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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 108

He just said the wrong thing and was shot twice?

Nina looks up and just sees Lucien’s eyes. She is inexplicably nervous.

Nina stops looking at him and looks down and says, “really? I thought you were not his own son. Now it seems that you are indeed his own son.”

“Nina, what do you mean?” Lucien frowns.

“Because both of you are moody.”

Lucien is enraged by Nina and says, “Nina!”

Seeing Lucien is angry, Nina is in a better mood.

“Eat this apple.” She hands him the peeled apple.

Lucien looks at her little white face. There is a smile on the corner of her mouth. She is playful and pure. Lucien is staring at her.

Lucien doesn’t pick up the apple. Nina looks up at him in surprise but sees his hot eyes.

She blushes at once.

“Nina, come here.”

Nina thinks Lucien is asking her to pass the apple to him. So she goes to the bedside.

Lucien opens her mouth slightly and asks Nina to feed him.

Seeing the snow-white bandage on his chest, Nina sighs and hands the apple to his mouth.

Lucien doesn’t bite the apple, but he bites Nina’s upturned finger.

Nina lets out a scream. What is he doing?

Nina stares at Lucien.

Nina’s brain buzzes for a moment. Suddenly, she realizes that Lucien is taking advantage of her!

Nina throws the apple into the garbage can next to her.

“Nina! What are you doing? I haven’t eaten it yet!” Lucien yells.

“I don’t think you want an apple at all. I might as well throw it away.” Nina takes a look at him.

Lucien stares at Nina’s dodging figure. He resists the urge to rush in front of her and hold her in his arms. He grits his teeth and says, “Nina! Come and kiss me!”

Why is this man so domineering?

Nina stands far away and looks up at Lucien gravely. “Lucien, were you nervous today when I was pointed at the head with a gun?”

Lucien didn’t expect Nina to ask that all of a sudden. He freezes and turns. His tone is awkward and stiff. “It’s none of your business!”

Lucien doesn’t answer, and Nina goes on, “I saw your eyes. You were nervous and upset. You were afraid I would be killed by them. Right?”

Lucien is a little embarrassed. He impatiently interrupts Nina, “Why are you so wordy today? What do you want to say?”

Nina is standing by Lucien’s bed. Her clean face is worn and haggard. She looks at him quietly and slowly opens her mouth. “Lucien, you like me, don’t you? Or are you in love with me?”

Nina asks directly without any implication.

Lucien didn’t expect Nina, who has been indifferent to him, to ask such a direct question. He freezes at once.

His heart suddenly beats faster.

After a while, Lucien raises his chin slightly and looks at Nina proudly, “what about you, Nina?”

Nina never admits that she loves him, but Lucien doesn’t believe it. How can there be a woman who doesn’t love him?

It’s impossible.

Nina looks at Lucien.

Why does he answer that? Why doesn’t he deny her directly? Why doesn’t he laugh at her for thinking too much? Why doesn’t he satirize her for taking herself too seriously?

He means that he admits that she has guessed right. Lucien does like her.

Nina lowers her eyes and smiles bitterly, “Lucien, I don’t love you.” Nina raises her eyes again and looks into his eyes. She says seriously, “so don’t fall in love with me.”

Don’t fall in love with her.

She can’t afford his love. She’s just an ordinary woman and wants to live an ordinary life. She can’t be with Lucien.


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