that she may not be able to fulfill your order. You can consider having someone else continue with your jewelry customization!” 

Majoric looked at Rebecca mockingly and said. The others? You’re talking about. yourself, right?” 

Rebecca had not realized something was amiss and cagerly replied. I can do it too. My designs are often praised!” 

Majorie’s face bore no disguise for her scorn. Praise? You’re praising yourself, aren’t you? You’re quite audacious. It seems like you want to get rid of Violet by disciplining her. And I can very clearly tell you that Violet hit someone because of me. Don’t play tricks before me, or I might take matters into my own hands!” 

When Skyler heard this, his expression changed slightly. Miss Queen, you mean that Violet hit someone because of you?” 

Violet’s face tumed unpleasant. Majorie, that’s enough. This is none of your business!” 

Betrayal is

is not something anyone wants to discuss and joke about in front of others. Majoric pursed her lips indifferently. How is it none of my business? I didn’t know that Helen was your client. You hit Helen because of me. How can I not care when you’re in such a passive position?” 


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