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The Contract Lover (Nina Morrison and Lucien Gray) novel Chapter 120

Sunny steadies Nina, and they stumbled back to Sunny’s home. Their hearts finally settle down from pit-a-pat.

“Nina, sit down, and I will get you the ointment for your wound.” Sunny distresses to look at Nina’s feet and quickly runs to find ointment.

Nina puts down her bag, looking at Sunny’s small home.

It is a one-bed room apartment, only more than 50 square meters. But Sunny keeps her house as clean as a new pin. The floor is clean and bright, and fresh African chrysanthemums are inserted in a shiny glass bottle on the small table.

It can be seen that Sunny is living with heart.

Nina suddenly envies Sunny. She also wants to have such a small room, not too big, as long as it completely belongs to her. She wants to be an independent person, not Lucien’s pet.

“Nina, what is going on between you and Mr. Grey?” Sunny comes over with the ointment and helps Nina to take the medicine skillfully.

“I um…” Nina really does not know how to describe her relationship with Lucien. She is afraid of that Sunny would look down on her. She has few friends, so she cherishes every one of them.

Sunny is a very clever girl. Seeing Nina’s hesitant appearance, she knows Nina must have difficulties.

She clenches Nina’s hand, looks at her sincerely and says, “Nian, no matter what reasons you have, no matter what your relationship with Lucien Grey, I am your friend. I will always stand on your side.”

Nina is very touched. Nobody has said such warm words to her since her father had died.

Lucien sometimes is also nice to her, but that kind of nice isn’t nice to a woman but a pet. If he is in a good mood, he will fondle her; if he iis in a bad mood, he will use violence to her. But Sunny is different, Sunny is really thinking for her consideration, really can stand in her position.

“Sunny…actually, I am Lucien’s… mistress.” Nina says difficultly, word by word.

Finally told the truth to Sunny, Nina suddenly feels relax. The burden of her heart shares to another, the feeling will be much better.

Sunny stares in surprised, “Nina, you just came to the company a few days, how could you have been targeted by him?”

Nina says with a sad smile, “In fact, I have been tangled with him for more than a year...”

Looking at the surprised eyes of Sunny, Nina gradually tells the story of her and Lucien.

Sometimes being angry, sometimes being worried, Sunny completely is immersed in Nina’s description. Nina has already told her the process of meeting Lucien, but Sunny is still immersed in the story.

“Nina, do you think Lucien maybe really likes you?” Sunny frowned and says to Nina.


Nina is speechless. She spoke half a day of and said so much, unexpectedly Sunny would came to such a conclusion!

“Nina, Lucien’s character is always potent and powerful, but he seems really falls in love with you. Or he will not be like this. You know, he is so powerful, what kind of woman he can’t get? Why does he have to hang on to you? It does not make any sense except that he loves you.”

“Sunny! Do you understand that it is not love at all? It’s just his possessiveness! To love a person, first you should learn to respect her, not to impose your own will on her!”

Sunny almost vacillates by Nina’s word, “Well, perhaps. But I don’t think Lucien is a bad guy from what you said. He just has a bad temper, and is a little bossy.”

Nina helplessly looks at the sky. For the first time, she feels unable to communicate with Sunny.

“Nina, I think you can think about it! If Lucien can change his character for you, I think you can consider accepting his chase.” Sunny says earnestly.

“Sunny, are you crazy? Is that a chase? That is captivity! Do you understand it or not?” Nina really feels Nina’s views are wrong.

“Never mind and forget my business. Tell me about you. Peter Johnson seems to be very fond of you. What about you, shall I fix you up?” Nina simply changes the topic since Sunny can’t understand her words.

Sunny rolls her eyes and says, “No! Do not fix it for me! That Peter Johnson must be a playboy at first sight. I do not want to be his 2750 th woman!”

“Ha ha ha…” Nina is tickled to death by Sunny’s words, “Peter Johnson seems 27 years old this year. If he has 2750 women, then he will have to sleep with 100 women a year! Wow! What a surprising number!”

Hearing Nina’s banter, Sunny also laughed aloud, “Wishful thinking for Peter Johnson!”

Two girls frolic together and temporarily forgot about the farce in the bar.

In Peter Johnson’s bar, Lucien is drinking wine a glass and a glass in depressed.

He opens a bottle of 1982 Lafite, and then drinks it in few mouthfuls. In the end, he drinks directly to the bottle without glass.


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