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Never Blinded by Love (Linda and Wilson) novel Chapter 339

Chapter 339 

Samson’s voice echoed slighth through the phone. I’m busy right now, but head home as soon as I’m done. Lexi, be a good girl and listen to Mommy, okay? I’ll bring you a cake when I get back” 

With that the call ended 

inda round the situation strange but didn’t well on it. After all, Smson was an adult. There wasn’t much to worry about

The nay’s wice tang out, calling them for dinner

Are you staving to dinner or heading home? Linda asked William, still holding Lexi 

If you don’t mind, I’d like to eat here

William replied

Suit voelt,she said, caring Lex into the kitchen to wash her hands

As Lexi scrubbed her small, chubby ringers, she glanced up at Linda. She asked, Mommy, why does it seem like you don’t really like Uncle William?– 

thought you like handsome guys,she added

Lindadsheet Lexi down. And how do you know Mommy likes handsome guys

When Aunt Lina took me to visit you on set, there were so many super handsome guys there,Lexi said

Het love to good looks was obvious. She adored handsome people, just like Linda 

Momy does like handsome guys, but your Uncle Willam isn’t one of them,Linda replied, choosing her words carefully

she didn’t want to sav outright that she disliked William, so she used a gentler way to explain it

Finish your dinner quickly. It we eat early, we can wait for Daddy to bring the cake. If your tummy’s too full, you won’t be able to sleep well,she added

Will stood behind them, overhearing every word. He felt a pang in his chest, suffocated by the weight of it all but unable to find the right words to respond. After all he knew he had on himself to blame

At Westin Villa 

So, you skipped dinner with the wide and kid to come here? Is my food really better than what’s at home? The man smirked at Samson, his voice dripping with sarcasm. You know exactly why I’m here.” 

Samson shot back, his eyes narrowing with contempt as he stared at the man who still carried himself with arrogant selfassurance

t’s just a minor issue, isn’t it? Did you really need to show up in person for something so trivial

Samson stared at the man. Just because I’ve stayed silent, you think I’m unaware? Because Thaven’t said anything, you assume I’m okay with what you’ve been doing? Every move you’ve made has crossed my line. If it weren’t for our years of history, do you honestly think you’d be sitting here having this conversation with me?” 

The man remained unshaken. Mr.Lynch, no need to be so dramatic. What line have crossed? Isn’t your line always about money? Have I touched your money? I’ve been helping you make more.” 

Don’t say that. You mentioned it’s out of our years of history. The reason I’ve done so much for you is because of that history. I respect you because your family has done a lot for me. Without that connection, we probably wouldn’t have any relationship at all.” 


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