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Never Late, Never Away (Vivian and Finnick) novel Chapter 7

Read online Never Late, Never Away free Chapter 7

However, there was no time to think over what she had felt. Not daring to look Finnick in the eyes again, she rushed for the bathroom.

Slamming the door shut, she leaned back against it, with her heart thumping in her chest rapidly.

That was too close! Just a little bit more and…

Just the thought of what could have happened scared her. At the same time, she was a little puzzled.

We’re officially married, so technically us doing ‘that’ is normal and within reason. Is it mean of me to run off like that?

Even as she wondered this, the dangerous look in his eyes flashed past her mind again. She could not help the shiver that had run down her spine.

This was only the third time that she and Finnick had seen each other. She could not accept them having sexual relations, after only knowing each other for such a short period of time.

Nevertheless, taking into account his earlier reaction, did that mean that her male colleagues had been wrong? Finnick had been affected, just like any other normal man. So, did that mean that he was not affected at all in ‘that’ way, despite being crippled?

Realizing where her thoughts were heading, she mentally slapped herself.

Vivian William, what are you thinking! Why do you care about whether those functions of his are normal? The only reason that you’d married him was to get in the household register of Sunshine City! Stop thinking about all this other nonsense!

Though, there was one thing that was very strange.

When she had fallen into Finnick’s lap earlier, she had accidentally touched his legs.

She had always thought that wheelchair-bound people would have thin, weak legs, from not being able to use their muscles. Oddly enough, his legs were actually quite firm. They were nothing at all like how a crippled man’s legs should be…

Knock, knock.

The sudden rapping on the bathroom door had cut through her chaotic thought processes.

Nearly jumping out of her skin, Vivian lifted her head to stare at the door. “What?”

“Open the door.” Finnick’s deep voice called out from the other side.

Her heart leaped to her throat as it threatened to crawl out of her mouth.

Open the door? Why?

Recalling the lustful look in his eyes earlier, her fingers gripped the countertop harder, as her imagination ran wild.

Since Finnick did not get a reply from her, he spoke up again, “You’d dropped something.”

At such words, her thoughts screeched to a halt, as she soon hesitated. Several moments later, she approached the door and opened it up a tiny sliver.

A fine-boned hand appeared, with a fluffy white towel.

Vivian was taken aback.

“You were looking for this earlier, weren’t you? That’s why you had come out.” There was a barely noticeable note of laughter in his tone, causing her to blush brightly.

“Thank you,” she murmured while accepting the towel. She hastily closed the door after that.

When she was done drying and dressing, she exited the bathroom to see Finnick already dressed in navy blue silk pajamas. He was sitting on the bed, with his laptop on his legs. His fingers flew across his keyboard rapidly, as he seemed engrossed with whatever he was doing.

This scene had Vivian’s curiosity rearing its head again.


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