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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe novel Chapter 4


Violet’s face turned red instantly, and her voice sounded muffled. Yeah, I know.” 

Since she decided to marry Patrick, she had been wellprepared for this. She wasn’t the kind of woman who easily fell for others, but she wasn’t a conservative or rigid girl either

Since she had taken on the role of someone’s wife to protect herself, sacrifices were naturally expected

But she still hoped that day would come later. The later, the better. After all, they were strangers until this very moment

Throughout the journey, Patrick didn’t say a word. Even during the meal, he remained silent, which made the atmosphere thick with tension

After finishing the meal, Violet excused herself. After all, she had a tough battle to fight in the afternoon

Patrick glanced at her and said, No matter what you’re planning to do, my assistant will pick you up at seven tonight. It’s our wedding night. Keep that in mind.” 

Violet blushed and replied in a low voice, Okay, I will.” 

With that, she left in a hurry

Watching Violet’s figure, the assistant couldn’t help but comment, The way Mrs. Hersey talks to you reminds me of Miss Tyler, and they look quite alike!” 

Patrick’s gaze swept over him like a sharp blade, causing a shiver to run down the assistant’s spine. You’ve worked for me for so long, so I thought you had some discretion in what to say and what not to.” 

The assistant shrank his neck in fear

Patrick paused for a second and continued, Besides, they are two different kinds of people.” 

The assistant had a pitiful expression on his face as he said, Sorry Mr. Hersey, I shouldn’t have said that.” 

Patrick ignored his words, his gaze cold and intimidating. Follow her. If anything happens, intervene immediately.” 

The assistant nodded at once and replied, I’ll go right away!” 

Remember, I will never let my woman be bullied by anyone. Understand?Patrick’s expression was icy and arrogant as if he were a deity on a pedestal, noble and untouchable

The assistant nodded like crazy, sheepishly turned around, and left

Just as the assistant left, Patrick’s phone suddenly rang. He calmly glanced at it, and his pupils visibly contracted

What’s up?Patrick answered the call, his tone so cold that it was suffocating

Patrick, I heard you got married to someone else?Gloria Tyler’s voice sounded as if she would cry at any time

Patrick’s voice became even colder. I said I wouldn’t give anyone a chance to stand me up for the fourth time.” 

Gloria’s voice sounded somewhat desperate. I already explained it. I had something to do in Freiland. Why can’t you give me some time? Is our 

relationship always inferior to your pride? Patrick, you are always so arrogant. Do you really love me?” 

The woman on the other end of the phone continued to shout desperately, but Patrick’s face remained cold as he hung up the phone

Did he love her? Of course, he had feelings for her, but if she relied on his love for her to manipulate him, he would definitely teach her a lesson. Since she dared to stand him up, he could easily find another woman to take her place and make her regret it

As soon as Violet got into the car, she opened up the entertainment news. With just one glance, she could see the hottest piece of entertainment news at the 


CEO of Oceanen Jewelry, Accompanied by His Mysterious New Wife, Heads to the City Hall!the title read

There was a picture to prove it

Also, there were all kinds of comments below

Damn, a new scumbag has been exposed. Wasn’t he supposed to be with Violet, the designer of Oceanen Jewelry?” 

Maybe he went to the city hall with Violet!” 

No way, that’s impossible. I’ve seen Violet in person, and their heights don’t match at all! Seriously!” 

Could it be that Russell Fraley is another scumbag who’s dating several women? He’s not afraid of getting caught by his girlfriend?” 

Whether he’s a scumbag or not, maybe they’ve already broken up in private! This is all just hype. Stay calm and enjoy the show, everyb*dy!” 


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