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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 

Veronica was left speechless as she choked on his words. I’m not coming out anyway. If you want me to sign the divorce agreement, come to the ward.” 

Russell’s eyes flashed as he recalled Patrick’s instructions and asked in a cold tone, Which ward?” 

Veronica provided the ward number and abruptly hung up the phone

Russell touched the second button of his collar. This was a new piece of 

equipment Patrick had specially arranged for him. He couldn’t afford to return without gaining anything

As he gazed at the hospital building, he couldn’t help but show a bitter smile. He hadn’t anticipated that he, the president of Oceanen Jewelry, would now have fallen to be a spy

Suddenly, he felt a bit regretful. How come he and Violet had reached this point

It all began when Violet refused to have S** with him. He then became entangled with Veronica

Little did he expect that he would lose himself in the process

When Russell reached the upper floor, two b*dyguards stood at the door of the ward. They not only frisked him but also confiscated his cell phone

Upon entering the ward, he found Veronica munching on an apple

Russell promptly handed Veronica the divorce agreement. She had a quick fl*p through the divorce agreement and furrowed her brows. Is nothing being given to me after the divorce?” 

Russell asked with a gloomy face, What do you want?” 

Veronica didn’t hesitate and said, Money.” 

Russell looked at her sarcastically and sneered. You’re really after the money, huh?” 

Veronica’s face changed slightly. That’s not what you said in bed initially.” 

Russell mockingly curled his l*ps. Don’t you know that a man’s words can’t be trusted in bed?” 

Veronica’s expression turned cold. I don’t care. I’m married to you now, and I want an equal share of your assets. If not, I’ll file a lawsuit. I don’t believe I won’t get a penny. Don’t you think that you can just dismiss me like this.” 

Russell gazed at Veronica’s pure white face, which was tainted with insatiable greed

His tone grew stiffer as he said, Perhaps I should let the world see how repugnant your face is. If you want to file for divorce, go ahead. After all, Oceanen Jewelry is drowning in debt and lawsuits. If you want it, I can share half of it with you.” 

Veronica’s face abruptly shifted, and she declared, Alright, I’ll sign.” 

Russell felt a wave of disgust wash over him as he witnessed how quickly Veronica changed her attitude

At that moment, he realized not only did he lack Patrick’s business acumen, but he also came up short when it came to reading people

How on earth had he become so blind and ended up entangled with Veronica in the first place

As Russell watched Veronica sign the agreement, his thoughts drifted to what Patrick had said to him before. He coldly remarked, Don’t get too cocky. People are only showing you pity now. Can you keep resorting to suicidal tactics for sympathy every time? Frankly, I can’t comprehend how you have the audacity to make those statements online. It’s evident that you benefited from Violet’s designs and cheated with me all along, yet here you are, feigning innocence. Where’s your sense of shame, Veronica?” 


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