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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 119

“Err…” Nina nervously looks at Lucien. As his personality, who knows what he will say to make her blush!

“Do I need to court her? Nina is my woman at all!” Lucien glances at Nina, says lightly.

“Oh! Nina! So you and Mr. Grey have been dating! You didn’t tell me! You are not a friend of my!” Lucien exclaimed, “No wonder Mr. Grey always takes care of you! No wonder you were kissing so hot just for a game! Nina! You are not a friend!”

Nina is speechless.

Sunny doesn’t know that Nina is not a real girlfriend of Lucien but a mistress, a prey that Lucien is entangled with.

Lucien also said that she would never get a status as his wife!

Nina looks up, takes a deep breath and tries to explain, “Sunny, it’s not as what you think, I’m not dating with Mr. Grey. Me and him, just...”

She really does not know how to explain the word mistress, which is too humble, too humiliating.

Peter Johnson eyes flash a light, and his face is still with unruly smile. He looks at Nina, and then looks at Lucien.

Lucien narrows his eyes. Why this woman so unwilling to admit to others about her relationship with him? In her eyes he can’t stand under the light?

Anger rolls in his heart, and his eyes are colder and sharper. He seizes Nina’s jaw directly and says, “Nina Morrison, what did you say? Say it again!”

Nina says unyieldingly, “Say what? Are we dating? Do you dare to say that you are my boyfriend and I am your girlfriend?”

Lucien stares at Nina’s face closely with his deep eyes. Nobody can see his mood in his eyes.

Peter Johnson feels something wrong, then he quickly pulls Lucien back, “Lucien, don’t do that. We came out for fun, don’t be so nervous.”

Sunny is also frightened by the sudden quarrel. Nina and Lucien, they look like a couple clearly, or, Lucien is chasing Nina! Why would they had a quarrel?

Lucien ignores Peter Johnson and his eyes tightly stares Nina, “You blame me for not giving you a title? You want to be my real girlfriend?”

He suddenly feels good. So Nina is angry at this. She is desired to marry him, entangle him for a lifetime? Lucien loves the feeling of being entangled by Nina.

Looking at the worried and sympathetic eyes of Peter Johnson and Sunny, Nina is shivering with rage!

She was played by Lucien like a monkey, and Lucien kissed her and presses her against her will whenever he wants. And he uses violence to her in front of so many people. This man, does he know how to respect others or not?

He said he loved her, but he never thought about her feelings! Arrogant, domineering, unreasonable, such a man, she does not like him at all!

Nina clenches her lips, stares firmly back to Lucien, and says in a low but firm and clear voice, “I am sorry, Lucien. I never wanted to be your girlfriend! I am not interested in you!”

I am not interested in you. Leave me alone! I am not interested in you and stop pestering me!

Lucien’s eyes suddenly become cold and bloody, and he squeezes Nina’s jaw fiercely! Nina is in pain and sends out a low cry.

“What are you doing?! Lucien Grey! Let go!” Sunny finds out something is wrong and shouts at once.

Sunny has always been enthusiastic chivalrous, and is loyal to friends. Nina is her best friend and of course she will not just watch Nina bullied by Lucien.

Lucien is her boss, but so what? At the worst she quit! She could never have watched a good friend get bullied in front of her!

Peter Johnson is a little surprised that Sunny is really quite daring. Does she know who Lucien is? She even dares to call his name directly! Her eyes have more appreciation to Sunny.

Nina does not struggle, nor speak. She just coldly looks at Lucien, with despair, cold, and contempt in her eyes.

All the anger in his heart is emerge by her eyes! She came to a blind date behind his back! Denied her relationship with him! Looked at him with hate!

Lucien gnashed his teeth and says to Nina in a low voice, “Nina Morrison, if you want to die, I will help you!”

He suddenly pulls Nina up from her seat and drags her out to the door. It’s too sudden that Nina can’t stand firm and twist her ankle. It hurts like hell.

But Lucien doesn’t notice Nina’s ankle was twisted, just angrily carrying her to continue to move forward!

Nina clenches her lips and says nothing. She is completely desperate! Drag her out, just drag her out. He had better kill her! She has had enough of this kind of life!

Just a twist and her shoes were off from her feet. White feet is dragging on the floor, the skin is grinding, and blood dripping at the ground!

Peter Johnson and Sunny stare blankly for a while, and then they react furiously. Both of them jump to Nina and Lucien at the same time!

Peter Johnson grasps Lucie’s arms and says, “Lucien, calm down!” Peter Johnson has never seen Lucien have such a big temper toward a woman. If a woman is not good and he hates, he just find someone to kill her or throw a pile of money to send her away.

It is the first time he has seen Lucien teach a woman personally. This Nina really has the ability to make Lucien so angry!


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