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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 105

Nina looks at Lucien warily, trying to pull up the sheet to cover her body. Lucien grabs the sheet with one hand, and his strong body presses against her.

“Don’t touch me!” She pushes him away.

He hugs her tightly. “Listen to me!”

She feels the pain in her bones. She feels that he is squeezing all the air out of her chest. She freezes there. Her face is colder than ice. “Lucien, let me go.”

“No!” He hugs her and refuses to let go. He’s like the naughty baby.

She can feel his warm breath clearly in her ear. He does nothing but hold her tight. He whispers in her ear, “Nina, will you be my woman? I can see that you like Nelson very much. Stay with Nelson and me and treat Nelson as your own baby, OK?”

She is very angry when she hears that. “You blackmail me with Nelson?”

“I didn’t!” He growls.

“What do you mean then?” She asks in a deep voice. Her voice is very cold.

Finally, Nina struggles and pushes him hard. “You let go of me. I hate you!”

He is pushed away by her and wants to reach for her. He accidentally pulls the sheet off her. She continues to struggle and the sheet is torn off.

He stops. He pulls Nina into his arms with strong arms. He presses her on the bed behind him.

His eyes are fixed on Nina who is already gasping with fear. “Why are you shy? We have hugged many times.”

They look at each other. She blushes angrily. She is shy and angry. She wants to struggle, but she is weak. She can only be pressed by Lucien’s strong chest and can’t move.

Lucien looks at her. His voice is low, magnetic and a little hoarse, “I didn’t mean to. You were struggling. Nina, you seduce me on purpose!”

“Lucien!” Nina roars. “You are shameless! When did I seduce you? I wish you are far from me!”

He frowns and stares at her. “You hate me so much? But before you had feelings for me. One time is no different from many times, is it?”

“Lucien!” She blushes and stops him from going on.

“I remember you responded to me warmly under me!” He laughs wildly and says blatantly. “Didn’t you?”

Nina’s face gets redder. She puts her hand over Lucien’s mouth and her voice is shaking. “Don’t talk nonsense!”

“Why can’t I say it?” Lucien whispers. He has a joking smile on the corner of his mouth, “I’m going to say that.”

Nina’s heart suddenly pricks. She bows her head and struggles to push him. His kisses fall on her face. He holds her in his arms and stops her from struggling.

“Ah! No!” Nina screams. Warm tears burn his lips. He looks up at her in a daze and finds her in tears.

Nina turns and doesn’t look at Lucien’s handsome face. But tears run down her cheeks. She hates her inability to resist Lucien’s attack. She finally surrenders completely and enjoys his aggression.

She looks down on herself! Nina is biting her lips and can not help sobbing. “I’m not a prostitute. Don’t do this to me!”

Seeing her cry, Lucien turns over and holds Nina’s hand. He does not speak but kisses her palms tenderly with his lips. Nina is shocked and wants to take back her hand. Lucien whispers, “OK, I won’t touch you! Don’t cry...”

Nina pulls the quilt with shame and trembling, trying to cover her body.

Lucien helps her with the quilt. He holds her and looks at her face. He sees a clear little image of himself in her beautiful eyes with tears in them.

Lucien doesn’t speak. He lowers his head and kisses Nina’s palm gently. After a while, he raises his head and asks her, “Nina, think it over. Can you be my woman?”

She is stunned. She knows that he is the man all women dream of marrying, but she is the only exception.

She can’t accept him after all that hurt. She can’t do it.

She doesn’t love him. She never loves him.

She is poor and humble, but her heart is not for sale. Only one man can walk into her heart. That’s Troy. Never Lucien!

At the thought of Troy, Nina’s heart hurts! Originally, she can have a clean life and she can stand in front of Troy to be a happy woman. But it’s all ruined by Lucien!

“No! I don’t agree!”

The two look at each other deeply. After a while Lucien looks down at Nina and says, “you can see Nelson every day and enjoy being a mother. Don’t you agree?”

His hot breath is in Nina’s ear, which makes her tremble again.

“Lucien! I warn you not to blackmail me with Nelson! That’s your own son! Why do you take such a small baby as a chip? Are you human or not!” Her heart aches at the thought of the baby.


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