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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 381

Chapter 381 

Patrick shook his head slightly. He bent down and reached out to hold Violet’s hand. It’s all my fault. I didn’t protect you well. I was clearly there at that time, but you were still hurt!” 

No one knew how flustered Patrick was when he felt the blood on her head

Violet frowned slightly. She did not like his selfreproach. You’ve done your best. Your arm is corroded by sulphuric acid! I can feel your intentions and determination to protect me!” 

Megan, who was standing at the side, looked at Patrick’s arm in surprise and noticed that his arm was wrapped in gauze

To be honest, she was a little angry when she heard that Patrick was also present, but Violet was injured

She did not notice that Patrick’s arm was injured too

From the looks of it, she was being arbitrary

Patrick stared at Violet’s pale face and shook his head. He said in a deep voice, It’s not enough to have the heart and determination. I still can’t do it well enough!” 

If he had personally gone upstairs to pick up Violet or waited for Violet to leave together, he would have reacted in time to prevent Violet from being injured when the danger happened

Violet could see the deep heartache in Patrick’s eyes

She pursed her lips and reached out to hold Patrick Hersey’s hand. She did not. want to She pursed her lips and reached out to hold Patrick’s hand. She did not want to continue this topic. this topic

Regarding her injury, the more he talked about it, the more upset Patrick felt

She changed the subject. By the way, Patrick, how’s your arm?” 

Patrick shook his head. I’m fine! You don’t have to worry!” 

Patrick’s tone made it clear that he did not want to discuss his injured arm

1:48 Fri, Mar 

Chapter 381 

He reached his hand out and touched Violet’s pale face. He was still filled with lingering fear. This incident had really frightened him

Fortunately, Violet was fine


He could not imagine how serious the consequences would be if the sulphuric acid was really splashed on Violet

Violet looked at him. She wanted to persuade Patrick, but when she thought of how she looked lying on the hospital bed, she was at a loss for words

At this moment, Patrick’s phone rang

Patrick looked down and saw that it was Nelson calling

He gently rubbed Violet’s little face. Lie down obediently. I’m going out to take a call!” 

Violet nodded obediently

Patrick stood up and glanced at Megan. Megan, please take care of Violet !” 

Megan nodded

As soon as Patrick left, Megan walked over and stood where Patrick had been standing

Her small face had already regained its coolness. It was unimaginable how anxious she was at the entrance of the emergency room just now

Megan looked at Violet and pursed her lips. Patrick is quite worried about you!” 

When Violet heard this, she felt a little upset. He pounced over desperately at that time and almost got splashed the sulphuric acid on his back. Fortunately, he only got a small splash on his arm in the end. Otherwise, I don’t know how badly he would have been injured!” 

Megan’s eyes flashed. That’s right, Fortunately, the two of you are fine. By the way, do you know why that person splashed acid on you?” 

Violet shook her head. I don’t know! His face was twisted and he was shouting, ‘Violet, go to hell. I was so scared that I didn’t even think about it!” 

Megan nodded and did not ask further

ly investigate such a serious matter

At the same time, in the stairwell outside the ward

Patrick answered the call

Nelson’s voice came from the phone. Mr. Hersey, the police have already interrogated the man using the sulphuric acid. The other party claims to be a fan of Rose. His mental state is a little extreme. He claims that Miss Webb ruined Rose’s reputation and was sentenced. That’s why he took revenge on Miss Webb!” 

When Patrick heard this, his voice was faint, but it inexplicably made one’s back turn cold. Oh, really? That’s what he said?” 

Nelson nodded. This is the testimony of the police!” 

Patrick’s eyes flashed and he said calmly, Think of a way to get him out. Do you understand what I mean?” 

Nelson was stunned. You mean, we won’t sue him and let the police release him. But what he did has already violated the law!” 

Patrick’s tone was cold and his words were terrifying. Didn’t you say that his mental state is extreme? Isn’t that a mental illness? As far as I know, a mental patient doesn’t need to be sentenced, right? Give him a mental illness certificate and get him out. I’ll personally send him for treatment!” 

Nelson could not help but shudder when he heard Patrick’s last sentence. Alright, Mr. Hersey. I’ll arrange it now!” 

A sinister look flashed across Patrick’s eyes as he hung up

Patrick walked back with a dark expression. He reached his hand to rub his brows. Just as he adjusted his emotions and walked to the door of the ward, he suddenly saw an extremely familiar person walking towards him

Patrick subconsciously frowned. Freddie!” 

Freddie was panicking. When he heard Patrick’s voice, his gaze focused on him. Patrick, why are you here?” 

Patrick frowned. I should be the one asking you that. Why are you here?” 




Chapter 381 

Freddie pursed his lips and looked a little anxious. I have a junior who’s in trouble. I came to the hospital to take a look. Is there anything else? If not, I have to go first!” 

When Patrick heard the word junior, he seemed to have thought of something and his expression did not look good

After Freddie finished speaking, he walked to the hospital ward door a few steps away and was about to reach his hand out to knock

Patrick’s face darkened completely. He said coldly, interrupting Freddie who was about to knock on the door, Freddie!” 

Freddie turned around and frowned. What’s wrong? Is there anything else?” 

Patrick’s eyes were turbulent, but his expression was extremely calm. There’s something I want to ask you!” 


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